
来源:互联网 发布:南霁云 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 15:05
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <errno.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <signal.h>#include <sys/ioctl.h>#include <sys/mman.h>#include <linux/videodev.h>#include "xvid.h"#define FRAMERATE_INCR 1001#define SMALL_EPS (1e-10)#define VIDEO "/dev/video"#define INDEX 0#define IOCTL(fd, req, addr ) /((-1==ioctl(fd,req,addr))?(perror(#req),close(fd),exit(EXIT_FAILURE)):0)static float ARG_FRAMERATE = 25.00f;static int ARG_QUALITY = 4;static int ARG_MAXKEYINTERVAL = 250;static char * ARG_OUTPUTFILE= "out.m4u";static FILE * fp = NULL;static int done = 0;static const int motion_presets[] = {/* quality 0 */0,/* quality 1 */XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND16,/* quality 2 */XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND16 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16,/* quality 3 */XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND16 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16 |XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND8 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE8,/* quality 4 */XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND16 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16 |XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND8 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE8 |XVID_ME_CHROMA_PVOP | XVID_ME_CHROMA_BVOP,/* quality 5 */XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND16 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16 |XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND8 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE8 |XVID_ME_CHROMA_PVOP | XVID_ME_CHROMA_BVOP,/* quality 6 */XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND16 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE16 | XVID_ME_EXTSEARCH16 |XVID_ME_ADVANCEDDIAMOND8 | XVID_ME_HALFPELREFINE8 | XVID_ME_EXTSEARCH8 |XVID_ME_CHROMA_PVOP | XVID_ME_CHROMA_BVOP,};static const int vop_presets[] = {/* quality 0 */0,/* quality 1 */0,/* quality 2 */XVID_VOP_HALFPEL,/* quality 3 */XVID_VOP_HALFPEL | XVID_VOP_INTER4V,/* quality 4 */XVID_VOP_HALFPEL | XVID_VOP_INTER4V,/* quality 5 */XVID_VOP_HALFPEL | XVID_VOP_INTER4V |XVID_VOP_TRELLISQUANT,/* quality 6 */XVID_VOP_HALFPEL | XVID_VOP_INTER4V |XVID_VOP_TRELLISQUANT | XVID_VOP_HQACPRED,};static int XDIM=352,YDIM=288;static use_assembler = 0;static void *enc_handle = NULL;static int enc_init(int use_assembler);static int enc_main(unsigned char *image,unsigned char *bitstream,int *key,int *stats_type,int *stats_quant,int *stats_length,int stats[3]);static int enc_stop();//signal act method definationstatic void clean(int signum){ done=1;}int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ //register SIGINT action method ,to save the m4u file signal(SIGINT,clean); int fd; struct v4l2_capability cap; struct v4l2_format format; struct v4l2_requestbuffers reqbuf; struct v4l2_buffer buffer; struct v4l2_input input; int index=0,i;for (i=1; i< argc; i++) { if (strcmp("-asm", argv[i]) == 0 ) {use_assembler = 1;}else if(strcmp("-f", argv[i]) == 0 && i < argc -1){ i++; ARG_OUTPUTFILE = argv[i]; }else if(strcmp("-i", argv[i]) == 0 && i < argc -1){ i++; index = atoi(argv[i]); } else if(strcmp("-w", argv[i]) == 0 && i < argc -1){ i++; XDIM = atoi(argv[i]); } else if(strcmp("-h", argv[i]) == 0 && i < argc -1){ i++; YDIM = atoi(argv[i]); } } //init capture card fd = open(VIDEO,O_RDWR); if(fd<0) { perror("Can't open /dev/video device"); exit(errno); } //if card can't support video capture and by means of steamio,exit IOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap); if ( !(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) &&!(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_STREAMING)) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't use the card /n"); exit(3); } //query input and select the desired inputIOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_G_INPUT, &index); input.index = index; IOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT, &input); printf ("Current input: Index %i,Name %s/n", index,; for(i=0;;i++) { if(i!