sicily--1509. Rails

来源:互联网 发布:三维码生成软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/19 16:23


// Problem#: 1509// Submission#: 878974// The source code is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License// URI: All Copyright reserved by Informatic Lab of Sun Yat-sen University#include <iostream>#include <stack>#include <vector>using namespace std;int main(){        int coach_num;                                  //车厢的数目    while( cin >> coach_num && coach_num != 0 )     //车厢数目为0将不会操作    {               int test;           while(cin >> test && test != 0)        {            vector<int> coach_out;                          //coach_out记录用户希望出站的车厢顺序            vector<int>::iterator it;            stack<int> coach_in;                            //coach_in用于在站内可以出站的车厢的顺序            int coach_counter = 0;                          //记录已出站的车厢数目            for( int i = 1; i <= coach_num; ++i )       //coach_out记录用户希望出站的车厢顺序            {                                                           int temp;                if( i == 1 )                    coach_out.push_back(test);                else                {                    cin >> temp;                    coach_out.push_back(temp);                }                        }                        it = coach_out.begin();                    for( int j = 1; j <= coach_num; ++j)      //如果将要入站的标号与用户希望出站的标号相同,则出站            {                                         //j用于表示入站的顺序                if( j == (*it))                       //如果将要入站的车厢与用户希望接下来要出站的车厢编号一致,则将此车厢出站                {                    it = coach_out.erase(it);                    coach_counter++;                   //标记出站的车厢数目加1                }                else                                  //如果来到的车厢不是用户想要出站的就先入站                {                    while( !coach_in.empty() && == (*it))                    {                        it= coach_out.erase(it);                        coach_counter++;                        coach_in.pop();                    }                    coach_in.push(j);                }            }                        if(coach_out.empty())                ;            else                for(it = coach_out.begin(); it != coach_out.end(); ++it)                {                    if( == (*it))                    {                        coach_in.pop();                        coach_counter++;                    }                }                    if(coach_counter == coach_num)                cout << "Yes" << endl;            else                cout << "No" << endl;        }            cout << endl;    }        return 0;}