Fortran 命令行编译 IVF win7

来源:互联网 发布:java int转double类型 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 01:37

Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler Professional for applications running on IA-32, Version 11.0.061


简单的测试函数如下:保存为exo701.f90  (取自《Fortran95程序设计【彭国伦】》的附书源码)


! Free Format
program main
write(*,*) "Hello" ! 这也是注解
write(*,*) &
&ite(*,*) "Hello"






@echo off
Rem Copyright  (C) 1985-2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Rem The information and source code contained herein is the exclusive property
Rem of Intel Corporation and may not be disclosed, examined, or reproduced in
Rem whole or in part without explicit written authorization from the Company.

Rem Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler Professional Build Environment for applications running on IA-32

echo Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler Professional for applications running on IA-32, Version 11.0.061
echo Copyright (C) 1985-2008 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

@call "D:/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/bin/VCVARS32.BAT"

SET IFORT_COMPILER11=C:/Program Files/Intel/Compiler/11.0/061/fortran

SET INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=C:/Program Files/Common Files/Intel/Licenses



Rem ---------======G-Spider @2011=======----------------
ifort /nologo   ex0701.f90

del *.obj





以上需要注意的是D:/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/bin/VCVARS32.BAT

和路径C:/Program Files/Intel/Compiler/11.0/061/fortran 

C:/Program Files/Common Files/Intel/Licenses 为licence文件,请依照自己的按装更改即可。


Is your license file in the right location and readable?
The location of your license file should be specified via
the $INTEL_LICENSE_FILE environment variable.

License file(s) used were (in this order):
    1.  Trusted Storage
    2.  C:/Program Files/Common Files/Intel/Licenses





更多的编译选项请参考Intel(R) Visual Fortran Compiler User and Reference Guides


                         Intel(R) Fortran Compiler Help

   usage: ifort [options] file1 [file2 ...] [/link linker_options]

      where options represents zero or more compiler options

      fileN is a Fortran source (.f .for .ftn .f90 .fpp .i .i90),
      assembly (.asm), object (.obj), static library (.lib), or
      other linkable file


      linker_options represents zero or more linker options 链接器来自vs或vc中的link.exe


New Options

This topic lists the options that provide new functionality in this release.

Some compiler options are only available on certain systems, as indicated by these labels:




The option is available on systems using IA-32 architecture.


The option is available on systems using Intel® 64 architecture.


The option is available on systems using IA-64 architecture.

If no label appears, the option is available on all supported systems.

If "only" appears in the label, the option is only available on the identified system.

For more details on the options, refer to the Alphabetical Compiler Options section.

For information on conventions used in this table, see Conventions.

New compiler options are listed in tables below:

  • The first table lists new options that are available on Windows* systems.

  • The second table lists new options that are available on Linux* and Mac OS* X systems. If an option is only available on one of these operating systems, it is labeled.

Windows* Options



(i32 only)

Generates code that will run on any Pentium or later processor.


/arch:SSE3 (i32, i64em)

Optimizes for Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (Intel® SSE3).


/arch:SSSE3 (i32, i64em)

Optimizes for Intel® Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (Intel® SSSE3).


/arch:SSE4.1 (i32, i64em)

Optimizes for Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 4 Vectorizing Compiler and Media Accelerators.


(i32, i64em)

Determines whether the compiler generates code that detects some buffer overruns.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSE2 and SSE instructions for Intel processors, and it can optimize for Intel® Pentium® 4 processors, Intel® Pentium® M processors, and Intel® Xeon® processors with Intel® SSE2.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions for Intel processors and it can optimize for processors based on Intel® Core™ microarchitecture and Intel NetBurst® microarchitecture.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions for Intel processors and it can optimize for the Intel® Core™2 Duo processor family.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSE4 Vectorizing Compiler and Media Accelerator instructions for Intel processors. Can generate Intel® SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions and it can optimize for Intel® 45nm Hi-k next generation Intel® Core™ microarchitecture.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSE4 Efficient Accelerated String and Text Processing instructions supported by Intel® Core™ i7 processors. Can generate Intel® SSE4 Vectorizing Compiler and Media Accelerator, Intel® SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions and it can optimize for the Intel® Core™ processor family.



Specifies the maximum number of errors allowed before compilation stops.



Tells the compiler to issue one or more diagnostic messages only once.



Enables the compiler to replace calls to transcendental functions with faster but less precise implementations.


(i64 only)

Enables the combining of floating-point multiplies and add/subtract operations.


(i64 only)

Enables use of faster but slightly less accurate code sequences for math functions.


(i32, i64em)

Determines whether MOVBE instructions are generated for Intel processors.



Controls whether the compiler links to static or dynamic OpenMP run-time libraries.



Lets you specify an OpenMP* threadprivate implementation.



Lets you specify a loop blocking factor.



Enables or disables generation of jump tables for switch statements.


(i64 only)

Enables loadpair optimization.


(i64 only)

Enables versioning of modulo operations for certain types of operands.


(i64 only)

Enables or disables prefetches that are issued before a loop is entered.


(i64 only)

Determines whether the compiler issues prefetches for stores with exclusive hint.


(i64 only)

Enables or disables prefetches for a memory access in the next iteration of a loop.


(i32, i64em)

Determines whether the compiler assumes no overflows in the intermediate computation of subscript expressions in loops.



Enables or disables data ordering if profiling information is enabled.



Enables or disables function ordering if profiling information is enabled.



Lets you set the hotness threshold for function grouping and function ordering.



Determines whether directory information of the source file under compilation is considered when looking up profile data records.



Lets you use relative directory paths when looking up profile data and specifies a directory as the base.



Lets you use relative directory paths when looking up profile data and specifies the current working directory as the base.



Lets you enable or disable the instrumentation of specified functions.


(i32, i64em)

Tells the compiler to use a dollar sign ("$") when producing symbol names.


(i32, i64em)

Specifies compatibility with Microsoft* Visual Studio 2008.


(i32, i64em)

Enables or disables vectorization and transformations enabled for vectorization.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate specialized code paths for the highest instruction set and processor available on the compilation host.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSE2 and SSE instructions for Intel processors, and it can optimize for Intel® Pentium® 4 processors, Intel® Pentium® M processors, and Intel® Xeon® processors with Intel® SSE2.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions for Intel processors, and it can optimize for processors based on Intel® Core™ microarchitecture and Intel NetBurst® microarchitecture.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate MOVBE instructions for Intel processors and it can optimize for the Intel® Atom™ processor and Intel® Centrino® Atom™ Processor Technology.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions for Intel processors and it can optimize for the Intel® Core™2 Duo processor family.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSE4 Vectorizing Compiler and Media Accelerator instructions for Intel processors. Can generate Intel® SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions and it can optimize for Intel® 45nm Hi-k next generation Intel® Core™ microarchitecture.


(i32, i64em)

Can generate Intel® SSE4 Efficient Accelerated String and Text Processing instructions supported by Intel® Core™ i7 processors. Can generate Intel® SSE4 Vectorizing Compiler and Media Accelerator, Intel® SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2, and SSE instructions and it can optimize for the Intel® Core™ processor family.