ObjectARX学习笔记(二十三)---AcEdInputPointMonitor 反应器,用来重载CAD鼠标点处实体的提示信息

来源:互联网 发布:mac版电脑能下淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 03:47
<pre name="code" class="cpp"><pre name="code" class="cpp">//   Copyright (C) 1998-2007 by Autodesk, Inc.////     Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software//     for any purpose is restricted by the VIP Subscription program//     license agreement.  This application was developed exclusively//     for distribution by the VIP subscription program and may not//     be posted pubicly, modified, copied, or distributed by any other//     methods. ////     AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS.  //     AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //     MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE.  AUTODESK, INC. //     DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE //     UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE.////     Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to //     restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer //     Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) //     (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable. //#include "acedinpt.h"class AsdkInputPointMonitor : public AcEdInputPointMonitor{public:    virtual Acad::ErrorStatus monitorInputPoint(const AcEdInputPoint& input, AcEdInputPointMonitorResult& output);    virtual bool excludeFromOsnapCalculation (const AcArray<AcDbObjectId>& nestedEntity, INT_PTR gsSelectionMark);};

//   Copyright (C) 1998-2007 by Autodesk, Inc.////     Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software//     for any purpose is restricted by the VIP Subscription program//     license agreement.  This application was developed exclusively//     for distribution by the VIP subscription program and may not//     be posted pubicly, modified, copied, or distributed by any other//     methods. ////     AUTODESK PROVIDES THIS PROGRAM "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS.  //     AUTODESK SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //     MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE.  AUTODESK, INC. //     DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE //     UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE.////     Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to //     restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer //     Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) //     (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable. //// AsdkInputPointMonitor methods//#if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(AC_FULL_DEBUG)#error _DEBUG should not be defined except in internal Adesk debug builds#endif#include "acdbabb.h"#include "adeskabb.h"#include "aced.h"#include "dbents.h"#include "dbosnap.h"#include "tchar.h"#include "monitor.h"Acad::ErrorStatusAsdkInputPointMonitor::monitorInputPoint(const AcEdInputPoint& input, AcEdInputPointMonitorResult& output){    if ( !input.pointComputed() )    {        // Points cannot be computed in the Monitor        // Forced picking may be enabled        if ( input.history() & Acad::eCyclingPt)            acutPrintf( _T("\nNo point computed, but new cycling osnap: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n"),                input.osnappedPoint()[X], input.osnappedPoint()[Y], input.osnappedPoint()[Z] );        return Acad::eOk;    }    // Show historical point selection information    //#define HISTORY_CHECK(x)  if (input.history() & Acad:: ## x) acutPrintf(_T("%s "), _T(#x))    acutPrintf( _T("\nHistory: %d, "), input.history() );    HISTORY_CHECK(eTablet);    HISTORY_CHECK(eNotDigitizer);    HISTORY_CHECK(eLastPt);    HISTORY_CHECK(eGripped);    HISTORY_CHECK(eCartSnapped);    HISTORY_CHECK(eOrtho);    HISTORY_CHECK(eCyclingPt);    HISTORY_CHECK(eOsnapped);    HISTORY_CHECK(ePolarAngle);    HISTORY_CHECK(eAligned);    HISTORY_CHECK(eAppFiltered);    HISTORY_CHECK(eForcedPick);    HISTORY_CHECK(ePickMask);    HISTORY_CHECK(eDidNotPick);    HISTORY_CHECK(eUsedPickBox);    HISTORY_CHECK(eUsedOsnapBox);    HISTORY_CHECK(ePickAborted);    HISTORY_CHECK(eXPending);    HISTORY_CHECK(eYPending);    HISTORY_CHECK(eZPending);    HISTORY_CHECK(eCoordPending);#undef HISTORY_CHECK    acutPrintf( _T("\n") );    // Show more point input information    //    if ( input.history() & Acad::eLastPt )        acutPrintf( _T("Last point:              %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n"), input.lastPoint()[X], input.lastPoint()[Y], input.lastPoint()[Z] );    acutPrintf( _T("Raw point:               %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n"), input.rawPoint()[X], input.rawPoint()[Y], input.rawPoint()[Z] );    acutPrintf( _T("Computed point:          %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n"), input.computedPoint()[X], input.computedPoint()[Y], input.computedPoint()[Z] );    if ( input.history() & Acad::eGripped )        acutPrintf( _T("Gripped point:           %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n"), input.grippedPoint()[X], input.grippedPoint()[Y], input.grippedPoint()[Z] );            