
来源:互联网 发布:jsp和javascript哪个好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 03:20
ACE_INLINEACE_At_Thread_Exit::ACE_At_Thread_Exit (void)  : next_ (0),    td_ (0),    was_applied_ (false),    is_owner_ (true){}ACE_INLINE boolACE_At_Thread_Exit::was_applied() const{   return was_applied_;}ACE_INLINE boolACE_At_Thread_Exit::was_applied (bool applied){  was_applied_ = applied;  if (was_applied_)    td_ = 0;  return was_applied_;}ACE_INLINE boolACE_At_Thread_Exit::is_owner() const{  return is_owner_;}ACE_INLINE boolACE_At_Thread_Exit::is_owner (bool owner){  is_owner_ = owner;  return is_owner_;}ACE_INLINE voidACE_At_Thread_Exit::do_apply (void){  if (!this->was_applied_ && this->is_owner_)    td_->at_pop();}ACE_INLINEACE_At_Thread_Exit_Func::ACE_At_Thread_Exit_Func (void *object,                                                  ACE_CLEANUP_FUNC func,                                                  void *param)  : object_(object),    func_(func),    param_(param){}ACE_INLINEACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base (void)  : ACE_OS_Thread_Descriptor (),    thr_id_ (ACE_OS::NULL_thread),    thr_handle_ (ACE_OS::NULL_hthread),    grp_id_ (0),    thr_state_ (ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_THR_IDLE),    task_ (0),    next_ (0),    prev_ (0){}ACE_INLINEACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::~ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base (void){}ACE_INLINE boolACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::operator== (  const ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base &rhs) const{  return    ACE_OS::thr_cmp (this->thr_handle_, rhs.thr_handle_)    && ACE_OS::thr_equal (this->thr_id_, rhs.thr_id_);}ACE_INLINE boolACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::operator!=(const ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base &rhs) const{  return !(*this == rhs);}ACE_INLINE ACE_Task_Base *ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::task (void) const{  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::task");  return this->task_;}// Group ID.ACE_INLINE intACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::grp_id (void) const{  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::grp_id");  return grp_id_;}// Current state of the thread.ACE_INLINE ACE_UINT32ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::state (void) const{  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::state");  return thr_state_;}// Reset this base descriptor.ACE_INLINE voidACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::reset (void){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::reset");  this->thr_id_ = ACE_OS::NULL_thread;  this->thr_handle_ = ACE_OS::NULL_hthread;  this->grp_id_ = 0;  this->thr_state_ = ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_THR_IDLE;  this->task_ = 0;  this->flags_ = 0;}// Unique thread id.ACE_INLINE ACE_thread_tACE_Thread_Descriptor::self (void) const{  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::self");  return this->thr_id_;}// Unique kernel-level thread handle.ACE_INLINE voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::self (ACE_hthread_t &handle){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::self");  handle = this->thr_handle_;}ACE_INLINE voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::log_msg_cleanup (ACE_Log_Msg* log_msg){  log_msg_ = log_msg;}// Set the <next_> pointerACE_INLINE voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::set_next (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::set_next");  this->next_ = td;}// Get the <next_> pointerACE_INLINE ACE_Thread_Descriptor *ACE_Thread_Descriptor::get_next (void) const{  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::get_next");  return static_cast<ACE_Thread_Descriptor * ACE_CAST_CONST> (this->next_);}// Reset this thread descriptorACE_INLINE voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::reset (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::reset");  this->ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base::reset ();  this->at_exit_list_ = 0;    // Start the at_exit hook list.  this->tm_ = tm;    // Setup the Thread_Manager.  this->log_msg_ = 0;  this->terminated_ = false;}ACE_INLINE ACE_Thread_Descriptor *ACE_Thread_Manager::thread_desc_self (void){  // This method must be called with lock held.  // Try to get it from cache.  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *desc = ACE_LOG_MSG->thr_desc ();#if 1  //  ACE_ASSERT (desc != 0);  // Thread descriptor should always get cached.#else  if (desc == 0)    {      ACE_thread_t id = ACE_OS::thr_self ();      desc = this->find_thread (id);      // Thread descriptor adapter might not have been put into the      // list yet.      if (desc != 0)        // Update the TSS cache.        ACE_LOG_MSG->thr_desc (desc);    }#endif  return desc;}// Return the unique ID of the thread.ACE_INLINE ACE_thread_tACE_Thread_Manager::thr_self (void){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_self");  return ACE_Thread::self ();}ACE_INLINE ACE_Task_Base *ACE_Thread_Manager::task (void){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::task");  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = this->thread_desc_self () ;  if (td == 0)    return 0;  else    return td->task ();}ACE_INLINE intACE_Thread_Manager::open (size_t){  // Currently no-op.  return 0;}ACE_INLINE intACE_Thread_Manager::at_exit (ACE_At_Thread_Exit* at){  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = this->thread_desc_self ();  if (td == 0)    return -1;  else    return td->at_exit (at);}ACE_INLINE intACE_Thread_Manager::at_exit (ACE_At_Thread_Exit& at){  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = this->thread_desc_self ();  if (td == 0)    return -1;  else    return td->at_exit (at);}ACE_INLINE intACE_Thread_Manager::at_exit (void *object,                             ACE_CLEANUP_FUNC cleanup_hook,                             void *param){  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = this->thread_desc_self ();  if (td == 0)    return -1;  else    return td->at_exit (object, cleanup_hook, param);}ACE_INLINE voidACE_Thread_Manager::wait_on_exit (int do_wait){  this->automatic_wait_ = do_wait;}ACE_INLINE intACE_Thread_Manager::wait_on_exit (void){  return this->automatic_wait_;}ACE_INLINE intACE_Thread_Manager::register_as_terminated (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td){#if defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (td);#else  /* ! ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */  ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base *tdb = 0;  ACE_NEW_RETURN (tdb, ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base (*td), -1);  this->terminated_thr_list_.insert_tail (tdb);#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */  return 0;}ACE_INLINE size_tACE_Thread_Manager::count_threads (void) const{  return this->thr_list_.size ();}

ACE_At_Thread_Exit::~ACE_At_Thread_Exit (void){  this->do_apply ();}ACE_At_Thread_Exit_Func::~ACE_At_Thread_Exit_Func (void){  this->do_apply ();}voidACE_At_Thread_Exit_Func::apply (void){  this->func_ (this->object_, this->param_);}ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DEFINE(ACE_Thread_Control)ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DEFINE(ACE_Thread_Manager)#if ! defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_LACKS_STATICS)// Process-wide Thread Manager.ACE_Thread_Manager *ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_ = 0;// Controls whether the Thread_Manager is deleted when we shut down// (we can only delete it safely if we created it!)bool ACE_Thread_Manager::delete_thr_mgr_ = false;#endif /* ! defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_LACKS_STATICS) */ACE_TSS_TYPE (ACE_Thread_Exit) *ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_exit_ = 0;intACE_Thread_Manager::set_thr_exit (ACE_TSS_TYPE (ACE_Thread_Exit) *ptr){  if (ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_exit_ == 0)    ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_exit_ = ptr;  else    return -1;  return 0;}voidACE_Thread_Manager::dump (void){#if defined (ACE_HAS_DUMP)  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::dump");  // Cast away const-ness of this in order to use its non-const lock_.  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,                     ((ACE_Thread_Manager *) this)->lock_));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_BEGIN_DUMP, this));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("\ngrp_id_ = %d"), this->grp_id_));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("\ncurrent_count_ = %d"), this->thr_list_.size ()));  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    { ()->dump ();    }  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_END_DUMP));#endif /* ACE_HAS_DUMP */}ACE_Thread_Descriptor::~ACE_Thread_Descriptor (void){  delete this->sync_;}voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_pop (int apply){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_pop");  // Get first at from at_exit_list  ACE_At_Thread_Exit* at = this->at_exit_list_;  // Remove at from at_exit list  this->at_exit_list_ = at->next_;  // Apply if required  if (apply)   {     at->apply ();     // Do the apply method     at->was_applied (true);     // Mark at has been applied to avoid double apply from     // at destructor   }  // If at is not owner delete at.  if (!at->is_owner ())   delete at;}voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_push (ACE_At_Thread_Exit* cleanup, bool is_owner){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_push");  cleanup->is_owner (is_owner);  cleanup->td_ = this;  cleanup->next_ = at_exit_list_;  at_exit_list_ = cleanup;}intACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_exit (ACE_At_Thread_Exit& cleanup){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_exit");  at_push (&cleanup, 1);  return 0;}intACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_exit (ACE_At_Thread_Exit* cleanup){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_exit");  if (cleanup==0)   return -1;  else   {     this->at_push (cleanup);     return 0;   }}voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::do_at_exit (){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::do_at_exit");  while (at_exit_list_!=0)    this->at_pop ();}voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::terminate (){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::terminate");  if (!terminated_)   {     ACE_Log_Msg* log_msg = this->log_msg_;     terminated_ = true;     // Run at_exit hooks     this->do_at_exit ();     // We must remove Thread_Descriptor from Thread_Manager list     if (this->tm_ != 0)      {         int close_handle = 0;#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)         // Threads created with THR_DAEMON shouldn't exist here, but         // just to be safe, let's put it here.         if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (this->thr_state_, ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_THR_JOINING))           {             if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (this->flags_, THR_DETACHED | THR_DAEMON)                 || ACE_BIT_ENABLED (this->flags_, THR_JOINABLE))               {                 // Mark thread as terminated.                 ACE_SET_BITS (this->thr_state_, ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_THR_TERMINATED);                 tm_->register_as_terminated (this);                 // Must copy the information here because td will be                 // "freed" below.               }#if defined (ACE_WIN32)             else               {                 close_handle = 1;               }#endif /* ACE_WIN32 */           }#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */         // Remove thread descriptor from the table.         if (this->tm_ != 0)           tm_->remove_thr (this, close_handle);      }     // Check if we need delete ACE_Log_Msg instance     // If ACE_TSS_cleanup was not executed first log_msg == 0     if (log_msg == 0)      {        // Only inform to ACE_TSS_cleanup that it must delete the log instance        // setting ACE_LOG_MSG thr_desc to 0.        ACE_LOG_MSG->thr_desc (0);      }     else      {        // Thread_Descriptor is the owner of the Log_Msg instance!!        // deleted.        