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一、            甲方委托及同意事项:


2. 甲方委托乙方辩理本工程之工程项目分包施工执行,并同意乙方得以工程顾问之位械、階与分包项目之施工执行单位签定咨询顾问合同。

3. 甲方同意乙方以代表施工执行单位之身份,与甲方进行施工合同之议定及签约。

二、            乙方义务:

1.      乙方自本意向书生效日起,为甲方代办所有建厂有关之政府行政文件程序,相关规费及手续费由甲方支付。

2.      乙方为甲方负责上述工程项目之工程进度与质量之控管并对其他工程项目有主动协调之义务。

3.      乙方对本工程项目向甲方提供良好之施工执行,且施工全程指派专业人员进行驻场管理。

4.      乙方对甲方之建厂规划设计方案,遇有法令变动或不合适宜之情况时,有义务主动向甲方提出调整或修正建设方案,供甲方进行变更设计之裁决。

三、            工程进度:

1.       本工程之工期于甲方完成发包后起算,最迟于230个日历天内完工。

2.       本工程项目甲方最迟需于工程项目合同中工程进度条款之约定。合同中亦可甲乙双方合议更进一步之工程赶工奖金及工程延误罚款之约定。

四、            付款方式:

1.      为确保工程顺利,甲方对本工程提供工程合同金额30%之预付款。

2.      本工程自签约日起每月1日及15日各估验计价一次,甲方需于10日后核实放款给乙方。甲方付款方式以现金汇入乙方约定之公司帐户,所有费用皆为人民币。

五、            意向书之终止:

1.      设计阶段甲方有权提出办理终止本意向书之内容,惟甲方应支付乙方对本工程所投入之已发生本及代办费用。

2.      本意向书待工程全数发包签约完成后,此意向书即自动终止。

六、            本意向书视同合约,日后签定正式合约应依本意向书之约定内容辩理,其他未尽事项依实际工程承揽合同再做更详实之约定。

七、            以下空白


























Intent Letter for Contracting Project


Party A: SERA GMBH SHANGHAI REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)

Party B: SHANGHAI KUNSHUO ELECTRICAL CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”)


WHEREAS, Party A hereby agrees to entrust Party B and Party B hereby agrees to accept such entrustment to act as Party A’s agent to deal with issues in respect of application with related competent authorities for approval to construction and engineering implementation in respect of electrical, fire prevention, as well as decoration of the newly built workshops of SERA GMBH COMPANY LIMITED situated at Dianshanhu Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province (hereinafter referred to as “this Project”), and now, therefore, both parties hereto agree as follows:


I.                    Entrustment and Undertakings by Party A

1.1  Party A hereby agrees to entrust Party B to implement this Project after a due process of negotiating and comparing related prices offered, provided, however, the reasonable building cost of this Project shall be ensured.

1.2  Party A hereby entrusts Party B to act on its behalf to handle issues in relation to subcontracting and execution of this Project, and agrees to authorize Party B to enter into and execute, in capacity of consultant of this Project, pertinent consultation contract with related executing (implementing) units responsible for implementation of relevant subcontracted part of this Project, whether in whole or in part.

1.3  Party A acknowledges that Party B may, in the capacity of representative of related constructing and implementing units negotiate about, enter into as well as execute a construction contract with Party A as required.

II.                  Obligations of Party B

2.1  Party B shall, as from the date when this Intent Letter enters into force, deal with any and all required formalities with related competent government authorities, with any and all charges and operating fees borne by Party A.

2.2  Party B is responsible for control of and management on construction progress and quality of the aforesaid Project, in good faith, as well as shall, on its own initiative, coordinate among related parties for other Projects of Party A.

2.3  Party B is required to provide Party A with sound and satisfactory implementation of this Project, and to appoint fully professional personnel to be based on site to exercise appropriate management on related construction of this Project.

2.4  Party B is obliged to provide Party A with appropriate and proper adjustment of or revision to the Planning and Design Program for Workshops prepared and provided by Party A for implementation where related decree requires so or the such Planning and Design Program is thought inappropriate, for Party A to make an appropriate decision regarding such intended or proposed adjustment thereof or revision thereto.

III.                Construction Progress

3.1  The agreed upon time limit for construction of this Project shall commence as from the date when the contract for implementing this Project is duly awarded, and this Project shall be completed no later than 230 calendar days thereafter.

3.2  A construction contract for this Project shall be entered into and executed as least thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the construction of this Project as agreed herein.

3.3  The detailed progress of this Project shall be subject to construction progress provisions set forth in the construction contract. In addition, both parties hereto may through further mutual friendly negotiation, reach appropriate provisions regarding prize for shock work (earlier completion) and penalty for late completion of this Project, as appropriate.


IV.               Terms of Payment

4.1  In order to ensure and guarantee the successful progress of this Project, Party A agrees to make an advance payment to Party B at the rate of thirty percent (30%) of the total price as specified in the construction contract.

4.2  An inspection on and an computation of price of related completed works shall be carried out on both the first and 15th day of each applicable month upon execution of the construction contract, and Party A shall, ten (10) days thereafter, make any and all payable payments to Party B by remitting in cash and in Renminbi to a corporate account of Party B, after due verification of such amount as alleged to be payable.

V.                 Termination of This Intent Letter

5.1  Party A is entitled to terminate this Intent Letter in the course of designing of this Project, where it is appropriate and justifiable, provided, however, Party A shall pay to Party B any and all costs that Party B has spend on this Project, together with relevant fees incurred in respect thereof.

5.2  This Intent Letter will automatically terminate upon any and all contracts in respect of this Project are made.

VI.               This Intent Letter serves as a contract duly entered into by both Parties hereto prior to any contract duly entered into and executed by and between the Parties hereto, and any contract to be made by the parties hereto regarding the subject matter hereof shall be based on the terms and conditions contained herein, any and all issues undefined herein are to be agreed by both Parties hereto in the light of the construction contract as having been concluded thereby at that time.

VII.             The remainder of this page is intentionally left blank.









REPRESENTATIVE                                     Date








REPRESENTATIVE                                     Date



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