Using Visual C++ DLLs in a C++Builder Project

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Using Visual C++ DLLs in a C++Builder Project

       It is likely that one day your boss will ask you if you can create a
GUI with C++Builder that
       interfaces to an existing 32 bit DLL compiled with Microsoft Visual
C++. Often times, the original
       DLL source code won't be available to you, either because the DLL
comes from a third party
       vendor, or because the 22 year old intern just deleted the /DLL/SRC
directory from the network.
       Given a DLL and a header file, this article shows you how to call the
DLL from your C++Builder

           Calling DLL functions from a C++Builder project
           The problem with Visual C++ DLLs
           Step 1: Identify calling conventions used by the Visual C++ DLL
           Step 2: Examine the linker names in the DLL
           Step 3: Generate an import library for the Visual C++ DLL
           Step 4: Add the import library to your project

       Calling DLL functions from a C++Builder project

       Calling a DLL that was created with Visual C++ presents C++Builder
programmers with some
       unique challenges. Before we attempt to tackle DLLs generated by
Visual C++, it may be beneficial
       to review how you call a DLL that was created with C++Builder. A DLL
that was created with
       C++Builder presents fewer roadblocks than one that was made by Visual

       You need to gather three ingredients in order to call a DLL function
from your C++Builder program:
       the DLL itself, a header file with function prototypes, and an import
library (you could load the
       library at runtime instead of using an import library, but we will
stick to the import library method
       for simplicity). To call a DLL function, add the import library to
your C++Builder project by
       selecting the Project | Add To Project menu option in C++Builder.
Next, insert a #include
       statement for the DLL header file in the C++ source file that needs
to call one of the DLL functions.
       The last step is to add the code that calls the DLL function.

       Listings A and B contain source code for a DLL that can serve as a
test DLL. Notice that the test
       code implements two different calling conventions (__stdcall and
__cdecl). This is for a very
       good reason. When you try to call a DLL that was compiled with Visual
C++, most of your
       headaches will result from disagreements due to calling conventions.
Also notice that one function
       does not explicitly list the calling convention that it uses. This
unknown function will act as a
       measuring stick for DLL functions that don't list their calling

           // Listing A: DLL.H

           #ifdef __cplusplus
           extern "C" {

           #ifdef _BUILD_DLL_
           #define FUNCTION __declspec(dllexport)
           #define FUNCTION __declspec(dllimport)

           FUNCTION int __stdcall   StdCallFunction(int Value);
           FUNCTION int __cdecl     CdeclFunction  (int Value);
           FUNCTION int             UnknownFunction(int Value);

           #ifdef __cplusplus

           //Listing B: DLL.C

           #define _BUILD_DLL_
           #include "dll.h"

           FUNCTION int __stdcall StdCallFunction(int Value)
               return Value + 1;

           FUNCTION int __cdecl   CdeclFunction(int Value)
               return Value + 2;

           FUNCTION int UnknownFunction(int Value)
               return Value;

       To create a test DLL from Listing A and Listing B, open up C++Builder
and bring up the Object
       Repository by selecting the File | New menu option. Select the DLL
icon and click the OK button.
       C++Builder responds by creating a new project with a single source
file. That file will contain a
       DLL entry point function and some include statments. Now select File
| New Unit. Save the new unit
       as DLL.CPP. Cut and paste the text from Listing A and insert it into
the header file DLL.H. Then copy
       the code from Listing B and insert it into DLL.CPP. Make sure that
the #define for _BUILD_DLL_ is
       placed above the include statement for DLL.H.

       Save the project as BCBDLL.BPR. Next, compile the project and take a
look at the files produced.
       C++Builder generates both a DLL and an import library with a .LIB

       At this point, you have the three ingredients needed to call a DLL
from a C++Builder project: the
       DLL itself, a header file for function prototypes, and an import
library to link with. Now we need a
       C++Builder project that will try to call the DLL functions. Create a
new project in C++Builder and
       save it to your hard drive. Copy the DLL, the import library, and the
DLL.H header file from DLL
       project to this new project. Select the Project | Add To Project menu
option and add the LIB file to
       the project. Next, add a #include statement in the main unit that
includes DLL.H. Finally, add code
       that calls the DLL functions. Listing C shows code that calls each
the DLL functions from Listing A
       and B.