=index) { input.index = i; if(-1==ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT, &input)) break; else printf ("Other input: Index %i,Name %s/n",i,; } }IOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_S_INPUT, &index); //get current video format,set the desired format format.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; IOCTL(fd,VIDIOC_G_FMT,&format); format.fmt.pix.width = XDIM; format.fmt.pix.height = YDIM; format.fmt.pix.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420; format.fmt.pix.field = V4L2_FIELD_ANY;//V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED IOCTL(fd,VIDIOC_S_FMT,&format); XDIM = format.fmt.pix.width; printf("Gotten width %d/n",XDIM); YDIM = format.fmt.pix.height; printf("Gotten height %d/n",YDIM); //let driver get the buffers reqbuf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; reqbuf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP; reqbuf.count = 4; IOCTL(fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS,&reqbuf ); if (reqbuf.count < 4) { printf ("Not enough buffer memory for driver/n"); exit (5); }//mmap the driver's buffer to application address //create relative buffers struct to be used by mmap struct { void * start; size_t length; } buffers[reqbuf.count]; //mmap the driver's kernel buffer into applicationfor (i=0;i<reqbuf.count;i++) { buffer.type = reqbuf.type; buffer.index =i ; //query the status of one buffer ,mmap the driver buffer IOCTL(fd,VIDIOC_QUERYBUF,&buffer); buffers[i].length = buffer.length; buffers[i].start = mmap (NULL,buffer.length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd,buffer.m.offset); if (buffers[i].start == MAP_FAILED) { close(fd); perror ("mmap"); exit(errno); } } //begin video capture IOCTL(fd,VIDIOC_STREAMON,&reqbuf.type); //enqueue all driver buffers for (i=0;i<reqbuf.count;i++) { buffer.type = reqbuf.type; buffer.index = i; IOCTL(fd,VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buffer); IOCTL(fd,VIDIOC_QBUF,&buffer); } //init xvid int result; result = enc_init(1); if(result!=0) {fprintf(stderr, "Encore INIT problem, return value %d/n", result);goto clean_all; } //get mem of mpg4 frame uint8_t *mp4_buffer = NULL; mp4_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(XDIM*YDIM);if (mp4_buffer==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"malloc error"); goto clean_all; } int key;int stats_type;int stats_quant;int stats_length; int sse[3]; //create store mp4 filefp= fopen(ARG_OUTPUTFILE, "rb"); if (fp== NULL) { perror("Error opening output file.");exit(-1); } //main loop ,frame capture,compressed i = 0; int outbytes,m4v_size; while(!done) { //dequeue one frame buffer.type = reqbuf.type; buffer.index = i; IOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buffer); IOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buffer); /*debug info printf("current frame's unix time seconds :%d/n",buffer.timestamp.tv_sec); printf("current frame's unix time mcicoseconds :%d/n",buffer.timestamp.tv_usec); */ //compress a frame m4v_size = enc_main((uint8_t *)buffers[i].start, mp4_buffer+16, &key, &stats_type,&stats_quant, &stats_length, sse);//store into output fileoutbytes = fwrite(mp4_buffer, 1, m4v_size, fp);if(outbytes != m4v_size){ fprintf(stderr,"Error writing the m4u file/n"); exit(7);}//enqueue one frame buffer.type = reqbuf.type; buffer.index = i; IOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buffer ); IOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buffer ); i++; if( i >= reqbuf.count ) i = 0; }clean_all: fclose(fp);enc_stop(); //stop capture IOCTL(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &reqbuf.type ); //unmmap the apllication buffer for (i=0;i<reqbuf.count;i++) munmap (buffers[i].start,buffers[i].length); //release the dynamic mem close(fd);return 0;}intenc_init(int use_assembler){int xerr;//xvid_plugin_cbr_t cbr; xvid_plugin_single_t single;xvid_plugin_2pass1_t