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practice 2-4:restart compile functionsqueeze(s1,s2),delete any match characters between string s1 ands2.
#define MAXLINE 1000
void squeeze(char s1[],char s2[]);
void show(char s[]);
 char str1[MAXLINE],str2[MAXLINE];
 return 0;
void squeeze(char s1[],char s2[])
 int i,j;


void show(char s[])
 int i;

practice 2-5:write a function any(s1,s2),compare string s1and s2,find out the position of any words of string s2 come out atthe first time in the string s1,and take it as a result output,ifnone of those was found,return -1
#define MAXLINE 100
int any(char s1[],char s2[]);

 char s1[MAXLINE],s2[MAXLINE];

 return 0;
int any(char s1[],char s2[])
 int i,j,flag=0;
 int num=0;

 return 0;
practice 2-10 write a function lower(),transform capitalletter into lowercase.use condition expression like ? : tocompile.

void lower(char c)
 int c;
 return 0;

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