this->log_msg_ = 0;        delete log_msg;      }   }}intACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_exit (void *object,                                ACE_CLEANUP_FUNC cleanup_hook,                                void *param){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::at_exit");  // To keep compatibility, when cleanup_hook is null really is a at_pop  // without apply.  if (cleanup_hook == 0)   {     if (this->at_exit_list_!= 0)      this->at_pop(0);   }  else   {     ACE_At_Thread_Exit* cleanup = 0;     ACE_NEW_RETURN (cleanup,                     ACE_At_Thread_Exit_Func (object,                                              cleanup_hook,                                              param),                     -1);     this->at_push (cleanup);   }  return 0;}voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::dump (void) const{#if defined (ACE_HAS_DUMP)  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::dump");  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_BEGIN_DUMP, this));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("\nthr_id_ = %d"), this->thr_id_));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("\nthr_handle_ = %d"), this->thr_handle_));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("\ngrp_id_ = %d"), this->grp_id_));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("\nthr_state_ = %d"), this->thr_state_));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("\nflags_ = %x\n"), this->flags_));  ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_END_DUMP));#endif /* ACE_HAS_DUMP */}ACE_Thread_Descriptor::ACE_Thread_Descriptor (void)  : log_msg_ (0),    at_exit_list_ (0),    terminated_ (false){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Descriptor::ACE_Thread_Descriptor");  ACE_NEW (this->sync_,           ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_MANAGER_LOCK);}voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::acquire_release (void){  // Just try to acquire the lock then release it.#if defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_USES_SAFE_SPAWN)  if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (this->thr_state_, ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_THR_SPAWNED))#endif /* ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_USES_SAFE_SPAWN */    {      this->sync_->acquire ();      // Acquire the lock before removing <td> from the thread table.  If      // this thread is in the table already, it should simply acquire the      // lock easily.      // Once we get the lock, we must have registered.      ACE_ASSERT (ACE_BIT_ENABLED (this->thr_state_, ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_THR_SPAWNED));      this->sync_->release ();      // Release the lock before putting it back to freelist.    }}voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::acquire (void){  // Just try to acquire the lock then release it.#if defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_USES_SAFE_SPAWN)  if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (this->thr_state_, ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_THR_SPAWNED))#endif /* ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_USES_SAFE_SPAWN */    {      this->sync_->acquire ();    }}voidACE_Thread_Descriptor::release (void){  // Just try to acquire the lock then release it.#if defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_USES_SAFE_SPAWN)  if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (this->thr_state_, ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_THR_SPAWNED))#endif /* ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_USES_SAFE_SPAWN */    {      this->sync_->release ();      // Release the lock before putting it back to freelist.    }}// The following macro simplifies subsequence code.#define ACE_FIND(OP,INDEX) \  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *INDEX = OP; \ACE_Thread_Descriptor *ACE_Thread_Manager::thread_descriptor (ACE_thread_t thr_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::thread_descriptor");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, 0));  ACE_FIND (this->find_thread (thr_id), ptr);  return ptr;}ACE_Thread_Descriptor *ACE_Thread_Manager::hthread_descriptor (ACE_hthread_t thr_handle){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::hthread_descriptor");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, 0));  ACE_FIND (this->find_hthread (thr_handle), ptr);  return ptr;}// Return the thread descriptor (indexed by ACE_hthread_t).intACE_Thread_Manager::thr_self (ACE_hthread_t &self){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_self");  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *desc =    this->thread_desc_self ();  if (desc == 0)    return -1;  else    desc->self (self);  return 0;}// Initialize the synchronization variables.ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_Thread_Manager (size_t prealloc,                                        size_t lwm,                                        size_t inc,                                        size_t hwm)  : grp_id_ (1),    automatic_wait_ (1)#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)    , zero_cond_ (lock_)#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */    , thread_desc_freelist_ (ACE_FREE_LIST_WITH_POOL,                             prealloc, lwm, hwm, inc){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::ACE_Thread_Manager");}#if ! defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_LACKS_STATICS)ACE_Thread_Manager *ACE_Thread_Manager::instance (void){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::instance");  if (ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_ == 0)    {      // Perform Double-Checked Locking Optimization.      ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,                                *ACE_Static_Object_Lock::instance (), 0));      if (ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_ == 0)        {          ACE_NEW_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_,                          ACE_Thread_Manager,                          0);          ACE_Thread_Manager::delete_thr_mgr_ = true;        }    }  return ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_;}ACE_Thread_Manager *ACE_Thread_Manager::instance (ACE_Thread_Manager *tm){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::instance");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,                            *ACE_Static_Object_Lock::instance (), 0));  ACE_Thread_Manager *t = ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_;  // We can't safely delete it since we don't know who created it!  ACE_Thread_Manager::delete_thr_mgr_ = false;  ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_ = tm;  return t;}voidACE_Thread_Manager::close_singleton (void){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::close_singleton");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD (ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon,                     *ACE_Static_Object_Lock::instance ()));  if (ACE_Thread_Manager::delete_thr_mgr_)    {      // First, we clean up the thread descriptor list.      ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_->close ();      delete ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_;      ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_mgr_ = 0;      ACE_Thread_Manager::delete_thr_mgr_ = false;    }  ACE_Thread_Exit::cleanup (ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_exit_);}#endif /* ! defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_LACKS_STATICS) */// Close up and release all resources.intACE_Thread_Manager::close (){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::close");  // Clean up the thread descriptor list.  if (this->automatic_wait_)    this->wait (0, 1);  else    {      ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));      this->remove_thr_all ();    }  return 0;}ACE_Thread_Manager::~ACE_Thread_Manager (void){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::~ACE_Thread_Manager");  this->close ();}// Run the entry point for thread spawned under the control of the// <ACE_Thread_Manager>.  This must be an extern "C" to make certain// compilers happy...//// The interaction with <ACE_Thread_Exit> and// <ace_thread_manager_adapter> works like this, with// ACE_HAS_THREAD_SPECIFIC_STORAGE or ACE_HAS_TSS_EMULATION://// o Every thread in the <ACE_Thread_Manager> is run with//   <ace_thread_manager_adapter>.//// o <ace_thread_manager_adapter> retrieves the singleton//   <ACE_Thread_Exit> instance from <ACE_Thread_Exit::instance>.//   The singleton gets created in thread-specific storage//   in the first call to that function.  The key point is that the//   instance is in thread-specific storage.//// o A thread can exit by various means, such as <ACE_Thread::exit>, C++//   or Win32 exception, "falling off the end" of the thread entry//   point function, etc.//// o If you follow this so far, now it gets really fun . . .//   When the thread-specific storage (for the thread that//   is being destroyed) is cleaned up, the OS threads package (or//   the ACE emulation of thread-specific storage) will destroy any//   objects that are in thread-specific storage.  It has a list of//   them, and just walks down the list and destroys each one.//// o That's where the ACE_Thread_Exit destructor gets called.#if defined(ACE_USE_THREAD_MANAGER_ADAPTER)extern "C" void *ace_thread_manager_adapter (void *args){#if defined (ACE_HAS_TSS_EMULATION)  // As early as we can in the execution of the new thread, allocate  // its local TS storage.  Allocate it on the stack, to save dynamic  // allocation/dealloction.  void *ts_storage[ACE_TSS_Emulation::ACE_TSS_THREAD_KEYS_MAX];  ACE_TSS_Emulation::tss_open (ts_storage);#endif /* ACE_HAS_TSS_EMULATION */  ACE_Thread_Adapter *thread_args = reinterpret_cast<ACE_Thread_Adapter *> (args);  // NOTE: this preprocessor directive should match the one in above  // ACE_Thread_Exit::instance ().  With the Xavier Pthreads package,  // the exit_hook in TSS causes a seg fault.  So, this works around  // that by creating exit_hook on the stack.#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREAD_SPECIFIC_STORAGE) || defined (ACE_HAS_TSS_EMULATION)  // Obtain our thread-specific exit hook and make sure that it knows  // how to clean us up!  Note that we never use this pointer directly  // (it's stored in thread-specific storage), so it's ok to  // dereference it here and only store it as a reference.  ACE_Thread_Exit &exit_hook = *ACE_Thread_Exit::instance ();#else  // Without TSS, create an <ACE_Thread_Exit> instance.  When this  // function returns, its destructor will be called because the  // object goes out of scope.  The drawback with this appraoch is  // that the destructor _won't_ get called if <thr_exit> is called.  // So, threads shouldn't exit that way.  Instead, they should return  // from <svc>.  ACE_Thread_Exit exit_hook;#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREAD_SPECIFIC_STORAGE || ACE_HAS_TSS_EMULATION */  // Keep track of the <Thread_Manager> that's associated with this  // <exit_hook>.  exit_hook.thr_mgr (thread_args->thr_mgr ());  // Invoke the user-supplied function with the args.  void *status = thread_args->invoke ();  delete static_cast<ACE_Base_Thread_Adapter *> (thread_args);  return status;}#endif// Call the appropriate OS routine to spawn a thread.  Should *not* be// called with the lock_ held...intACE_Thread_Manager::spawn_i (ACE_THR_FUNC func,                             void *args,                             long flags,                             ACE_thread_t *t_id,                             ACE_hthread_t *t_handle,                             long priority,                             int grp_id,                             void *stack,                             size_t stack_size,                             ACE_Task_Base *task,                             const char** thr_name){  // First, threads created by Thread Manager should not be daemon threads.  // Using assertion is probably a bit too strong.  However, it helps  // finding this kind of error as early as possible.  Perhaps we can replace  // assertion by returning error.  ACE_ASSERT (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (flags, THR_DAEMON));  // Create a new thread running <func>.  *Must* be called with the  // <lock_> held...  // Get a "new" Thread Descriptor from the freelist.  