rc2pass1;xvid_plugin_2pass2_t rc2pass2;//xvid_plugin_fixed_t rcfixed;xvid_enc_plugin_t plugins[7];xvid_gbl_init_t xvid_gbl_init;xvid_enc_create_t xvid_enc_create;/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * XviD core initialization *----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Set version -- version checking will done by xvidcore */memset(&xvid_gbl_init, 0, sizeof(xvid_gbl_init));xvid_gbl_init.version = XVID_VERSION; xvid_gbl_init.debug = 0;/* Do we have to enable ASM optimizations ? */if (use_assembler) {xvid_gbl_init.cpu_flags = 0;}/* Initialize XviD core -- Should be done once per __process__ */xvid_global(NULL, XVID_GBL_INIT, &xvid_gbl_init, NULL);/*------------------------------------------------------------------------ * XviD encoder initialization *----------------------------------------------------------------------*//* Version again */memset(&xvid_enc_create, 0, sizeof(xvid_enc_create));xvid_enc_create.version = XVID_VERSION;/* Width and Height of input frames */xvid_enc_create.width = XDIM;xvid_enc_create.height = YDIM;xvid_enc_create.profile = XVID_PROFILE_S_L3;/* init plugins */ xvid_enc_create.zones = NULL; xvid_enc_create.num_zones = 0;xvid_enc_create.plugins = NULL;xvid_enc_create.num_plugins = 0;/* No fancy thread tests */xvid_enc_create.num_threads = 0;/* Frame rate - Do some quick float fps = fincr/fbase hack */if ((ARG_FRAMERATE - (int) ARG_FRAMERATE) < SMALL_EPS) {xvid_enc_create.fincr = 1;xvid_enc_create.fbase = (int) ARG_FRAMERATE;} else {xvid_enc_create.fincr = FRAMERATE_INCR;xvid_enc_create.fbase = (int) (FRAMERATE_INCR * ARG_FRAMERATE);}/* Maximum key frame interval */ if (ARG_MAXKEYINTERVAL > 0) { xvid_enc_create.max_key_interval = ARG_MAXKEYINTERVAL; }else { xvid_enc_create.max_key_interval = (int) ARG_FRAMERATE *10; }/* Bframes settings */xvid_enc_create.max_bframes = 0;xvid_enc_create.bquant_ratio = 150;xvid_enc_create.bquant_offset = 100;/* Dropping ratio frame -- we don't need that */xvid_enc_create.frame_drop_ratio = 0;/* Global encoder options */ = 0;/* I use a small value here, since will not encode whole movies, but short clips */xerr = xvid_encore(NULL, XVID_ENC_CREATE, &xvid_enc_create, NULL);/* Retrieve the encoder instance from the structure */enc_handle = xvid_enc_create.handle;return (xerr);}intenc_main(unsigned char *image, unsigned char *bitstream, int *key, int *stats_type, int *stats_quant, int *stats_length, int sse[3]){int ret;xvid_enc_frame_t xvid_enc_frame;xvid_enc_stats_t xvid_enc_stats;/* Version for the frame and the stats */memset(&xvid_enc_frame, 0, sizeof(xvid_enc_frame));xvid_enc_frame.version = XVID_VERSION;memset(&xvid_enc_stats, 0, sizeof(xvid_enc_stats));xvid_enc_stats.version = XVID_VERSION;/* Bind output buffer */xvid_enc_frame.bitstream = bitstream;xvid_enc_frame.length = -1;/* Initialize input image fields */if (image) {xvid_enc_frame.input.plane[0] = image;xvid_enc_frame.input.csp = XVID_CSP_I420;xvid_enc_frame.input.stride[0] = XDIM;} else {xvid_enc_frame.input.csp = XVID_CSP_NULL;}/* Set up core's general features */xvid_enc_frame.vol_flags = 0;/* Set up core's general features */xvid_enc_frame.vop_flags = vop_presets[ARG_QUALITY];/* Frame type -- let core decide for us */xvid_enc_frame.type = XVID_TYPE_AUTO;/* Force the right quantizer -- It is internally managed by RC plugins */xvid_enc_frame.quant = 3;/* Set up motion estimation flags */xvid_enc_frame.motion = motion_presets[ARG_QUALITY];/* We don't use special matrices */xvid_enc_frame.quant_intra_matrix = NULL;xvid_enc_frame.quant_inter_matrix = NULL;/* Encode the frame */ret = xvid_encore(enc_handle, XVID_ENC_ENCODE, &xvid_enc_frame, &xvid_enc_stats);*key = (xvid_enc_frame.out_flags & XVID_KEYFRAME);*stats_type = xvid_enc_stats.type;*stats_quant = xvid_enc_stats.quant;*stats_length = xvid_enc_stats.length;sse[0] = xvid_enc_stats.sse_y;sse[1] = xvid_enc_stats.sse_u;sse[2] = xvid_enc_stats.sse_v;return (ret);}intenc_stop(){int xerr;/* Destroy the encoder instance */xerr = xvid_encore(enc_handle, XVID_ENC_DESTROY, NULL, NULL);return (xerr);}
