C++11类(1) 基础技巧 Class Basic

来源:互联网 发布:康师傅 统一 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 09:55

Reference:The C++ Programming Language 4th edition (Bjarne Stroustrup)




struct X {     explicit X();     explicit X(int,int);};X x1 = {};       // error : implicitX x2 = {1,2};    // error : implicitX x3 {};         // OK: explicitX x4 {1,2};      // OK: explicitint f(X);int i1 = f({});     // error : implicitint i2 = f({1,2});  // error : implicitint i3 = f(X{});    // OK: explicitint i4 = f(X{1,2}); // OK: explicit

Good Practice: 默认将单参数的构造函数声明为explicit,除非有强力的需求不这么做。

2. 类内初始化

当存在多个构造函数时, 构造函数的默认参数可能会造成冗余,此时可以对数据成员使用初始化设定项(initializer)

class Date {int d {today.d};int m {today.m};int y {today.y};public:Date(int, int, int);   // day, month, yearDate(int, int);        // day, month, today’s yearDate(int);            // day, today’s month and yearDate();               // default Date: todayDate(const char∗);   // date in string representation// ...

3. 类内定义函数


class Date {public:    void add_month(int n) { m+=n; } // increment the Date’s m// ...private:    int d, m, y;};

4. 可变性(Mutability)

(1) 常成员函数



void Date::add_year(int n); void f(Date& d, const Date& cd){    int i = d.year();             // OK    d.add_year(1);                // OK    int j = cd.year();            // OK    cd.add_year(1);               // error : cannot change value of a const Date}

(2) 物理不变性和逻辑不变性(physical and logical constness)

Logical constness:  to a user, the function appears not to change the state of its object, but some detail that the user cannot directly observe is updated.


class Date {public:    // ...    string string_rep() const; // string representationprivate:    bool cache_valid;    string cache;    void compute_cache_value(); // fill cache    // ...};

(3) mutable


class Date {public:    // ...    string string_rep() const;          // string representationprivate:    mutable bool cache_valid;    mutable string cache;    void compute_cache_value() const;   // fill (mutable) cache    // ...};

string Date::string_rep() const{    if (!cache_valid) {        compute_cache_value();        cache_valid = true;    }    return cache;}
(4) 间接可变性


struct cache {    bool valid;    string rep;};class Date {public:    // ...    string string_rep() const; // string representationprivate:    cache∗ c;                         // initialize inconstr uctor    void compute_cache_value() const;  // fill what cache refers to// ...};string Date::string_rep() const{    if (!c−>valid) {        compute_cache_value();        c−>valid = true;    }    return c−>rep;} 


5. 自引用(Self-Reference)


void f(Date& d){    // ...    d.add_day(1).add_month(1).add_year(1);    // ...}
在所有非static的成员函数中,关键字this指向调用此成员函数的对象。对于类X,this的类型是X*。不过一般认为this是右值,即它不能被取址或者赋值。在const成员函数中,this的类型是const X*。this的绝大部分使用时隐式的,所有非static成员函数依赖于隐式的使用this来获取与其对应的对象(默认前缀this->)。


struct Link {    Link∗ pre;    Link∗ suc;    int data;    Link∗ insert(int x) // inser t x before this    {        return pre = new Link{pre, this, x};    }    void remove() // remove and destroy this    {        if (pre) pre−>suc = suc;        if (suc) suc−>pre = pre;        delete this;    }    // ...};

6. 静态成员

 静态成员变量:A variable that is part of a class, yet is not part of an object of that class, is called a static member.

静态成员函数:A function that needs access to members of a class, yet doesn’t need to be invoked for a particular object, is called a static member function.



class Date {    int d, m, y;    static Date default_date;public:    Date(int dd =0, int mm =0, int yy =0);    // ...    static void set_default(int dd, int mm, int yy); // set default_date to Date(dd,mm,yy)};// We can now define the Date constructor to use default_date like this:Date::Date(int dd, int mm, int yy){    d = dd ? dd  :default_date.d;    m = mm ? mm : default_date.m;    y = yy ? yy : default_date.y;    // ... check that the Date is valid ...}


void f(){    Date::set_default(4,5,1945); // call Date’s static member set_default()}

Date Date::default_date {16,12,1770}; // definition of Date::default_datevoid Date::set_default(int d, int m, int y) // definition of Date::set_default{    default_date = {d,m,y}; // assign new value to default_date}
注意到此时Date{ }成为了Date::default_date的值的记号,所以我们不需要用另外的函数来读取默认值,当没有歧义是,仅仅用{ }就足够了:

void f1(Date);void f2(Date);void f2(int);void g(){    f1({}); // OK: equivalent to f1(Date{})    f2({}): // error : ambiguous: f2(int) or f2(Date)?    f2(Date{}); // OK}

在多线程程序中,static成员数据需要用锁或者某种存取规则来避免竞争条件(Race condition)。

7. 成员类型(Member Types)


template<typename T>class Tree {    using value_type = T;                  // member alias    enum Policy { rb, splay, treeps };     // member enum    class Node {                           // member class        Node∗ right;        Node∗ left;        value_type value;    public:        void f(Tree∗);    };    Node∗ top;public:    void g(const T&);    // ...};
template<typename T>void Tree::Node::f(Tree∗ p){    top = right;                 // error : no object of type Tree specified    p−>top = right;             // OK    value_type v = left−>value; // OK: value_type is not associated with an object}
template<typename T>void Tree::g(Tree::Node∗ p){    value_type val = right−>value;   // error : no object of type Tree::Node    value_type v = p−>right−>value; // error : Node::r  ight is private    p−>f(this);                      // OK}



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