auto_ptr<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> new_thr_desc (this->thread_desc_freelist_.remove ());  // Reset thread descriptor status  new_thr_desc->reset (this);  ACE_Thread_Adapter *thread_args = 0;# if defined (ACE_HAS_WIN32_STRUCTURAL_EXCEPTIONS)  ACE_NEW_RETURN (thread_args,                  ACE_Thread_Adapter (func,                                      args,                                      (ACE_THR_C_FUNC) ACE_THREAD_ADAPTER_NAME,                                      this,                                      new_thr_desc.get (),                                      ACE_OS_Object_Manager::seh_except_selector(),                                      ACE_OS_Object_Manager::seh_except_handler(),                                      flags),                  -1);# else  ACE_NEW_RETURN (thread_args,                  ACE_Thread_Adapter (func,                                      args,                                      (ACE_THR_C_FUNC) ACE_THREAD_ADAPTER_NAME,                                      this,                                      new_thr_desc.get (),                                      flags),                  -1);# endif /* ACE_HAS_WIN32_STRUCTURAL_EXCEPTIONS */  auto_ptr <ACE_Base_Thread_Adapter> auto_thread_args (static_cast<ACE_Base_Thread_Adapter *> (thread_args));  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::spawn_i");  ACE_hthread_t thr_handle;  ACE_thread_t thr_id;  if (t_id == 0)    t_id = &thr_id;  // Acquire the <sync_> lock to block the spawned thread from  // removing this Thread Descriptor before it gets put into our  // thread table.  new_thr_desc->sync_->acquire ();  int const result = ACE_Thread::spawn (func,                                        args,                                        flags,                                        t_id,                                        &thr_handle,                                        priority,                                        stack,                                        stack_size,                                        thread_args,                                        thr_name);  if (result != 0)    {      // _Don't_ clobber errno here!  result is either 0 or -1, and      // ACE_OS::thr_create () already set errno!  D. Levine 28 Mar 1997      // errno = result;      ACE_Errno_Guard guard (errno);     // Lock release may smash errno      new_thr_desc->sync_->release ();      return -1;    }  auto_thread_args.release ();#if defined (ACE_HAS_WTHREADS)  // Have to duplicate handle if client asks for it.  // @@ How are thread handles implemented on AIX?  Do they  // also need to be duplicated?  if (t_handle != 0)# if defined (ACE_LACKS_DUPLICATEHANDLE)    *t_handle = thr_handle;# else  /* ! ACE_LACKS_DUP */  (void) ::DuplicateHandle (::GetCurrentProcess (),                            thr_handle,                            ::GetCurrentProcess (),                            t_handle,                            0,                            TRUE,                            DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS);# endif /* ! ACE_LACKS_DUP */#else  /* ! ACE_HAS_WTHREADS */  if (t_handle != 0)    *t_handle = thr_handle;#endif /* ! ACE_HAS_WTHREADS */  // append_thr also put the <new_thr_desc> into Thread_Manager's  // double-linked list.  Only after this point, can we manipulate  // double-linked list from a spawned thread's context.  return this->append_thr (*t_id,                           thr_handle,                           ACE_THR_SPAWNED,                           grp_id,                           task,                           flags,                           new_thr_desc.release ());}intACE_Thread_Manager::spawn (ACE_THR_FUNC func,                           void *args,                           long flags,                           ACE_thread_t *t_id,                           ACE_hthread_t *t_handle,                           long priority,                           int grp_id,                           void *stack,                           size_t stack_size,                           const char** thr_name){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::spawn");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  if (grp_id == -1)    grp_id = this->grp_id_++; // Increment the group id.  if (priority != ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY)    ACE_CLR_BITS (flags, THR_INHERIT_SCHED);  if (this->spawn_i (func,                     args,                     flags,                     t_id,                     t_handle,                     priority,                     grp_id,                     stack,                     stack_size,                     0,                     thr_name) == -1)    return -1;  return grp_id;}// Create N new threads running FUNC.intACE_Thread_Manager::spawn_n (size_t n,                             ACE_THR_FUNC func,                             void *args,                             long flags,                             long priority,                             int grp_id,                             ACE_Task_Base *task,                             ACE_hthread_t thread_handles[],                             void *stack[],                             size_t stack_size[],                             const char* thr_name[]){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::spawn_n");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  if (grp_id == -1)    grp_id = this->grp_id_++; // Increment the group id.  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)    {      // @@ What should happen if this fails?! e.g., should we try to      // cancel the other threads that we've already spawned or what?      if (this->spawn_i (func,                         args,                         flags,                         0,                         thread_handles == 0 ? 0 : &thread_handles[i],                         priority,                         grp_id,                         stack == 0 ? 0 : stack[i],                         stack_size == 0 ? ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE : stack_size[i],                         task,                         thr_name == 0 ? 0 : &thr_name [i]) == -1)        return -1;    }  return grp_id;}// Create N new threads running FUNC.intACE_Thread_Manager::spawn_n (ACE_thread_t thread_ids[],                             size_t n,                             ACE_THR_FUNC func,                             void *args,                             long flags,                             long priority,                             int grp_id,                             void *stack[],                             size_t stack_size[],                             ACE_hthread_t thread_handles[],                             ACE_Task_Base *task,                             const char* thr_name[]){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::spawn_n");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  if (grp_id == -1)    grp_id = this->grp_id_++; // Increment the group id.  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)    {      // @@ What should happen if this fails?! e.g., should we try to      // cancel the other threads that we've already spawned or what?      if (this->spawn_i (func,                         args,                         flags,                         thread_ids == 0 ? 0 : &thread_ids[i],                         thread_handles == 0 ? 0 : &thread_handles[i],                         priority,                         grp_id,                         stack == 0 ? 0 : stack[i],                         stack_size == 0 ? ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE : stack_size[i],                         task,                         thr_name == 0 ? 0 : &thr_name [i]) == -1)        return -1;    }  return grp_id;}// Append a thread into the pool (does not check for duplicates).// Must be called with locks held.intACE_Thread_Manager::append_thr (ACE_thread_t t_id,                                ACE_hthread_t t_handle,                                ACE_UINT32 thr_state,                                int grp_id,                                ACE_Task_Base *task,                                long flags,                                ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::append_thr");  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *thr_desc = 0;  if (td == 0)    {      ACE_NEW_RETURN (thr_desc,                      ACE_Thread_Descriptor,                      -1);      thr_desc->tm_ = this;      // Setup the Thread_Manager.    }  else    thr_desc = td;  thr_desc->thr_id_ = t_id;  thr_desc->thr_handle_ = t_handle;  thr_desc->grp_id_ = grp_id;  thr_desc->task_ = task;  thr_desc->flags_ = flags;  this->thr_list_.insert_head (thr_desc);  ACE_SET_BITS (thr_desc->thr_state_, thr_state);  thr_desc->sync_->release ();  return 0;}// Return the thread descriptor (indexed by ACE_hthread_t).ACE_Thread_Descriptor *ACE_Thread_Manager::find_hthread (ACE_hthread_t h_id){  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (ACE_OS::thr_cmp ( ()->thr_handle_, h_id))        {          return ();        }    }  return 0;}// Locate the index in the table associated with <t_id>.  Must be// called with the lock held.ACE_Thread_Descriptor *ACE_Thread_Manager::find_thread (ACE_thread_t t_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::find_thread");  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (ACE_OS::thr_equal ( ()->thr_id_, t_id))        {          return ();        }    }  return 0;}// Insert a thread into the pool (checks for duplicates and doesn't// allow them to be inserted twice).intACE_Thread_Manager::insert_thr (ACE_thread_t t_id,                                ACE_hthread_t t_handle,                                int grp_id,                                long flags){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::insert_thr");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  // Check for duplicates and bail out if we're already registered...  if (this->find_thread (t_id) != 0 )    return -1;  if (grp_id == -1)    grp_id = this->grp_id_++;  if (this->append_thr (t_id,                        t_handle,                        ACE_THR_SPAWNED,                        grp_id,                        0,                        flags) == -1)    return -1;  return grp_id;}// Run the registered hooks when the thread exits.voidACE_Thread_Manager::run_thread_exit_hooks (int i){#if 0 // currently unused!  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::run_thread_exit_hooks");  // @@ Currently, we have just one hook.  This should clearly be  // generalized to support an arbitrary number of hooks.  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = this->thread_desc_self ();  for (ACE_Cleanup_Info_Node *iter = td->cleanup_info_->pop_front ();       iter != 0;       iter = cleanup_info_->pop_front ())    {      if (iter->cleanup_hook () != 0)        {          (*iter->cleanup_hook ()) (iter->object (), iter->param ());        }      delete iter;    }  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (i);#else  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (i);#endif /* 0 */}// Remove a thread from the pool.  Must be called with locks held.voidACE_Thread_Manager::remove_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td,                                int close_handler){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::remove_thr");  td->tm_ = 0;  this->thr_list_.remove (td);#if defined (ACE_WIN32)  if (close_handler != 0)    ::CloseHandle (td->thr_handle_);#else  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (close_handler);#endif /* ACE_WIN32 */  this->thread_desc_freelist_.add (td);#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)  // Tell all waiters when there are no more threads left in the pool.  if (this->thr_list_.size () == 0)    this->zero_cond_.broadcast ();#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */}// Repeatedly call remove_thr on all table entries until there// is no thread left.   Must be called with lock held.voidACE_Thread_Manager::remove_thr_all (void){  ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = 0;  while ((td = this->thr_list_.delete_head ()) != 0)    {      this->remove_thr (td, 1);    }}// ------------------------------------------------------------------// Factor out some common behavior to simplify the following methods.#define ACE_THR_OP(OP,STATE) \  int result = OP (td->thr_handle_); \  if (result == -1) { \    if (errno != ENOTSUP) \      this->thr_to_be_removed_.enqueue_tail (td); \    return -1; \  } \  else { \    ACE_SET_BITS (td->thr_state_, STATE); \    return 0; \  }intACE_Thread_Manager::join_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::join_thr");  int const result = ACE_Thread::join (td->thr_handle_);  if (result != 0)    {      // Since the thread are being joined, we should      // let it remove itself from the list.      //      this->remove_thr (td);      errno = result;      return -1;    }  return 0;}intACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_thr");  int const result = ACE_Thread::suspend (td->thr_handle_);  if (result == -1) {    if (errno != ENOTSUP)      this->thr_to_be_removed_.enqueue_tail (td);    return -1;  }  else {    ACE_SET_BITS (td->thr_state_, ACE_THR_SUSPENDED);    return 0;  }}intACE_Thread_Manager::resume_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::resume_thr");  int const result = ACE_Thread::resume (td->thr_handle_);  if (result == -1) {    if (errno != ENOTSUP)      this->thr_to_be_removed_.enqueue_tail (td);    return -1;  }  else {    ACE_CLR_BITS (td->thr_state_, ACE_THR_SUSPENDED);    return 0;  }}intACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int async_cancel){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_thr");  // Must set the state first and then try to cancel the thread.  ACE_SET_BITS (td->thr_state_, ACE_THR_CANCELLED);  if (async_cancel != 0)    // Note that this call only does something relevant if the OS    // platform supports asynchronous thread cancellation.  Otherwise,    // it's a no-op.    return ACE_Thread::cancel (td->thr_id_);  return 0;}intACE_Thread_Manager::kill_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int signum){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::kill_thr");  ACE_thread_t tid = td->thr_id_;  int const result = ACE_Thread::kill (tid, signum);  if (result != 0)    {      // Only remove a thread from us when there is a "real" error.      if (errno != ENOTSUP)        this->thr_to_be_removed_.enqueue_tail (td);      return -1;    }    return 0;}// ------------------------------------------------------------------// Factor out some common behavior to simplify the following methods.#define ACE_EXECUTE_OP(OP, ARG) \  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1)); \  ACE_ASSERT (this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ()); \  ACE_FIND (this->find_thread (t_id), ptr); \  if (ptr == 0) \    { \      errno = ENOENT; \      return -1; \    } \  int const result = OP (ptr, ARG); \  ACE_Errno_Guard error (errno); \  while (! this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ()) { \    ACE_Thread_Descriptor * td = 0; \    this->thr_to_be_removed_.dequeue_head (td); \    this->remove_thr (td, 1); \  } \  return result// Suspend a single thread.intACE_Thread_Manager::suspend (ACE_thread_t t_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::suspend");  ACE_EXECUTE_OP (this->suspend_thr, 0);}// Resume a single thread.intACE_Thread_Manager::resume (ACE_thread_t t_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::resume");  ACE_EXECUTE_OP (this->resume_thr, 0);}// Cancel a single thread.intACE_Thread_Manager::cancel (ACE_thread_t t_id, int async_cancel){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::cancel");  ACE_EXECUTE_OP (this->cancel_thr, async_cancel);}// Send a signal to a single thread.intACE_Thread_Manager::kill (ACE_thread_t t_id, int signum){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::kill");  ACE_EXECUTE_OP (this->kill_thr, signum);}intACE_Thread_Manager::check_state (ACE_UINT32 state,                                 ACE_thread_t id,                                 int enable){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::check_state");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  ACE_UINT32 thr_state;  int self_check = ACE_OS::thr_equal (id, ACE_OS::thr_self ());  // If we're checking the state of our thread, try to get the cached  // value out of TSS to avoid lookup.  if (self_check)    {      ACE_Thread_Descriptor *desc = ACE_LOG_MSG->thr_desc ();      if (desc == 0)        return 0;               // Always return false.      thr_state = desc->thr_state_;    }  else    {      // Not calling from self, have to look it up from the list.      ACE_FIND (this->find_thread (id), ptr);      if (ptr == 0)        return 0;      thr_state = ptr->thr_state_;    }  if (enable)    return ACE_BIT_ENABLED (thr_state, state);  return ACE_BIT_DISABLED (thr_state, state);}// Test if a single thread has terminated.intACE_Thread_Manager::testterminate (ACE_thread_t t_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::testterminate");  return this->check_state (ACE_THR_TERMINATED, t_id);}// Test if a single thread is suspended.intACE_Thread_Manager::testsuspend (ACE_thread_t t_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::testsuspend");  return this->check_state (ACE_THR_SUSPENDED, t_id);}// Test if a single thread is active (i.e., resumed).intACE_Thread_Manager::testresume (ACE_thread_t t_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::testresume");  return this->check_state (ACE_THR_SUSPENDED, t_id, 0);}// Test if a single thread is cancelled.intACE_Thread_Manager::testcancel (ACE_thread_t t_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::testcancel");  return this->check_state (ACE_THR_CANCELLED, t_id);}// Thread information query functions.intACE_Thread_Manager::hthread_within (ACE_hthread_t handle){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::hthread_within");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_monx, this->lock_, -1));  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (ACE_OS::thr_cmp( ()->thr_handle_, handle))        {          return 1;        }    }  return 0;}intACE_Thread_Manager::thread_within (ACE_thread_t tid){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::thread_within");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_monx, this->lock_, -1));  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (ACE_OS::thr_equal ( ()->thr_id_, tid))        {          return 1;        }    }  return 0;}// Get group ids for a particular thread id.intACE_Thread_Manager::get_grp (ACE_thread_t t_id, int &grp_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::get_grp");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  ACE_FIND (this->find_thread (t_id), ptr);  if (ptr)    grp_id = ptr->grp_id_;  else    return -1;  return 0;}// Set group ids for a particular thread id.intACE_Thread_Manager::set_grp (ACE_thread_t t_id, int grp_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::set_grp");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  ACE_FIND (this->find_thread (t_id), ptr);  if (ptr)    ptr->grp_id_ = grp_id;  else    return -1;  return 0;}// Suspend a group of threads.intACE_Thread_Manager::apply_grp (int grp_id,                               ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC func,                               int arg){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::apply_grp");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_monx, this->lock_, -1));  ACE_ASSERT (this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ());  int result = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if ( ()->grp_id_ == grp_id)        {          if ((this->*func) ( (), arg) == -1)            {              result = -1;            }        }    }  // Must remove threads after we have traversed the thr_list_ to  // prevent clobber thr_list_'s integrity.  if (! this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ())    {      // Save/restore errno.      ACE_Errno_Guard error (errno);      for (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td;           this->thr_to_be_removed_.dequeue_head (td) != -1;           )        this->remove_thr (td, 1);    }  return result;}intACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_grp (int grp_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_grp");  return this->apply_grp (grp_id,                          ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_thr));}// Resume a group of threads.intACE_Thread_Manager::resume_grp (int grp_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::resume_grp");  return this->apply_grp (grp_id,                          ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::resume_thr));}// Kill a group of threads.intACE_Thread_Manager::kill_grp (int grp_id, int signum){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::kill_grp");  return this->apply_grp (grp_id,                          ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::kill_thr), signum);}// Cancel a group of threads.intACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_grp (int grp_id, int async_cancel){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_grp");  return this->apply_grp (grp_id,                          ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_thr),                          async_cancel);}intACE_Thread_Manager::apply_all (ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC func, int arg){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::apply_all");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  ACE_ASSERT (this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ());  int result = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if ((this->*func)( (), arg) == -1)        {          result = -1;        }    }  // Must remove threads after we have traversed the thr_list_ to  // prevent clobber thr_list_'s integrity.  if (! this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ())    {      // Save/restore errno.      ACE_Errno_Guard error (errno);      for (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td;           this->thr_to_be_removed_.dequeue_head (td) != -1;           )        this->remove_thr (td, 1);    }  return result;}// Resume all threads that are suspended.intACE_Thread_Manager::resume_all (void){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::resume_all");  return this->apply_all (ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::resume_thr));}intACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_all (void){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_all");  return this->apply_all (ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_thr));}intACE_Thread_Manager::kill_all (int sig){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::kill_all");  return this->apply_all (&ACE_Thread_Manager::kill_thr, sig);}intACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_all (int async_cancel){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_all");  return this->apply_all (ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_thr),                          async_cancel);}intACE_Thread_Manager::join (ACE_thread_t tid, ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURN *status){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::join");  bool found = false;  ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base tdb;  {    ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)    for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base> biter (this->terminated_thr_list_);         !biter.done ();         biter.advance ())      {        if (ACE_OS::thr_equal ( ()->thr_id_, tid))          {            ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base *tdb = biter.advance_and_remove (false);            if (ACE_Thread::join (tdb->thr_handle_, status) == -1)              {                return -1;              }            delete tdb;            // return immediately if we've found the thread we want to join.            return 0;          }      }#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */    for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);         !iter.done ();         iter.advance ())      {        // If threads are created as THR_DETACHED or THR_DAEMON, we        // can't help much.        if (ACE_OS::thr_equal ( ()->thr_id_,tid) &&            (ACE_BIT_DISABLED ( ()->flags_, THR_DETACHED | THR_DAEMON)             || ACE_BIT_ENABLED ( ()->flags_, THR_JOINABLE)))          {            tdb = * ();            ACE_SET_BITS ( ()->thr_state_, ACE_THR_JOINING);            found = 1;            break;          }      }    if (!found)      return -1;    // Didn't find the thread we want or the thread is not joinable.  }  if (ACE_Thread::join (tdb.thr_handle_, status) == -1)    return -1;  return 0;}// Wait for group of threadsintACE_Thread_Manager::wait_grp (int grp_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::wait_grp");  int copy_count = 0;  ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base *copy_table = 0;  // We have to make sure that while we wait for these threads to  // exit, we do not have the lock.  