Multiple-item widgets

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Multiple-item widgets


Multiple-item widgets inherit from Gtk::Container; just as with Gtk::Bin, you use the add() and remove() methods to add and remove contained widgets. Unlike Gtk::Bin::remove(), however, the remove() method for Gtk::Container takes an argument, specifiying which widget to remove.


§  7.2.1. Packing

§  7.2.2. An improved Hello World

§  7.2.3. Boxes

§  7.2.4. ButtonBoxes

§  7.2.5. Grid

§  7.2.6. Table

§  7.2.7. Notebook

§  7.2.8. Assistant

7.2.1. Packing

You've probably noticed that gtkmm windows seem "elastic" - they can usually be stretched in many different ways. This is due to the widget packing system.

你大概注意到gtkmm的窗口好像“橡皮面”——它们常常有多种方式被拉伸压缩。这得益于widget packing system(控件包装系统)

Many GUI toolkits require you to precisely place widgets in a window, using absolute positioning, often using a visual editor. This leads to several problems:


§  The widgets don't rearrange themselves when the window is resized. Some widgets are hidden when the window is made smaller, and lots of useless space appears when the window is made larger. 当窗口大小改变时控件不能重新排布。窗口太小时有些控件看不见,太大时又有许多空白区域没有被利用。

§  It's impossible to predict the amount of space necessary for text after it has been translated to other languages, or displayed in a different font. On Unix it is also impossible to anticipate the effects of every theme and window manager. 预测文本翻译成其它语言或改变显示字体后需占用(显示)空间的大小是不可能的。在Unix上预测每个主题和管理窗口的效果也是不可能的。

§  Changing the layout of a window "on the fly", to make some extra widgets appear, for instance, is complex. It requires tedious recalculation of every widget's position. 浮动窗口的显示层改变时,会有些额外的控件出现,如:组合控件。要对每个控件的位置进行单调的繁杂的重复计算。

gtkmm uses the packing system to solve these problems. Rather than specifying the position and size of each widget in the window, you can arrange your widgets in rows, columns, and/or tables. gtkmm can size your window automatically, based on the sizes of the widgets it contains. And the sizes of the widgets are, in turn, determined by the amount of text they contain, or the minimum and maximum sizes that you specify, and/or how you have requested that the available space should be shared between sets of widgets. You can perfect your layout by specifying padding distance and centering values for each of your widgets. gtkmm then uses all this information to resize and reposition everything sensibly and smoothly when the user manipulates the window.


gtkmm arranges widgets hierarchically, using containers. A Container widget contains other widgets. Most gtkmm widgets are containers. Windows, Notebook tabs, and Buttons are all container widgets. There are two flavours of containers: single-child containers, which are all descendants of Gtk::Bin, and multiple-child containers, which are descendants of Gtk::Container. Most widgets in gtkmm are descendants of Gtk::Bin, including Gtk::Window.

gtkmm利用容器分层次放置子控件。容器控件可包含其它子控件。gtkmm控件大多是容器。Windows, Notebook tabs, Buttons都是容器控件。有两种特性的容器:所有Gtk::Bin的子类都是单项容器;所有Gtk::Container的子类都是多项容器。gtkmm中的大多数控件都是Gtk::Bin的子类,包括 Gtk::Window

Yes, that's correct: a Window can contain at most one widget. How, then, can we use a window for anything useful? By placing a multiple-child container in the window. The most useful container widgets are Gtk:Grid, Gtk:VBox, Gtk::HBox, and Gtk::Table.

是这样的:一个window最多放一个控件。那么我们能用window干什么事?那就是在window中放置多项容器。常用的容器控件有Gtk:Grid, Gtk:VBox, Gtk::HBox, Gtk::Table.

§  Gtk::Grid arranges its child widgets in rows and columns. Use attach(), attach_next_to() and add() to insert child widgets.
Gtk::Grid 在行和列中放置它的子控件。 使用 attach(), attach_next_to() add() 插入子控件。

§  Gtk::VBox and Gtk::HBox arrange their child widgets vertically and horizontally, respectively. Use pack_start() and pack_end() to insert child widgets.
Gtk::VBox Gtk::HBox各自垂直的和水平的放置子控件。使用 pack_start() pack_end()插入子控件。

§  Gtk::Table arranges its widgets in a grid. Use attach() to insert widgets.

There are several other containers, which we will also discuss.


If you've never used a packing toolkit before, it can take some getting used to. You'll probably find, however, that you don't need to rely on visual form editors quite as much as you might with other toolkits.


7.2.2. An improved Hello World

Let's take a look at a slightly improved helloworld, showing what we've learnt.


7-6 Hello World 2





After building and running this program, try resizing the window to see the behaviour. Also, try playing with the options to pack_start() while reading the Boxes section.


