
来源:互联网 发布:济南程序员工资 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/18 15:33
110104 LCD Display
A friend of yours has just bought a new computer. Before this, the most powerful machine he
ever used was a pocket calculator. He is a little disappointed because he liked the LCD display of
his calculator more than the screen on his new computer! To make him happy, write a program that
prints numbers in LCD display style.
The input le contains several lines, one for each number to be displayed. Each line contains
integers s and n, where n is the number to be displayed (0  n  99;999;999) and s is the size in
which it shall be displayed (1  s  10). The input will be terminated by a line containing two zeros,
which should not be processed.
Print the numbers speci ed in the input le in an LCD display-style using s \-" signs for the
horizontal segments and s \|" signs for the vertical ones. Each digit occupies exactly s + 2 columns
and 2s + 3 rows. Be sure to ll all the white space occupied by the digits with blanks, including the
last digit. There must be exactly one column of blanks between two digits.
Output a blank line after each number. You will nd an example of each digit in the sample output
Sample Input
2 12345
3 67890
0 0
Sample Output
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-- -- --
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思路:创建一个0-9的size 为1的一个数组,然后根据size的大少进行扩大,若用C来写,需要用一个二维的指针数组。


#include <stdio.h>#define MAXLENGTH 8void display(long size,long number){   int digits[MAXLENGTH],i,j;      for(i = 0;i < MAXLENGTH;i++)         digits[i] = -1;   if(number == 0)      digits[MAXLENGTH-1] = 0;   else    {      for(i = MAXLENGTH-1;number >0;i--){         digits[i] = number % 10;          number /= 10;             }                          }        char *outline[5][10]={            " - ", "   ", " - ", " - ", "   ", " - ", " - ", " - ", " - ", " - ",          "| |", "  |", "  |", "  |", "| |", "|  ", "|  ", "  |", "| |", "| |",          "   ", "   ", " - ", " - ", " - ", " - ", " - ", "   ", " - ", " - ",          "| |", "  |", "|  ", "  |", "  |", "  |", "| |", "  |", "| |", "  |",          " - ", "   ", " - ", " - ", "   ", " - ", " - ", "   ", " - ", " - "          };            int row;   char *n;   for(row = 1;row <= (2*size+3);row++){      for(i = 0;i < MAXLENGTH;i++)                   if(digits[i] != -1){                                   if(row ==1 )                                n = outline[0][digits[i]];             if(2 <= row && row < (size + 2))                 n = outline[1][digits[i]];             if(row == (size + 2))                 n = outline[2][digits[i]];             if ((size + 3) <= row && row <= (2 * size + 2))                   n = outline[3][digits[i]];  //对列处理                if (row == (2 * size + 3))                   n = outline[4][digits[i]];  //对行处理              printf("%c",*n);                 for (j = 0; j < size; j++)                printf("%c",*(n+1));             printf("%c",*(n+2));                printf(" ");                          }           printf("\n");   }}int main(){   long size,number;   while(scanf("%d %d",&size,&number) && (size != 0 && number >= 0))        display(size,number);   return 0;         }