Therefore we make a copy of all  // interesting entries and let go of the lock.  {    ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)    ACE_NEW_RETURN (copy_table,                    ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base [this->thr_list_.size ()                                               + this->terminated_thr_list_.size ()],                    -1);#else    ACE_NEW_RETURN (copy_table,                    ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base [this->thr_list_.size ()],                    -1);#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */    for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);         !iter.done ();         iter.advance ())      {        // If threads are created as THR_DETACHED or THR_DAEMON, we        // can't help much.        if ( ()->grp_id_ == grp_id &&            (ACE_BIT_DISABLED ( ()->flags_, THR_DETACHED | THR_DAEMON)             || ACE_BIT_ENABLED ( ()->flags_, THR_JOINABLE)))          {            ACE_SET_BITS ( ()->thr_state_, ACE_THR_JOINING);            copy_table[copy_count++] = * ();          }      }#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)    for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base> biter (this->terminated_thr_list_);         !biter.done ();         biter.advance ())      {        // If threads are created as THR_DETACHED or THR_DAEMON, we        // can't help much.        if ( ()->grp_id_ == grp_id)          {            ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base *tdb = biter.advance_and_remove (false);            copy_table[copy_count++] = *tdb;            delete tdb;          }      }#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */  }  // Now actually join() with all the threads in this group.  int result = 0;  for (int i = 0;       i < copy_count && result != -1;       i++)    {      if (ACE_Thread::join (copy_table[i].thr_handle_) == -1)        result = -1;    }  delete [] copy_table;  return result;}// Must be called when thread goes out of scope to clean up its table// slot.ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURNACE_Thread_Manager::exit (ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURN status, bool do_thread_exit){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::exit");#if defined (ACE_WIN32)  // Remove detached thread handle.  if (do_thread_exit)    {#if 0      // @@ This callback is now taken care of by TSS_Cleanup.  Do we      //    need it anymore?      // On Win32, if we really wants to exit from a thread, we must      // first  clean up the thread specific storage.  By doing so,      // ACE_Thread_Manager::exit will be called again with      // do_thr_exit = 0 and cleaning up the ACE_Cleanup_Info (but not      // exiting the thread.)  After the following call returns, we      // are safe to exit this thread.      delete ACE_Thread_Exit::instance ();#endif /* 0 */      ACE_Thread::exit (status);    }#endif /* ACE_WIN32 */  // Just hold onto the guard while finding this thread's id and  {    ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, 0));    // Find the thread id, but don't use the cache.  It might have been    // deleted already.    ACE_thread_t const id = ACE_OS::thr_self ();    ACE_Thread_Descriptor* td = this->find_thread (id);    if (td != 0)     {       // @@ We call Thread_Descriptor terminate this realize the cleanup       // process itself.       td->terminate();     }  }  if (do_thread_exit)    {      ACE_Thread::exit (status);      // On reasonable systems <ACE_Thread::exit> should not return.      // However, due to horrible semantics with Win32 thread-specific      // storage this call can return (don't ask...).    }  return 0;}// Wait for all the threads to exit.intACE_Thread_Manager::wait (const ACE_Time_Value *timeout,                          bool abandon_detached_threads,                          bool use_absolute_time){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::wait");  ACE_Time_Value local_timeout;  // Check to see if we're using absolute time or not.  if (use_absolute_time == false && timeout != 0)    {      local_timeout = *timeout;      local_timeout += ACE_OS::gettimeofday ();      timeout = &local_timeout;    }#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)  ACE_Double_Linked_List<ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base> term_thr_list_copy;#endif /* ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS)  {    // Just hold onto the guard while waiting.    ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));    if (ACE_Object_Manager::shutting_down () != 1)      {        // Program is not shutting down.  Perform a normal wait on threads.        if (abandon_detached_threads != 0)          {            ACE_ASSERT (this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ());            for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor>                   iter (this->thr_list_);                 !iter.done ();                 iter.advance ())              {                if (ACE_BIT_ENABLED ( ()->flags_,                                     THR_DETACHED | THR_DAEMON)                    && ACE_BIT_DISABLED ( ()->flags_, THR_JOINABLE))                  {                    this->thr_to_be_removed_.enqueue_tail ( ());                    ACE_SET_BITS ( ()->thr_state_, ACE_THR_JOINING);                  }              }            if (! this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ())              {                ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = 0;                while (this->thr_to_be_removed_.dequeue_head (td) != -1)                  this->remove_thr (td, 1);              }          }        while (this->thr_list_.size () > 0)          if (this->zero_cond_.wait (timeout) == -1)            return -1;      }    else        // Program is shutting down, no chance to wait on threads.        // Therefore, we'll just remove threads from the list.        this->remove_thr_all ();#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)  ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base* item = 0;  while ((item = this->terminated_thr_list_.delete_head ()) != 0)    {      term_thr_list_copy.insert_tail (item);    }#endif /* ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */    // Release the guard, giving other threads a chance to run.  }#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)    // @@ VxWorks doesn't support thr_join (yet.)  We are working    // on our implementation.   Chorus'es thr_join seems broken.    ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base *item = 0;    while ((item = term_thr_list_copy.delete_head ()) != 0)      {        if (ACE_BIT_DISABLED (item->flags_, THR_DETACHED | THR_DAEMON)            || ACE_BIT_ENABLED (item->flags_, THR_JOINABLE))          // Detached handles shouldn't reached here.          (void) ACE_Thread::join (item->thr_handle_);        delete item;      }#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */#else  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (timeout);  ACE_UNUSED_ARG (abandon_detached_threads);#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */  return 0;}intACE_Thread_Manager::apply_task (ACE_Task_Base *task,                                ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC func,                                int arg){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::apply_task");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  ACE_ASSERT (this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ());  int result = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    if ( ()->task_ == task        && (this->*func) ( (), arg) == -1)      result = -1;  // Must remove threads after we have traversed the thr_list_ to  // prevent clobber thr_list_'s integrity.  if (! this->thr_to_be_removed_.is_empty ())    {      // Save/restore errno.      ACE_Errno_Guard error (errno);      for (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = 0;           this->thr_to_be_removed_.dequeue_head (td) != -1;           )        this->remove_thr (td, 1);    }  return result;}// Wait for all threads to exit a task.intACE_Thread_Manager::wait_task (ACE_Task_Base *task){  int copy_count = 0;  ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base *copy_table = 0;  // We have to make sure that while we wait for these threads to  // exit, we do not have the lock.  Therefore we make a copy of all  // interesting entries and let go of the lock.  {    ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)    ACE_NEW_RETURN (copy_table,                    ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base [this->thr_list_.size ()                                                + this->terminated_thr_list_.size ()],                    -1);#else    ACE_NEW_RETURN (copy_table,                    ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base [this->thr_list_.size ()],                    -1);#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */    for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);         !iter.done ();         iter.advance ())      {        // If threads are created as THR_DETACHED or THR_DAEMON, we        // can't wait on them here.        if ( ()->task_ == task &&            (ACE_BIT_DISABLED ( ()->flags_,                               THR_DETACHED | THR_DAEMON)             || ACE_BIT_ENABLED ( ()->flags_,                                 THR_JOINABLE)))          {            ACE_SET_BITS ( ()->thr_state_,                          ACE_THR_JOINING);            copy_table[copy_count++] = * ();          }      }#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS)    for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base> titer (this->terminated_thr_list_);         !titer.done ();         titer.advance ())      {        // If threads are created as THR_DETACHED or THR_DAEMON, we can't help much here.        if ( ()->task_ == task)          {            ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base *tdb = titer.advance_and_remove (false);            copy_table[copy_count++] = *tdb;            delete tdb;          }      }#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */  }  // Now to do the actual work  int result = 0;  for (int i = 0;       i < copy_count && result != -1;       i++)    {      if (ACE_Thread::join (copy_table[i].thr_handle_) == -1)        result = -1;    }  delete [] copy_table;  return result;}// Suspend a taskintACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_task (ACE_Task_Base *task){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_task");  return this->apply_task (task,                           ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::suspend_thr));}// Resume a task.intACE_Thread_Manager::resume_task (ACE_Task_Base *task){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::resume_task");  return this->apply_task (task,                           ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::resume_thr));}// Kill a task.intACE_Thread_Manager::kill_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, int /* signum */){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::kill_task");  return this->apply_task (task,                           ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::kill_thr));}// Cancel a task.intACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_task (ACE_Task_Base *task,                                 int async_cancel){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_task");  return this->apply_task (task,                           ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC (&ACE_Thread_Manager::cancel_thr),                           async_cancel);}// Locate the index in the table associated with <task> from the// beginning of the table up to an index.  