
来源:互联网 发布:网络进度计划图怎么看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 17:57





{第一个猴子上绳:down(mutex)if direction == 0:    # first monkey    direction = self.direction    count = 1    down(step_semaphore[0]) # for now nobody has occupied the rope    # if someone downed step_semaphore[0], it must have changed `direction'    down(rope_semaphore)    self.step = 0    up(mutex)elif direction == self.direction:    ...else:    ...第二个或后续猴子上绳:down(mutex)if direction == 0:    ...elif direction == self.direction:    # followup monkey    count += 1    up(mutex)    # not the first one so step_semaphore[0] can cause deadlock if downed    # before upping mutex    # QUESTIONS: 1. if all ahead ones quit; a: it won't up rope_semaphore; 2.    # if more monkeys come; a: they'll compete on step_semaphore, which will be    # judged by the OS    down(step_semaphore[0])    self.step = 0else:    ...反方向猴子想要上绳:while True:    down(mutex)    if direction == 0:        ...    elif direction == self.direction:        ...    else:        # opposite direction monkey        up(mutex)        # QUESTIONS: 1. if all other direction ones quit; a: it will get        # rope_semaphore; 2. if more monkeys come; a: they'll compete first on        # rope_semaphore, then on mutex, which will be judged by the OS        down(rope_semaphore)        up(rope_semaphore)        # now loop back to try again; note that we can't down mutex before the        # up because doing this would break the lock order, which may lead to        # dead lock正方向猴子完成一步工作:do_work()if self.step + 1 < step_count:    # it doesn't make much sense to up the semaphore without downing the next,    # and that may even lead to wrong order    down(step_semaphore[self.step + 1])    up(step_semaphore[self.step])    self.step += 1else:    # quit the rope    down(mutex)    # the up for step_semaphore is safe here    up(step_semaphore[self.step])    count -= 1    if count == 0:        direction = 0        up(rope_semaphore)    up(mutex)    self.step = -1}

