无线 编程

来源:互联网 发布:大数据处理软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 19:56



 iwpriv:允许针对特定于 Wi-Fi 驱动程序的无线扩展进行操作。

2、NIC:network interface card,网卡,网络适配器的简称。

3、NDIS是Network Driver Interface Specification,即网络驱动接口规范。

     NDIS的主要目的就 是为NIC(网络接口卡,Netwok InterfaceCards)制定出标准的API接口。MAC(介质访问控制,Media Access Controller)设备驱动封装了所有的NIC硬件实现,这样一来所有的使用相同介质的NIC就可以通过通用的编程接口被访问。NDIS同时也提供一个函数库(又时也称作wrapper),这个库中的函数可以被MAC驱动调用,也可以被高层的协议(例如TCP/IP)驱动调用。这些wrapper函数使得MAC驱动和协议驱动的开发变得更加容易。同时,这些wrapper函数也减 少了驱动程序对工作平台的依赖性。

4、OID:对象术语中,叫做对象标识(Object identifier-OID),通常OID在内部都使用一个或多个大整数表示,而在应用程序中则提供一个完整的类为其他类提供获取、操作。

5、struct info是存储AP信息的结构体

struct info{
    int index;            //第几个cell
    char enc_PassWordKeyIndex[8];
    char channel[8];     // 8B
    char rssi[8];        // 8B
    char essid[64];             // 36B id号
    //unsigned long essidlength;
    char macAddr[32];        // 18B mac地址字符串
    char enc[16];            // 12B
    char auth[32];      // 20B
    char networktype[32]; //12B 
    char Quality[16];        //通信质量百分比的分子
    char signalLevel[16];        //信号强度
    char noiseLevel[16];        //噪音强度    
    char encryDataType[32];    
    char passWordKeyIndex_1[64]; //wep key 1-4
    char enc_PassWordKey[128];  // share password




    (1)ifconfig -a查看无线硬件是否被系统识别(ifconfig不能识别)

    (2)iwconfig rausb0 up(需手工启动)

    (3)iwlist rausb0 scanning(检查ap)

            如果没有第二步,则提示:“rausb0    Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down”

    (4)使用ifconfig rausb0 对IP NETMASK等进行配置。 

    (5)iwpriv rausb0 set EncrypType=WEP
    (6)iwpriv rausb0 set DefaultKeyID=1

    (5)iwconfig rausb0 essid "AP‘Name"


The driver is built as part of the kernel and ends up in the finalfirmware with all the other drivers. However i have not added into theinit scripts the commands to load it automatically. You can load itanytime by doing

 insmod rt73

or with debug information (lots of it) with

 insmod rt73 debug=2

I have also enabled in the default ntosd-dm320_defcofig kernelconfig script the option CONFIG_NET_RADIO, so the Linux wirelessextension are in place. If you get a strange message of symbols notdefined when you load this module, try double checking you have rebuiltyour kernel with that option active.

This creates a new network interface called rausb0 (you see itin iwconfig).If you want to manipulate this interface in any way with the wirelesstools (see below), you first neet to bring it up. The following will bethe minimum needed to do it:

 ifconfig rausb0 up

Of course you might want to set an IP address and netmask for it, but you can always do that later.

[edit] Wireless tools

I checked into the tree the latest version of Linux wireless tools(linux-r3-extra-apps/wireless_tools.28) and enabled their automaticbuild when using neuros-bsp/build-helper.sh

The tools end up in /sbin on the final root file system and take up only around 56K (due to the multicall binary design).

You use these tools to setup wireless specific network parameters, as explained below

[edit] Setting up wireless network

The driver can work in different configurations, but we'll look onlyat managed mode here, which allows to associate the dongle with anAccess Point (AP) and thus enter in its wireless network. So firstthing we need to do is to bring the dongle in managed mode:

 iwconfig rausb0 mode managed

Then you can check for wireless networks around you by asking the driver to give you a site survey with:

 iwpriv rausb0 get_site_survey

This outputs a list of all access points available in the area. Ifyou don't see anything, you might want to wait 20 seconds or so afteryou bring up the rausb0 interface, so that it has time to scan the airfor networks.

The basic things you need to do for all types of networks aresetting the channel and the networks SSID (i.e. the network name) towhich you want to connect (you can get these two values from the sitesurvey above):

 iwconfig rausb0 essid YOUR_NETWORK

iwconfig rausb0 channel N

If the network is open, if you wait some seconds and then ask

 iwconfig rausb0 

If you see a line that has "Access point: SOMETHING" in it, then you're up and associated.

If the network has WEP authentication, to associate with the AP you need to authenticate this way:

 iwpriv rausb0 set AuthMode=WEPAUTO

iwpriv rausb0 set EncrypType=WEP

iwpriv rausb0 set Key1="YOUR_WEP_PASSWORD"

iwpriv rausb0 set SSID="YOUR_NETWORK"

The parameter in YOUR_NETWORK is the same you used above with iwconfig.

And if the network has WPA authentication, you need to do this instead:

 iwpriv rausb0 set AuthMode=WPAPSK

iwpriv rausb0 set EncrypType=TKIP

iwpriv rausb0 set WPAPSK="YOUR_WPA_PASSWORD"

iwpriv rausb0 set SSID="YOUR_NETWORK"

This is for WPA with pre-shared key (PSK). This is the most commonusage in residential and SOHO setups. Some office setups use WPA Radiusto authenticate, but I don't know how to setup that and I doubt we willneed to know initially.

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 办理过期身份时出错了怎么办 新加坡半年临时驾照过期后怎么办 北京怎么办残摩行驶证 报考驾照三年到期了怎么办 车辆违章扣3分怎么办 驾照过期忘审了怎么办 外省港澳证办了居住证怎么办 电动车交警罚单丢了怎么办 在外地开车违章扣分怎么办 郑州车在外地扣分违章怎么办 电工证掉了应该怎么办 毕业回国美国驾照过期了怎么办 a2驾驶证4年没交体检报告怎么办 中国驾照在美国丢了怎么办 拿了驾照不敢开车怎么办 刚拿驾照不敢上路怎么办 雅思考试作文格式写错了怎么办 英国银行卡注销后钱怎么办 本科毕业有毕业证没有学位证怎么办 莫名收到平安一账通验证码怎么办 新车没带行驶证怎么办 深圳行驶证副本丢了怎么办 新车行驶证是怎么办的 新车怎么办牌和行驶证 b本扣12分了怎么办 车的绿本丢了怎么办 车辆落户查不到购车发票怎么办 扣车凭证丢了怎么办 三轮车驾驶证被扣了怎么办 违章12分不够扣怎么办 忘记带行驶证了怎么办 开车不带行驶证怎么办 屏幕没碎黑屏了怎么办 三星s6屏幕不亮怎么办 苹果手机掉水里屏幕黑屏怎么办 三星s6电池不耐用怎么办 台式电脑显示屏坏了怎么办 三星笔记本电脑不显示韩文怎么办 三星s6开不开机怎么办 电脑显示屏显示检测信号线怎么办 三星s8屏幕坏了怎么办