Must be called with the// lock held.ACE_Thread_Descriptor *ACE_Thread_Manager::find_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, size_t slot){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::find_task");  size_t i = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (i >= slot)        break;      if (task == ()->task_)        return ();      ++i;    }  return 0;}// Returns the number of ACE_Task in a group.intACE_Thread_Manager::num_tasks_in_group (int grp_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::num_tasks_in_group");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  int tasks_count = 0;  size_t i = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if ( ()->grp_id_ == grp_id          && this->find_task ( ()->task_, i) == 0          && ()->task_ != 0)        {          ++tasks_count;        }      ++i;    }  return tasks_count;}// Returns the number of threads in an ACE_Task.intACE_Thread_Manager::num_threads_in_task (ACE_Task_Base *task){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::num_threads_in_task");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  int threads_count = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if ( ()->task_ == task)        {          ++threads_count;        }    }  return threads_count;}// Returns in task_list a list of ACE_Tasks registered with ACE_Thread_Manager.ssize_tACE_Thread_Manager::task_all_list (ACE_Task_Base *task_list[],                                   size_t n){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::task_all_list");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  size_t task_list_count = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (task_list_count >= n)        {          break;        }      ACE_Task_Base *task_p = ()->task_;      if (0 != task_p)        {          // This thread has a task pointer; see if it's already in the          // list. Don't add duplicates.          size_t i = 0;          for (; i < task_list_count; ++i)            {              if (task_list[i] == task_p)                {                  break;                }            }          if (i == task_list_count)        // No match - add this one            {              task_list[task_list_count++] = task_p;            }        }    }  return ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<ssize_t> (task_list_count);}// Returns in thread_list a list of all thread idsssize_tACE_Thread_Manager::thread_all_list (ACE_thread_t thread_list[],                                     size_t n){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::thread_all_list");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  size_t thread_count = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (thread_count >= n)        {          break;        }      thread_list[thread_count] = ()->thr_id_;      ++thread_count;    }  return ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<ssize_t> (thread_count);}intACE_Thread_Manager::thr_state (ACE_thread_t id,                               ACE_UINT32& state){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::thr_state");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  int const self_check = ACE_OS::thr_equal (id, ACE_OS::thr_self ());  // If we're checking the state of our thread, try to get the cached  // value out of TSS to avoid lookup.  if (self_check)    {      ACE_Thread_Descriptor *desc = ACE_LOG_MSG->thr_desc ();      if (desc == 0)        {          return 0;               // Always return false.        }      state = desc->thr_state_;    }  else    {      // Not calling from self, have to look it up from the list.      ACE_FIND (this->find_thread (id), ptr);      if (ptr == 0)        {          return 0;        }      state = ptr->thr_state_;    }  return 1;}// Returns in task_list a list of ACE_Tasks in a group.ssize_tACE_Thread_Manager::task_list (int grp_id,                               ACE_Task_Base *task_list[],                               size_t n){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::task_list");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  ACE_Task_Base **task_list_iterator = task_list;  size_t task_list_count = 0;  size_t i = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (task_list_count >= n)        {          break;        }      if ( ()->grp_id_ == grp_id          && this->find_task ( ()->task_, i) == 0)        {          task_list_iterator[task_list_count] = ()->task_;          ++task_list_count;        }      ++i;    }  return ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<ssize_t> (task_list_count);}// Returns in thread_list a list of thread ids in an ACE_Task.ssize_tACE_Thread_Manager::thread_list (ACE_Task_Base *task,                                 ACE_thread_t thread_list[],                                 size_t n){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::thread_list");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  size_t thread_count = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (thread_count >= n)        {          break;        }      if ( ()->task_ == task)        {          thread_list[thread_count] = ()->thr_id_;          ++thread_count;        }    }  return ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<ssize_t> (thread_count);}// Returns in thread_list a list of thread handles in an ACE_Task.ssize_tACE_Thread_Manager::hthread_list (ACE_Task_Base *task,                                  ACE_hthread_t hthread_list[],                                  size_t n){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::hthread_list");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  size_t hthread_count = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (hthread_count >= n)        {          break;        }      if ( ()->task_ == task)        {          hthread_list[hthread_count] = ()->thr_handle_;          ++hthread_count;        }    }  return ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<ssize_t> (hthread_count);}ssize_tACE_Thread_Manager::thread_grp_list (int grp_id,                                     ACE_thread_t thread_list[],                                     size_t n){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::thread_grp_list");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  size_t thread_count = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (thread_count >= n)        {          break;        }      if ( ()->grp_id_ == grp_id)        {          thread_list[thread_count] = ()->thr_id_;          thread_count++;        }    }  return ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<ssize_t> (thread_count);}// Returns in thread_list a list of thread handles in an ACE_Task.ssize_tACE_Thread_Manager::hthread_grp_list (int grp_id,                                      ACE_hthread_t hthread_list[],                                      size_t n){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::hthread_grp_list");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  size_t hthread_count = 0;  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if (hthread_count >= n)        {          break;        }      if ( ()->grp_id_ == grp_id)        {          hthread_list[hthread_count] = ()->thr_handle_;          hthread_count++;        }    }  return ACE_Utils::truncate_cast<ssize_t> (hthread_count);}intACE_Thread_Manager::set_grp (ACE_Task_Base *task, int grp_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::set_grp");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  for (ACE_Double_Linked_List_Iterator<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> iter (this->thr_list_);       !iter.done ();       iter.advance ())    {      if ( ()->task_ == task)        { ()->grp_id_ = grp_id;        }    }  return 0;}intACE_Thread_Manager::get_grp (ACE_Task_Base *task, int &grp_id){  ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Thread_Manager::get_grp");  ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_Thread_Mutex, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1));  ACE_FIND (this->find_task (task), ptr);  grp_id = ptr->grp_id_;  return 0;}

/** * @class ACE_Thread_Manager * * @brief Manages a pool of threads. * * This class allows operations on groups of threads atomically. * The default behavior of thread manager is to wait on * all threads under it's management when it gets destructed. * Therefore, remember to remove a thread from thread manager if * you don't want it to wait for the thread. There are also * functions to disable this default wait-on-exit behavior. * However, if your program depends on turning this off to run * correctly, you are probably doing something wrong. Rule of * thumb, use ACE_Thread to manage your daemon threads. * Notice that if there're threads which live beyond the scope of * main(), you are sure to have resource leaks in your program. * Remember to wait on threads before exiting your main program if that * could happen in your programs. */class ACE_Export ACE_Thread_Manager{public: friend class ACE_Thread_Control; // Allow ACE_THread_Exit to register the global TSS instance object. friend class ACE_Thread_Exit; friend class ACE_Thread_Descriptor;#if !defined (__GNUG__) typedef int (ACE_Thread_Manager::*ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC)(ACE_Thread_Descriptor *, int);#endif /* !__GNUG__ */ /// These are the various states a thread managed by the /// ACE_Thread_Manager can be in. enum { /// Uninitialized. ACE_THR_IDLE = 0x00000000, /// Created but not yet running. ACE_THR_SPAWNED = 0x00000001, /// Thread is active (naturally, we don't know if it's actually /// *running* because we aren't the scheduler...). ACE_THR_RUNNING = 0x00000002, /// Thread is suspended. ACE_THR_SUSPENDED = 0x00000004, /// Thread has been cancelled (which is an indiction that it needs to /// terminate...). ACE_THR_CANCELLED = 0x00000008, /// Thread has shutdown, but the slot in the thread manager hasn't /// been reclaimed yet. ACE_THR_TERMINATED = 0x00000010, /// Join operation has been invoked on the thread by thread manager. ACE_THR_JOINING = 0x10000000 }; /** * @brief Initialization and termination methods. * * Internally, ACE_Thread_Manager keeps a freelist for caching * resources it uses to keep track of managed threads (not the * threads themselves.) @a prealloc, @a lwm, @a inc, @hwm * determine the initial size, the low water mark, increment step, * and high water mark of the freelist. * * @sa ACE_Free_List */ ACE_Thread_Manager (size_t preaolloc = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_MANAGER_PREALLOC, size_t lwm = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_MANAGER_LWM, size_t inc = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_MANAGER_INC, size_t hwm = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_MANAGER_HWM); ~ACE_Thread_Manager (void);#if ! defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_LACKS_STATICS) /// Get pointer to a process-wide ACE_Thread_Manager. static ACE_Thread_Manager *instance (void); /// Set pointer to a process-wide ACE_Thread_Manager and return /// existing pointer. static ACE_Thread_Manager *instance (ACE_Thread_Manager *); /// Delete the dynamically allocated Singleton static void close_singleton (void);#endif /* ! defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_LACKS_STATICS) */ /// No-op. Currently unused. int open (size_t size = 0); /** * Release all resources. * By default, this method will wait until all threads exit. * However, when called from close_singleton(), most global resources * are destroyed and thus, close() does not try to wait; it simply cleans * up internal thread records (the thread descriptor list). */ int close (void); /** * Create a new thread, which executes @a func with argument @a arg. * * @param func The function that is called in the spawned thread. * * @param arg The value passed to each spawned thread's @a func. * * @param flags Flags to control attributes of the spawned threads. * @sa ACE_OS::thr_create() for descriptions of the * possible flags values and their interactions. * * @param t_id Pointer to a location to receive the spawned thread's * ID. If 0, the ID is not returned. * * @param t_handle Pointer to a location to receive the spawned thread's * thread handle. If 0, the handle is not returned. * * @param priority The priority at which the thread is spawned. * * @param grp_id The thread group that the spawned thread is * added to. If -1 is specified, a new thread group is * created for the spawned thread. * * @param stack Pointers to the base of a pre-allocated stack space * for the thread's stack. If 0, the platform allocates * stack space for the thread. If a stack is specified, * it is recommended that @a stack_size also be supplied * to specify the size of the stack. * Not all platforms support pre-allocated stacks. If * @a stack is specified for a platform which does not * allow pre-allocated stack space this parameter is * ignored. * * @param stack_size Indicate how large the thread's stack should be, in * bytes. If a pre-allocated stack pointer is passed in * @a stack, @a stack_size indicates the size of that * stack area. If no pre-allocated stack is passed, * the