
来源:互联网 发布:云计算的好处有哪些() 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 15:27





    这些东东才是最核心的东东。但是却是一个程序员一辈子都无法完全掌握的东西。很多人以为写出了高难度的反射代码就是很牛,也有人认为利用C++模板来进行编程就多牛多牛,还有人觉得会写makefile文件,掌握了某种高难度语言很牛。但是我认为这些都不重要,重要的是要有思想。思考者比行动者在关键时候定大局。中国人的技术书籍缺乏的就是思想。在中国,可以肯定,没有几个人能写出像thinking in java这样的鸿篇巨著,更没有人能够超越 design pattern,来描述其思想。反之,像《自己动手写操作系统》,《21天学java》,《程序员的自我修养》,《面试宝典》,《C++面试一百例》, android内核开发要点等等等等一系列的书籍在中国却是层出不穷。为什么,因为缺乏思考,来不及思考,更或者懒得思考。然而,作为一名专业级的程序员,不思考就意味着退步,不学习就意味着淘汰。



struct ANativeWindow{#ifdef __cplusplus    ANativeWindow()        : flags(0), minSwapInterval(0), maxSwapInterval(0), xdpi(0), ydpi(0)    {        common.magic = ANDROID_NATIVE_WINDOW_MAGIC;        common.version = sizeof(ANativeWindow);        memset(common.reserved, 0, sizeof(common.reserved));    }    /* Implement the methods that sp<ANativeWindow> expects so that it       can be used to automatically refcount ANativeWindow's. */    void incStrong(const void* id) const {        common.incRef(const_cast<android_native_base_t*>(&common));    }    void decStrong(const void* id) const {        common.decRef(const_cast<android_native_base_t*>(&common));    }#endif    struct android_native_base_t common;    /* flags describing some attributes of this surface or its updater */    const uint32_t flags;    /* min swap interval supported by this updated */    const int   minSwapInterval;    /* max swap interval supported by this updated */    const int   maxSwapInterval;    /* horizontal and vertical resolution in DPI */    const float xdpi;    const float ydpi;    /* Some storage reserved for the OEM's driver. */    intptr_t    oem[4];    /*     * Set the swap interval for this surface.     *     * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.     */    int     (*setSwapInterval)(struct ANativeWindow* window,                int interval);    /*     * Hook called by EGL to acquire a buffer. After this call, the buffer     * is not locked, so its content cannot be modified. This call may block if     * no buffers are available.     *     * The window holds a reference to the buffer between dequeueBuffer and     * either queueBuffer or cancelBuffer, so clients only need their own     * reference if they might use the buffer after queueing or canceling it.     * Holding a reference to a buffer after queueing or canceling it is only     * allowed if a specific buffer count has been set.     *     * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.     */    int     (*dequeueBuffer)(struct ANativeWindow* window,                struct ANativeWindowBuffer** buffer);    /*     * hook called by EGL to lock a buffer. This MUST be called before modifying     * the content of a buffer. The buffer must have been acquired with     * dequeueBuffer first.     *     * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.     */    int     (*lockBuffer)(struct ANativeWindow* window,                struct ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer);    /*     * Hook called by EGL when modifications to the render buffer are done.     * This unlocks and post the buffer.     *     * The window holds a reference to the buffer between dequeueBuffer and     * either queueBuffer or cancelBuffer, so clients only need their own     * reference if they might use the buffer after queueing or canceling it.     * Holding a reference to a buffer after queueing or canceling it is only     * allowed if a specific buffer count has been set.     *     * Buffers MUST be queued in the same order than they were dequeued.     *     * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.     */    int     (*queueBuffer)(struct ANativeWindow* window,                struct ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer);    /*     * hook used to retrieve information about the native window.     *     * Returns 0 on success or -errno on error.     */    int     (*query)(const struct ANativeWindow* window,                int what, int* value);    /*     * hook used to perform various operations on the surface.     * (*perform)() is a generic mechanism to add functionality to     * ANativeWindow while keeping backward binary compatibility.     *     * DO NOT CALL THIS HOOK DIRECTLY.  Instead, use the helper functions     * defined below.     *     *  (*perform)() returns -ENOENT if the 'what' parameter is not supported     *  by the surface's implementation.     *     * The valid operations are:     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_USAGE     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_CONNECT               (deprecated)     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_DISCONNECT            (deprecated)     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_CROP     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_BUFFER_COUNT     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_BUFFERS_GEOMETRY  (deprecated)     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_BUFFERS_TRANSFORM     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_BUFFERS_TIMESTAMP     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_BUFFERS_DIMENSIONS     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_BUFFERS_FORMAT     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_SET_SCALING_MODE     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_LOCK                   (private)     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_UNLOCK_AND_POST        (private)     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CONNECT            (private)     *     NATIVE_WINDOW_API_DISCONNECT         (private)     *     */    int     (*perform)(struct ANativeWindow* window,                int operation, ... );    /*     * Hook used to cancel a buffer that has been dequeued.     * No synchronization is performed between dequeue() and cancel(), so     * either external synchronization is needed, or these functions must be     * called from the same thread.     *     * The window holds a reference to the buffer between dequeueBuffer and     * either queueBuffer or cancelBuffer, so clients only need their own     * reference if they might use the buffer after queueing or canceling it.     * Holding a reference to a buffer after queueing or canceling it is only     * allowed if a specific buffer count has been set.     */    int     (*cancelBuffer)(struct ANativeWindow* window,                struct ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer);    void* reserved_proc[2];};

