
来源:互联网 发布:jenkins怎么修改端口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 04:08



Zina: How do you get paid? 1) If you don't mind my asking.

吉娜:        你是怎么算薪水的?若你不介意我问的话。


Dave: Not cash. But if our 2) launch goes well, my stock options will pay off, big time.

戴夫:        不是现金。但要是我们上市的情况很好,我的股票期权可就值大钱了。


Zina: And in the meantime, how do you pay the rent?

吉娜:        那这段期间你要怎么付房租?


Dave:         I don't have to worry about rent. I live right here.

戴夫:        我不用担心房租。我就住在这里。


Zina: What? In your cubicle?

吉娜:        什么?在你的隔间里?


Dave: Right here. Me and my PC. Home sweet home.

戴夫:        就在这。我和我的个人电脑。甜蜜的家庭。




A: We're launched a new website.



B: That's great. What's the address?



big time超级,非常】


big time是在口语中常常可以听到的短语,用来强调句中程度的高,意即超级,非常,可以当做副词用:


A:I need to go to the bathroom, big time!


B:There's a toilet over there. Why don't you go?





A:She is a big-time movie producer!


B:Really? Why haven't I heard of her before then?



1) If you don't mind my asking.若你不介意我问起的话。这是客气的询问句。要注意的是,mind的后面要接动名词;而若提到是谁问的,则要用所有格。

2) launch (n., v.)事业登场,投入市场