           // Listing C: MAINFORM.CPP - DLLTest program
           #pragma hdrstop

           #include "MAINFORM.h"
           #include "dll.h"
           #pragma resource "*.dfm"
           TForm1 *Form1;
           __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
             : TForm(Owner)
           void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
               int Value = StrToInt(Edit1->Text);
               int Result= StdCallFunction(Value);
               ResultLabel->Caption = IntToStr(Result);
           void __fastcall TForm1::Button2Click(TObject *Sender)
               int Value = StrToInt(Edit1->Text);
               int Result= CdeclFunction(Value);
               ResultLabel->Caption = IntToStr(Result);
           void __fastcall TForm1::Button3Click(TObject *Sender)
               int Value = StrToInt(Edit1->Text);
               int Result= UnknownFunction(Value);
               ResultLabel->Caption = IntToStr(Result);

       The problem with Visual C++ DLLs

       In an ideal world, calling a DLL created with Visual C++ would be no
more difficult than calling a
       DLL built with C++Builder. Unfortunately, Borland and Microsoft
disagree on several points. For
       starters, Borland and Microsoft disagree on file formats for OBJs and
import library files (Visual
       C++ uses the COFF library format while Borland uses OMF). This means
that you can't add a
       Microsoft generated import library to a C++Builder project. Thanks to
the Borland IMPLIB utility,
       the file format differences are surmountable.

       The two products also disagree on linker naming conventions. This
turns out to be the primary
       hurdle when trying to call a Visual C++ DLL from C++Builder. Every
function in a DLL or OBJ has
       a linker name. The linker uses the linker name to resolve functions
that were protoyped during
       compile time. The linker will generate an unresolved external error
if it can't find a function with a
       linker name that it thinks is needed by the program.

       With regard to linker function names, Borland and Microsoft disagree
on these points:

           1- Visual C++ sometimes decorates exported __stdcall functions.
           2- Borland C++Builder expects imported __cdecl functions to be

       So why is this such a big deal? Take disagreement #1 regarding the
__stdcall calling convention.
       If you create a DLL with Visual C++ that contains a __stdcall
function called MyFunction(),
       Visual C++ will give the function a linker name that looks like
_MyFunction@4. When the Borland
       linker tries to resolve calls made to this function, it expects to
find a function with the name
       MyFunction. Since the import library for the Visual C++ DLL doesn't
contain a function called
       MyFunction, the Borland linker reports an unresolved external, which
means it couldn't find the

       Your attack strategy for overcoming these three problems will depend
on how the Visual C++ DLL
       was compiled. I have broken the process into four steps.

       Step 1: Identify calling conventions used by the Visual C++ DLL

       In order to combat the naming convention entanglements, you must
first determine what calling
       conventions are used by functions in the DLL. You can determine this
by investigating the header
       file for the DLL. The function prototypes in the DLL header should
look something like this:

           __declspec(dllimport) void CALLING_CONVENTION MyFunction(int nArg

       CALLING_CONVENTION should be __stdcall or __cdecl (see Listing A for
concrete examples). In
       many cases, the calling convention won't be specified, in which case
it defaults to __cdecl.

       Step 2: Examine the linker names in the DLL

       If step 1 reveals that the DLL utilizes the __stdcall calling
convention, you will need to examine
       the DLL to determine the naming convention that Visual C++ followed
when it created the DLL.
       Visual C++ decorates __stdcall functions by default, but the DLL
programmer can prohibit name
       decorations if they add a DEF file to their project. Your work will
be slightly more tedious if the
       DLL supplier did not use a DEF file.

       The command line TDUMP utility allows you to examine the linker names
of functions exported by the
       DLL. The following command invokes TDUMP on a DLL.

