来源:互联网 发布:华为手表软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/20 11:52

Assignment seven




Front: Nowdays,the advanced technology vehicle such as mini-car ,luxury ship and


          beyond-sound travelling aeroplane are making our life more convenient and


         more efficency.In order to relax body and enjoy comfortable life,most of people


         are happy to go suburb or abroad for holidays.Governments are restricting the


         small car travel approach because of the enormous number of car,and the air pollution


         caused by them,But on the contrary,I personal think the ultilize of planes should be




Segment Two


argument: The cost which used to not noly assemble the aeroplane but also to build the


                 airport and appliance are tremendous.


evidence: It is reported that the each ordinary airplane of civil aviaton enterprise may


                cost approximately one billion,There are about twenty aviaton corporations


                and six hundred plans in my country,Our goverment and those companies


                spent much money on maintenance planes and update device,the cost will


                put on heavy burden to our goverment in finance.


Segment three


argument: Travelling by air are become more and more dangerous,with more and more


                advance science and technology be used in the flying machine manufactrue process.


evidence: Apporximately,Nobody can being rescued from the air crash.The losing which did by


                an air crash not just only in finance,such as destroied many houses,fired forest,But also


                the accident will hurt each misfortune's family members and friends,let their heart broken,


                The depression and frustration emotion will also do long lasting negative effects on their


                every aspects of daily lifes.


Segment four


argument:Actually,The environment pollution did by planes is more serious than which did by small cars.


evidence:Bigger and more powerful engines in each aeroplane,greater number of electronic


               garbage from an unprofitable plane ,and heavier poisonous smoke emit out from them.


               All of those fuctions are aggravating our surrunondings pollution,Opposition,smaller and


               less powerful engines,less petrol cost,and cleaner smoke give out will do harm to our


               life condition and health slighter too.




              On the one hand,the plane brings many benefits to our life,For instance,save our


               time more efficenct,and let us get to our destination more convenient,But on the other


               hand,It also did many bad effects on our lifes,On the contrary,the small car with


               many excellence must be recommended,and it will become the most favoriate


               vehicle in the forthcoming futrue.
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