stack size specified is passed to the * operating system to request that it allocate a stack * of the specified size. * * @param thr_name Pointer to a name to assign to the spawned thread. * This is only meaningful for platforms that have a * capacity to name threads (e.g., VxWorks and some * varieties of Pthreads). This argument is ignored if * specified as 0 and on platforms that do not have the * capability to name threads. * * @retval -1 on failure; @c errno contains an error value. * @retval The group id of the spawned thread. */ int spawn (ACE_THR_FUNC func, void *arg = 0, long flags = THR_NEW_LWP | THR_JOINABLE | THR_INHERIT_SCHED, ACE_thread_t *t_id = 0, ACE_hthread_t *t_handle = 0, long priority = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, int grp_id = -1, void *stack = 0, size_t stack_size = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE, const char** thr_name = 0); /** * Spawn a specified number of threads, all of which execute @a func * with argument @a arg. * * @param n The number of threads to spawn. * * @param func The function that is called in the spawned thread. * * @param arg The value passed to each spawned thread's @a func. * * @param flags Flags to control attributes of the spawned threads. * @sa ACE_OS::thr_create() for descriptions of the * possible flags values and their interactions. * * @param priority The priority at which the threads are spawned. * * @param grp_id The thread group that the spawned threads are * added to. If -1 is specified, a new thread group is * created for the spawned threads. * * @param task The ACE_Task that the spawned threads are associated * with. If 0, the threads are not associated with an * ACE_Task. This argument is usually assigned by the * ACE_Task_Base::activate() method to associate the * spawned threads with the spawning ACE_Task object. * * @param thread_handles An array of @a n entries which will receive * the thread handles of the spawned threads. * * @param stack An array of @a n pointers to pre-allocated stack space * for each thread's stack. If specified as 0, the * platform allocates stack space for each thread. If * a stack is specified, it is recommended that a * @a stack_size element also be supplied that specifies * the size of the stack. * Not all platforms support pre-allocated stacks. If * @a stack is specified for a platform which does not * allow pre-allocated stack space this parameter is * ignored. * * @param stack_size An array of @a n values which indicate how large * each thread's stack should be, in bytes. * If pre-allocated stacks are passed in @a stacks, these * sizes are for those stacks. If no pre-allocated stacks * are passed, the stack sizes are specified to the * operating system to request that it allocate stacks * of the specified sizes. If an array entry is 0, the * platform defaults are used for the corresponding thread. * If a 0 array pointer is specified, platform defaults * are used for all thread stack sizes. * * @param thr_name An array of names to assign to the spawned threads. * This is only meaningful for platforms that have a * capacity to name threads (e.g., VxWorks and some * varieties of Pthreads). This argument is ignored if * specified as 0 and on platforms that do not have the * capability to name threads. * * ACE_Thread_Manager can manipulate threads in groups based on * @a grp_id or @a task using functions such as kill_grp() or * cancel_task(). * * @retval -1 on failure; @c errno contains an error value. * @retval The group id of the threads. */ int spawn_n (size_t n, ACE_THR_FUNC func, void *arg = 0, long flags = THR_NEW_LWP | THR_JOINABLE | THR_INHERIT_SCHED, long priority = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, int grp_id = -1, ACE_Task_Base *task = 0, ACE_hthread_t thread_handles[] = 0, void *stack[] = 0, size_t stack_size[] = 0, const char* thr_name[] = 0); /** * Spawn a specified number of threads, all of which execute @a func * with argument @a arg. * * @param thread_ids An array to receive the thread IDs of successfully * spawned buffer. If 0, the thread IDs are not returned. * If specified, the array must be at least @a n entries. * * @param n The number of threads to spawn. * * @param func The function that is called in the spawned thread. * * @param arg The value passed to each spawned thread's @a func. * * @param flags Flags to control attributes of the spawned threads. * @sa ACE_OS::thr_create() for descriptions of the * possible flags values and their interactions. * * @param priority The priority at which the threads are spawned. * * @param grp_id The thread group that the spawned threads are * added to. If -1 is specified, a new thread group is * created for the spawned threads. * * @param stack An array of @a n pointers to pre-allocated stack space * for each thread's stack. If specified as 0, the * platform allocates stack space for each thread. If * a stack is specified, it is recommended that a * @a stack_size element also be supplied that specifies * the size of the stack. * Not all platforms support pre-allocated stacks. If * @a stack is specified for a platform which does not * allow pre-allocated stack space this parameter is * ignored. * * @param stack_size An array of @a n values which indicate how large * each thread's stack should be, in bytes. * If pre-allocated stacks are passed in @a stacks, these * sizes are for those stacks. If no pre-allocated stacks * are passed, the stack sizes are specified to the * operating system to request that it allocate stacks * of the specified sizes. If an array entry is 0, the * platform defaults are used for the corresponding thread. * If a 0 array pointer is specified, platform defaults * are used for all thread stack sizes. * * @param thread_handles An array of @a n entries which will receive * the thread handles of the spawned threads. * * @param task The ACE_Task that the spawned threads are associated * with. If 0, the threads are not associated with an * ACE_Task. This argument is usually assigned by the * ACE_Task_Base::activate() method to associate the * spawned threads with the spawning ACE_Task object. * * @param thr_name An array of names to assign to the spawned threads. * This is only meaningful for platforms that have a * capacity to name threads (e.g., VxWorks and some * varieties of Pthreads). This argument is ignored if * specified as 0 and on platforms that do not have the * capability to name threads. * * ACE_Thread_Manager can manipulate threads in groups based on * @a grp_id or @a task using functions such as kill_grp() or * cancel_task(). * * @retval -1 on failure; @c errno contains an error value. * @retval The group id of the threads. */ int spawn_n (ACE_thread_t thread_ids[], size_t n, ACE_THR_FUNC func, void *arg, long flags, long priority = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, int grp_id = -1, void *stack[] = 0, size_t stack_size[] = 0, ACE_hthread_t thread_handles[] = 0, ACE_Task_Base *task = 0, const char* thr_name[] = 0); /** * Called to clean up when a thread exits. * * @param do_thread_exit If non-0 then ACE_Thread::exit is called to * exit the thread * @param status If ACE_Thread_Exit is called, this is passed as * the exit value of the thread. * Should _not_ be called by main thread. */ ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURN exit (ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURN status = 0, bool do_thread_exit = true); /** * Block until there are no more threads running in this thread * manager or @c timeout expires. * * @param timeout is treated as "absolute" time by default, but this * can be changed to "relative" time by setting the @c * use_absolute_time to false. * @param abandon_detached_threads If true, @c wait() will first * check thru its thread list for * threads with THR_DETACHED or * THR_DAEMON flags set and remove * these threads. Notice that * unlike other @c wait_*() methods, * by default, @c wait() does wait on * all thread spawned by this * thread manager no matter the detached * flags are set or not unless it is * called with @c * abandon_detached_threads flag set. * @param use_absolute_time If true then treat @c timeout as * absolute time, else relative time. * @return 0 on success * and -1 on failure. * * @note If this function is called while the @c * ACE_Object_Manager is shutting down (as a result of program * rundown via @c ACE::fini()), it will not wait for any threads to * complete. If you must wait for threads spawned by this thread * manager to complete and you are in a ACE rundown situation (such * as your object is being destroyed by the @c ACE_Object_Manager) * you can use @c wait_grp() instead. */ int wait (const ACE_Time_Value *timeout = 0, bool abandon_detached_threads = false, bool use_absolute_time = true); /// Join a thread specified by @a tid. Do not wait on a detached thread. int join (ACE_thread_t tid, ACE_THR_FUNC_RETURN *status = 0); /** * Block until there are no more threads running in a group. * Returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. Notice that wait_grp * will not wait on detached threads. */ int wait_grp (int grp_id); /** * Return the "real" handle to the calling thread, caching it if * necessary in TSS to speed up subsequent lookups. This is * necessary since on some platforms (e.g., Windows) we can't get this * handle via direct method calls. Notice that you should *not* * close the handle passed back from this method. It is used * internally by Thread Manager. On the other hand, you *have to* * use this internal thread handle when working on Thread_Manager. * Return -1 if fail. */ int thr_self (ACE_hthread_t &); /** * Return the unique ID of the calling thread. * Same as calling ACE_Thread::self(). */ ACE_thread_t thr_self (void); /** * Returns a pointer to the current ACE_Task_Base we're executing * in if this thread is indeed running in an ACE_Task_Base, else * return 0. */ ACE_Task_Base *task (void); /** * @name Suspend and resume methods * * Suspend/resume is not supported on all platforms. For example, Pthreads * does not support these functions. */ //@{ /// Suspend all threads int suspend_all (void); /// Suspend a single thread. int suspend (ACE_thread_t); /// Suspend a group of threads. int suspend_grp (int grp_id); /** * True if @a t_id is inactive (i.e., suspended), else false. Always * return false if @a t_id is not managed by the Thread_Manager. */ int testsuspend (ACE_thread_t t_id); /// Resume all stopped threads int resume_all (void); /// Resume a single thread. int resume (ACE_thread_t); /// Resume a group of threads. int resume_grp (int grp_id); /** * True if @a t_id is active (i.e., resumed), else false. Always * return false if @a t_id is not managed by the Thread_Manager. */ int testresume (ACE_thread_t t_id); //@} // = Send signals to one or more threads without blocking. /** * Send @a signum to all stopped threads. Not supported on platforms * that do not have advanced signal support, such as Win32. */ int kill_all (int signum); /** * Send the @a signum to a single thread. Not supported on platforms * that do not have advanced signal support, such as Win32. */ int kill (ACE_thread_t, int signum); /** * Send @a signum to a group of threads, not supported on platforms * that do not have advanced signal support, such as Win32. */ int kill_grp (int grp_id, int signum); // = Cancel methods, which provides a cooperative thread-termination mechanism (will not block). /** * Cancel's all the threads. */ int cancel_all (int async_cancel = 0); /** * Cancel a single thread. */ int cancel (ACE_thread_t, int async_cancel = 0); /** * Cancel a group of threads. */ int cancel_grp (int grp_id, int async_cancel = 0); /** * True if @a t_id is cancelled, else false. Always return false if * @a t_id is not managed by the Thread_Manager. */ int testcancel (ACE_thread_t t_id); /** * True if @a t_id has terminated (i.e., is no longer running), * but the slot in the thread manager hasn't been reclaimed yet, * else false. Always return false if @a t_id is not managed by the * Thread_Manager. */ int testterminate (ACE_thread_t t_id); /// Set group ids for a particular thread id. int set_grp (ACE_thread_t, int grp_id); /// Get group ids for a particular thread id. int get_grp (ACE_thread_t, int &grp_id); /** * @name Task-related operations */ //@{ /** * Block until there are no more threads running in a specified task. * This method will not wait for either detached or daemon threads; * the threads must have been spawned with the @c THR_JOINABLE flag. * Upon successful completion, the