           TDUMP -ee MYDLL.DLL > MYDLL.LST

       TDUMP can report a ton of information about the DLL. We're only
interested in functions exported by
       the DLL. The -ee command option instructs TDUMP to list only export
information. If the DLL is
       large, you may want to redirect the output of TDUMP to a file (via
the > MYDLL.LST appendage).

       The TDUMP output for the test DLL in Listing A and B looks like this:

           Turbo Dump  Version Copyright (c) 1988, 1998 Borland
                                 Display of File DLL.DLL

           EXPORT ord:0000='CdeclFunction'
           EXPORT ord:0002='UnknownFunction'
           EXPORT ord:0001='_StdCallFunction@4'

       Notice the leading underscore and the trailing @4 on the __stdcall
function. The __cdecl and the
       unknown function don't contain any decorations. If the Visual C++ DLL
had been compiled with a
       DEF file, the decorations on the __stdcall function would not be

       Step 3: Generate an import library for the Visual C++ DLL

       Here comes the hard part. Due to the library file format differences
between C++Builder and Visual
       C++, you cannot add an import library created with Visual C++ to your
C++Builder project. You
       must create an OMF import library using the command line tools that
come with C++Builder.
       Depending out what you found in the first two steps, this step will
either go smoothly, or it could
       take some time.

       As stated earlier, C++Builder and Visual C++ don't agree on how
functions should be named in a
       DLL. Due to naming convention differences, you will need to create an
aliased import library if the
       DLL implements calling conventions where C++Builder and Visual C++
disagree. Table A lists the
       areas of disagreement.

       Table A: Visual C++ and C++Builder naming conventions

       Calling convention  VC++ name       VC++ (DEF used)     C++Builder
       __stdcall           _MyFunction@4   MyFunction          MyFunction
       __cdecl             MyFunction      MyFunction          _MyFunction

       The C++Builder column lists function names that the Borland linker
expects to see. The first Visual
       C++ column lists the linker names that Visual C++ generates when the
Visual C++ project does not
       utilize a DEF file. The second Visual C++ column contains linker
names that Visual C++ creates
       when a DEF file is used. For things to go smoothly, the C++Builder
name should agree with the
       Visual C++ name. Notice that the two products agree in only one
place: __stdcall functions where
       the Visual C++ project contained a DEF file. For the remaining
scenarios, you will need to create
       an import library that aliases the Visual C++ name to a C++Builder
compatible name.

       Table A shows that there are several combinations that you may need
to deal with when creating the
       import library. I have separated the combinations into two cases.

       Case 1: The DLL contains only __stdcall functions and the DLL vendor
utilized a DEF file.

       Table A reveals that VC++ and C++Builder agree only when the DLL uses
__stdcall functions.
       Furthermore, the DLL must be compiled with a DEF file to prevent VC++
from decorating the linker
       names. The header file will tell you if the __stdcall calling
convention was used (Step 1), and
       TDUMP will reveal whether or not the functions are decorated (Step
2). If the DLL contains
       __stdcall functions that are not decorated, then Visual C++ and
C++Builder agree on how the
       functions should be named. You can create an import library by
running IMPLIB on the DLL. No
       aliases are needed.

       IMPLIB works like this:

           IMPLIB (destination lib name) (source dll)

       For example,

           IMPLIB mydll.lib mydll.dll

       Create the import library and move on to step 4.

       Case 2: The DLL contains __cdecl functions or decorated __stdcall

       If your DLL vendor is adamant about creating DLLs that are compiler
independent, then you have a
       good chance of falling into the Case 1 category. Unfortunately, odds
are you won't fall into the Case
       1 group for several reasons. For one, the calling convention defaults
to __cdecl if the DLL vendor
       omits a calling convention when prototyping the functions, and
__cdecl forces you into Case 2.
       Secondly, even if your vendor has utilized the __stdcall calling
convention, they probably
       neglected to utilize a DEF file to strip the Visual C++ decorartions.

       However you got here, Good Day, and welcome to Case 2. You're stuck
with a DLL whose function
       names don't agree with C++Builder. Your only way out of this mess is
to create an import library
       that aliases the Visual C++ function names into a format compatible
with C++Builder. Fortunately,
       the C++Builder command line tools allow you to create an aliased
import library.