if ( input.history() & Acad::eCartSnapped )        acutPrintf( _T("Cartesian snapped point: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n"), input.cartesianSnappedPoint()[X], input.cartesianSnappedPoint()[Y], input.cartesianSnappedPoint()[Z] );    if ( input.history() & Acad::eOsnapped )    {        acutPrintf( _T("Osnapped point:          %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n"), input.osnappedPoint()[X], input.osnappedPoint()[Y], input.osnappedPoint()[Z] );        acutPrintf( _T("Object snap masks: ") );#define OSMASK_CHECK(x)  if (input.osnapMask() & AcDb:: ## x) acutPrintf(_T("%s "), _T(#x))        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskEnd);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskMid);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskCen);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskNode);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskQuad);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskInt);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskIns);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskPerp);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskTan);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskNear);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskQuick);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskApint);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskImmediate);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskAllowTan);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskDisablePerp);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskRelCartesian);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskRelPolar);#undef OSMASK_CHECK        if ( 0 == input.osnapMask() )        {            for ( int i = 0; i < input.customOsnapModes().length(); i++ )                acutPrintf( _T("%s\n"), input.customOsnapModes()[i]->globalModeString() );        }        acutPrintf( _T("\n") );    }    // Show the object snap overrides    //    if ( 0 != input.osnapOverrides() )    {        acutPrintf( _T("Object snap overrides: ") );#define OSMASK_CHECK(x)  if (input.osnapOverrides() & AcDb:: ## x) acutPrintf(_T("%s "), _T(#x))        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskEnd);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskMid);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskCen);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskNode);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskQuad);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskInt);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskIns);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskPerp);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskTan);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskNear);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskQuick);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskApint);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskImmediate);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskAllowTan);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskDisablePerp);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskRelCartesian);        OSMASK_CHECK(kOsMaskRelPolar);#undef OSMASK_CHECK        acutPrintf(_T("\n"));    }    // Show custom object snap overrides    //    if ( 0 != input.customOsnapOverrides().length() )    {        acutPrintf( _T("Custom object snap overrides: ") );        for ( int x = 0; x < input.customOsnapOverrides().length(); x++)            acutPrintf( _T("%s "), input.customOsnapOverrides()[x]->globalModeString() );        acutPrintf( _T("\n") );    }    // Show object snap or forced pick information: the entities in the aperture    acutPrintf( _T("%d apertured entities, "), input.pickedEntities().length() );    acutPrintf( _T("%d nested apertured entities\n"), input.nestedPickedEntities().length() );    // Show AutoSnap information    // Note: nestedKeyPointEntities.length() == keyPointGsSelectionMark.length()    //    acutPrintf( _T("%d key point entities, "), input.keyPointEntities().length() );    acutPrintf( _T("%d nested key point entities\n"), input.nestedKeyPointEntities().length() );    acutPrintf( _T("%d alignment paths\n"), input.alignmentPaths().length() );    // Add an additional comment to the tootip string    //    if ( NULL != input.tooltipString() )    {        output.setAdditionalTooltipString(_T(", Additional comment!"));        acutPrintf( _T("Appending \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n"), _T(", Additional comment!"), input.tooltipString() );    }    else        acutPrintf( _T("Tooltip is NULL\n") );    acedPostCommandPrompt();    return Acad::eOk;}boolAsdkInputPointMonitor::excludeFromOsnapCalculation (const AcArray<AcDbObjectId>& nestedEntity, INT_PTR gsSelectionMark){    acutPrintf( _T("\nExcludeFromOsnapCalculation called on monitor...\n") );    acutPrintf( _T("%d nested entities under cursor\n"), nestedEntity.length() );    return false;}

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