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Exercise 7

       While she initially suffered the fate of many pioneers—the incomprehension of her colleagues—octogenarian Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock has lived to______the triumph of her once______scientific theories.
Blank (iBlank (iiA rewardsD chastisementB balmE promptingsC reproachesF atonement
  Having no sense of moral obligation, Shipler was as little subject to the______of conscience after he acted as he was motivated by its______before he acted.
Blank (iBlank (iiA transitoryD majorityB overpoweringE institutionC conventionalF individual

  Charlotte Salomon’s biography is a reminder that the currents of private life, however diverted, dislodged, or twisted by ______public events, retain their hold on the______recording them.

Blank (ilank (iiA decryD heterodoxB regretE authoritativesavorF insignificant
4. Longdale and Stern discovered that mitochondria and chloroplasts______a long, identifiable sequence of DNA; such a coincidence could be______only by the transfer of DNA between the two systems.
lank (iBlank (iiA manufactureD accomplishedB revealE explainedC shareF repeated
  It was a war the queen and her more prudent counselors wished to ______ if they could and were determined in any event to ______ as long as possible.
Blank (iBlank (iiA dismissedD insignificantB judgedE meagerC reveredF dangerous
  Walpole’s art collection was huge and fascinating, and his novel The Castle of Otranto was never out of print; none of this mattered to the Victorians, who ______ him as, at best, ______.

Blank (iBlank (iiA provokeD concealB instigateE promoteC avoidF postpone


  Exercise7: CD CE BF CE CF AD

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