巧记作宾语补足语的省略to 的动词不定式

来源:互联网 发布:百度的域名是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/23 14:57
动词不定式可以放在“动词+宾语”后面作宾语补足语,一般来说,不定式的符号to 不省略,例如:
Lucy told Han Mei not to forget to lock the door. 露西告诉韩美不要忘了锁门。
The teacher asked them to sit down. 老师请他们坐下。
I’m waiting for Tom to give the answer. 我在等汤姆给出答案。
Would you like her to sing us? 你想要她给我们唱歌吗?
我们需要掌握的一般有12个:feel, hear, listen to, have, make, let, see, watch, look at, notice, observe, help。为了便于掌握,我们可将它们分类:1. 一个“感觉”:feel;2. 两个“听”:listen to, hear;3. 三个使役动词:let, have, make;4. 五个“看”:see, watch, notice, observe, look at;5. 一个“帮助”:help,一般认为其后的不定式可以省掉to ,也可以带着。简单的来说就是:
Do you feel the house shake? 你感到房子摇晃吗?
Let’s listen to her play the beautiful music To Alice. 
We heard him read English in the garden just now. 
She doesn’t let him go out alone at night. 她不让他晚上独自出去。
Have Lenin come in, please. 请让列宁进去。
The boss made the workers work for 12 hours a day. 
They saw the thief break into the building. 他们看见小偷闯进大楼。
We watched the sun rise in the east. 我们看着太阳从东方升起。
Did anyone notice a strange man come into the bank? 
I observed them build a bridge. 我看着他们建了一座桥。
We looked at her run. 我们看着她跑。
Jack often helps me (to) learn Japanese. 杰克常帮我学日语。
提醒一:以上句子在变被动语态时,省略的不定式符号to 应加上。例如:
We were made to make ten sentences with these words. 
Is the building felt to move? 感到大楼晃动吗?
但当句子的动词为let 时,to 仍可省略。例如:
He wasn’t let go out alone at night. 
We heard her singing. 我们听见她在唱歌。(强调“唱歌”正在进行)
We heard her sing. 我们听见她唱歌了。(表示有过“唱歌”这一动作)
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