       The first step is to create a DEF file from the Visual C++ DLL by
using the IMPDEF program that
       comes with C++Builder. IMPDEF creates a DEF file that lists all of
the functions exported by the
       DLL. You invoke IMPDEF like this:

           IMPDEF (Destination DEF file) (source DLL file).

       For example

           IMPDEF mydll.def mydll.dll

       After running IMPDEF, open the resulting DEF file using the editor of
your choice. When the DLL
       source in Listing A and B is compiled with Visual C++, the DEF file
created by IMPDEF looks like

           LIBRARY     DLL.DLL

               CdeclFunction        @1
               UnknownFunction      @3
               _StdCallFunction@4   =_StdCallFunction      @2

       The next step is to alter the DEF file so it aliases the DLL
functions into names that C++Builder will
       like. You can alias a function by listing a C++Builder compatible
name followed by the original
       Visual C++ linker name. For the test DLL in Listing A and B, the
aliased DEF looks like this:

             ; use this type of aliasing
             ; (Borland name)   = (Name exported by Visual C++)
               _CdeclFunction   = CdeclFunction
               _UnknownFunction = UnknownFunction
               StdCallFunction  = _StdCallFunction@4

       Notice that the function names on the left match the Borland
compatible names from Table A. The
       function names on the right are the actual linker names of the
functions in the Visual C++ DLL.

       The final step is to create an aliased import library from the
aliased DEF file. Once again, you rely
       on the IMPLIB utility, except that this time, you pass IMPLIB the
aliased DEF file as its source file
       instead of the original DLL. The format is

           IMPLIB (dest lib file) (source def file)

       For example

           IMPLIB mydll.lib mydll.def

       Create the import library and move on to step 4. You may want to
examine the import library first to
       ensure that each DLL function appears in a naming format that
C++Builder agrees with. You can use
       the TLIB utility to inspect the import library.

           TLIB mydll.lib, mydll.lst

       The list file for the test DLL looks like this:

           Publics by module

           StdCallFunction size = 0

           _CdeclFunction  size = 0

           _UnknownFunction size = 0

       Step 4: Add the import library to your project

       Once you create an import library for the Visual C++ DLL, you can add
the import library to your
       C++Builder project using the Project | Add to Project menu option.
You use the import library
       without regard to whether the import library contains aliases or not.
After adding the import library
       to your project, build your project and see if you can successfully


       This article demonstrated how you can call functions in a Visual C++
DLL from a C++Builder
       project. The techniques work with C++Builder 1 and C++Builder 3, and
DLLs built with Visual
       C++ 4.X or Visual C++ 5 (I haven't tested Visual C++ 6 yet).

       You may have noticed that this article only discusses how to call C
style functions in a DLL. No
       attempt is made to call methods of an object where the code for the
class resides in a Visual C++
       DLL. C++ DLLs present an even greater array of problems because
linker names for member
       functions are mangled. The compiler employs a name mangling scheme in
order to support function
       overloading. Unfortunately, the C++ standard does not specify how a
compiler should mangle class
       methods. Without a strict standard in place, Borland and Microsoft
have each developed their own
       techniques for name mangling, and the two conventions are not
compatible. In theory, you could use
       the same aliasing technique to call member functions of a class that
resides in a DLL. However, you
       may want to consider creating a COM object instead. COM introduces
many of its own problems,
       but it does enforce a standard way of calling methods of an object. A
COM object created by Visual
       C++ can be called from any development environment, including both
Delphi and C++Builder.

       C++Builder 3.0 introduced a new command line utility called
COFFtoOMF.EXE. This utility can
       convert a Visual C++ import library to a C++Builder import library.
Furthermore, the program will
       automatically alias __cdecl functions from the Visual C++ format to
the C++Builder format. The
       automatic aliasing can simplify Step 3 if the DLL exclusively uses
the __cdecl calling convention.

                                 Copyright ? 1997-1998 by Harold Howe.
                                        All rights reserved.