threads have been joined, so further * attempts to join with any of the waited-for threads will fail. * * @param task The ACE_Task_Base object whose threads are to waited for. * * @retval 0 Success. * @retval -1 Failure (consult errno for further information). */ int wait_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); /** * Suspend all threads in an ACE_Task. */ int suspend_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); /** * Resume all threads in an ACE_Task. */ int resume_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); /** * Send a signal @a signum to all threads in an ACE_Task. */ int kill_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, int signum); /** * Cancel all threads in an ACE_Task. If <async_cancel> is non-0, * then asynchronously cancel these threads if the OS platform * supports cancellation. Otherwise, perform a "cooperative" * cancellation. */ int cancel_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, int async_cancel = 0); //@} // = Collect thread handles in the thread manager. Notice that // the collected information is just a snapshot. /// Check if the thread is managed by the thread manager. Return true if /// the thread is found, false otherwise. int hthread_within (ACE_hthread_t handle); int thread_within (ACE_thread_t tid); /// Returns the number of ACE_Task_Base in a group. int num_tasks_in_group (int grp_id); /// Returns the number of threads in an ACE_Task_Base. int num_threads_in_task (ACE_Task_Base *task); /** * Returns a list of ACE_Task_Base pointers corresponding to the tasks * that have active threads in a specified thread group. * * @param grp_id The thread group ID to obtain task pointers for. * * @param task_list is a pointer to an array to receive the list of pointers. * The caller is responsible for supplying an array with at * least @arg n entries. * * @param n The maximum number of ACE_Task_Base pointers to write * in @arg task_list. * * @retval If successful, the number of pointers returned, which will be * no greater than @arg n. Returns -1 on error. * * @note This method has no way to indicate if there are more than * @arg n ACE_Task_Base pointers available. Therefore, it may be * wise to guess a larger value of @arg n than one thinks in cases * where the exact number of tasks is not known. * * @sa num_tasks_in_group(), task_all_list() */ ssize_t task_list (int grp_id, ACE_Task_Base *task_list[], size_t n); /** * Returns in @a thread_list a list of up to @a n thread ids in an * ACE_Task_Base. The caller must allocate the memory for * @a thread_list. In case of an error, -1 is returned. If no * requested values are found, 0 is returned, otherwise correct * number of retrieved values are returned. */ ssize_t thread_list (ACE_Task_Base *task, ACE_thread_t thread_list[], size_t n); /** * Returns in @a hthread_list a list of up to @a n thread handles in * an ACE_Task_Base. The caller must allocate memory for * @a hthread_list. In case of an error, -1 is returned. If no * requested values are found, 0 is returned, otherwise correct * number of retrieved values are returned. */ ssize_t hthread_list (ACE_Task_Base *task, ACE_hthread_t hthread_list[], size_t n); /** * Returns in @a thread_list a list of up to @a n thread ids in a * group @a grp_id. The caller must allocate the memory for * @a thread_list. In case of an error, -1 is returned. If no * requested values are found, 0 is returned, otherwise correct * number of retrieved values are returned. */ ssize_t thread_grp_list (int grp_id, ACE_thread_t thread_list[], size_t n); /** * Returns in @a hthread_list a list of up to @a n thread handles in * a group @a grp_id. The caller must allocate memory for * @a hthread_list. */ ssize_t hthread_grp_list (int grp_id, ACE_hthread_t hthread_list[], size_t n); /** * Returns a list of ACE_Task_Base pointers corresponding to the tasks * that have active threads managed by this instance. * * @param task_list is a pointer to an array to receive the list of pointers. * The caller is responsible for supplying an array with at * least @arg n entries. * * @param n The maximum number of ACE_Task_Base pointers to write * in @arg task_list. * * @retval If successful, the number of pointers returned, which will be * no greater than @arg n. Returns -1 on error. * * @note This method has no way to indicate if there are more than * @arg n ACE_Task_Base pointers available. Therefore, it may be * wise to guess a larger value of @arg n than one thinks in cases * where the exact number of tasks is not known. * * @sa count_threads() */ ssize_t task_all_list (ACE_Task_Base *task_list[], size_t n); /** * Returns in @a thread_list a list of up to @a n thread ids. The * caller must allocate the memory for @a thread_list. In case of an * error, -1 is returned. If no requested values are found, 0 is * returned, otherwise correct number of retrieved values are * returned. */ ssize_t thread_all_list (ACE_thread_t thread_list[], size_t n); /// Set group ids for a particular task. int set_grp (ACE_Task_Base *task, int grp_id); /// Get group ids for a particular task. int get_grp (ACE_Task_Base *task, int &grp_id); /// Return a count of the current number of threads active in the /// <Thread_Manager>. size_t count_threads (void) const; /// Get the state of the thread. Returns false if the thread is not /// managed by this thread manager. int thr_state (ACE_thread_t id, ACE_UINT32& state); /** * Register an At_Thread_Exit hook and the ownership is acquire by * Thread_Descriptor, this is the usual case when the AT is dynamically * allocated. */ int at_exit (ACE_At_Thread_Exit* cleanup); /// Register an At_Thread_Exit hook and the ownership is retained for the /// caller. Normally used when the at_exit hook is created in stack. int at_exit (ACE_At_Thread_Exit& cleanup); /** * ***** * @deprecated This function is deprecated. Please use the previous two * at_exit method. Notice that you should avoid mixing this method * with the previous two at_exit methods. ***** * * Register an object (or array) for cleanup at * thread termination. "cleanup_hook" points to a (global, or * static member) function that is called for the object or array * when it to be destroyed. It may perform any necessary cleanup * specific for that object or its class. "param" is passed as the * second parameter to the "cleanup_hook" function; the first * parameter is the object (or array) to be destroyed. * "cleanup_hook", for example, may delete the object (or array). * If <cleanup_hook> == 0, the <object> will _NOT_ get cleanup at * thread exit. You can use this to cancel the previously added * at_exit. */ int at_exit (void *object, ACE_CLEANUP_FUNC cleanup_hook, void *param); /// Access function to determine whether the Thread_Manager will /// wait for its thread to exit or not when being closing down. void wait_on_exit (int dowait); int wait_on_exit (void); /// Dump the state of an object. void dump (void); /// Declare the dynamic allocation hooks. ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DECLARE;protected: // = Accessors for ACE_Thread_Descriptors. /** * Get a pointer to the calling thread's own thread_descriptor. * This must be called from a spawn thread. This function will * fetch the info from TSS. */ ACE_Thread_Descriptor *thread_desc_self (void); /// Return a pointer to the thread's Thread_Descriptor, /// 0 if fail. ACE_Thread_Descriptor *thread_descriptor (ACE_thread_t); /// Return a pointer to the thread's Thread_Descriptor, /// 0 if fail. ACE_Thread_Descriptor *hthread_descriptor (ACE_hthread_t); /// Create a new thread (must be called with locks held). int spawn_i (ACE_THR_FUNC func, void *arg, long flags, ACE_thread_t * = 0, ACE_hthread_t *t_handle = 0, long priority = ACE_DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, int grp_id = -1, void *stack = 0, size_t stack_size = 0, ACE_Task_Base *task = 0, const char** thr_name = 0); /// Run the registered hooks when the thread exits. void run_thread_exit_hooks (int i); /// Locate the index of the table slot occupied by <t_id>. Returns /// -1 if <t_id> is not in the table doesn't contain <t_id>. ACE_Thread_Descriptor *find_thread (ACE_thread_t t_id); /// Locate the index of the table slot occupied by <h_id>. Returns /// -1 if <h_id> is not in the table doesn't contain <h_id>. ACE_Thread_Descriptor *find_hthread (ACE_hthread_t h_id); /** * Locate the thread descriptor address of the list occupied by * @a task. Returns 0 if @a task is not in the table doesn't contain * @a task. */ ACE_Thread_Descriptor *find_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, size_t slot = 0); /// Insert a thread in the table (checks for duplicates). int insert_thr (ACE_thread_t t_id, ACE_hthread_t, int grp_id = -1, long flags = 0); /// Append a thread in the table (adds at the end, growing the table /// if necessary). int append_thr (ACE_thread_t t_id, ACE_hthread_t, ACE_UINT32, int grp_id, ACE_Task_Base *task = 0, long flags = 0, ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td = 0); /// Remove thread from the table. void remove_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int close_handler); /// Remove all threads from the table. void remove_thr_all (void); // = The following four methods implement a simple scheme for // operating on a collection of threads atomically. /** * Efficiently check whether @a thread is in a particular @a state. * This call updates the TSS cache if possible to speed up * subsequent searches. */ int check_state (ACE_UINT32 state, ACE_thread_t thread, int enable = 1); /// Apply @a func to all members of the table that match the @a task int apply_task (ACE_Task_Base *task, ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC func, int = 0); /// Apply @a func to all members of the table that match the @a grp_id. int apply_grp (int grp_id, ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC func, int arg = 0); /// Apply @a func to all members of the table. int apply_all (ACE_THR_MEMBER_FUNC, int = 0); /// Join the thread described in @a td. int join_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int = 0); /// Resume the thread described in @a td. int resume_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int = 0); /// Suspend the thread described in @a td. int suspend_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int = 0); /// Send signal @a signum to the thread described in @a td. int kill_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int signum); /// Set the cancellation flag for the thread described in @a td. int cancel_thr (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td, int async_cancel = 0); /// Register a thread as terminated and put it into the <terminated_thr_list_>. int register_as_terminated (ACE_Thread_Descriptor *td); /// Setting the static ACE_TSS_TYPE (ACE_Thread_Exit) *thr_exit_ pointer. static int set_thr_exit (ACE_TSS_TYPE (ACE_Thread_Exit) *ptr); /** * Keeping a list of thread descriptors within the thread manager. * Double-linked list enables us to cache the entries in TSS * and adding/removing thread descriptor entries without * affecting other thread's descriptor entries. */ ACE_Double_Linked_List<ACE_Thread_Descriptor> thr_list_;#if !defined (ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS) /// Collect terminated but not yet joined thread entries. ACE_Double_Linked_List<ACE_Thread_Descriptor_Base> terminated_thr_list_;#endif /* !ACE_HAS_VXTHREADS */ /// Collect pointers to thread descriptors of threads to be removed later. ACE_Unbounded_Queue<ACE_Thread_Descriptor*> thr_to_be_removed_; /// Keeps track of the next group id to assign. int grp_id_; /// Set if we want the Thread_Manager to wait on all threads before /// being closed, reset otherwise. int automatic_wait_; // = ACE_Thread_Mutex and condition variable for synchronizing termination.#if defined (ACE_HAS_THREADS) /// Serialize access to the <zero_cond_>. ACE_Thread_Mutex lock_; /// Keep track of when there are no more threads. ACE_Condition_Thread_Mutex zero_cond_;#endif /* ACE_HAS_THREADS */ ACE_Locked_Free_List<ACE_Thread_Descriptor, ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX> thread_desc_freelist_;private:#if ! defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_LACKS_STATICS) /// Pointer to a process-wide ACE_Thread_Manager. static ACE_Thread_Manager *thr_mgr_; /// Must delete the thr_mgr_ if true. static bool delete_thr_mgr_; /// Global ACE_TSS (ACE_Thread_Exit) object ptr. static ACE_TSS_TYPE (ACE_Thread_Exit) *thr_exit_;#endif /* ! defined (ACE_THREAD_MANAGER_LACKS_STATICS) */};
