Useful Android Libraries

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Useful Android Libraries

Lars Vogel

Version 1.3


Revision HistoryRevision
CreatedRevision 0.2 - 1.316.04.2012 - 02.01.2013Lars
bugfixes and updates

Useful Android Library Projects

This article describes useful Android libraries and example code repositories.

Table of Contents

1. Useful Android library projects
2. Libraries
3. Code example repositories
4. Thank you
5. Questions and Discussion
6. Links and Literature
6.1. Source Code
6.2. Android Resources
6.3. vogella Resources

1. Useful Android library projects

The nature of Android as Open Source project makes it easy for others to create useful libraries. This article lists popular Open Source libraries and useful example projects which makes it easier to create powerful Android projects.

2. Libraries

Android Annotation framework

Dagger - dependency injection framework for Java and Android

Polaris - Google Maps improvements based on API v1

Sliding Menu implementation (1) or Sliding Menu implementation (2)

Downport of animation framework to Android version as of 1.6 from Jake Wharton

Page View indicator from Jake Wharton

Otto ??? Event Bus for Android

AChartEngine ??? Charting Engine

ActionBarSherlock - ActionBar for older Android versions

Pull to refresh library

ormLight ORM mapper

GreeDAO from Markus Junginger, ORM Mapper

RoboGuice for testing on the Java virtual machine

Android Scripting - Allows to run scripting languages on Android

3. Code example repositories

The most important source of example code are the API demos of Android. You can create a project with this sample code via the Android Sample project wizard by selecting the API demos entry.

Roman Nurik from Google keeps this example repository. Roman Nurik's examples

Mark Murthy (Android trainer, developer and book author) keeps his advanced examples in this repository. Mark Murthy's advanced examples

4. Thank you

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5. Questions and Discussion

Before posting questions, please see the vogella FAQ. If you have questions or find an error in this article please use Google Group. I have created a short list how to create good questions which might also help you.

6. Links and Literature

6.1. Source Code

Source Code of Examples

6.2. Android Resources

Android Tutorial

Android Location API and Google Maps

Android and Networking

6.3. vogella Resources

vogella Training Android and Eclipse Training from the vogella team

Android Tutorial Introduction to Android Programming

GWT Tutorial Program in Java and compile to JavaScript and HTML

Eclipse RCP Tutorial Create native applications in Java

JUnit Tutorial Test your application

Git Tutorial Put everything you have under distributed version control system
