C#委托类型 - (System.Delegate)

来源:互联网 发布:js删除a标签 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/24 14:54


表示委托,委托是一种数据结构,它引用静态方法或引用类实例及该类的实例方法。 Delegate 类是委托类型的基类。然而,只有系统和编译器可以显式地从 Delegate 类或 MulticastDelegate 类派生。此外,还不允许从委托类型派生新类型。Delegate 类不是委托类型,该类用于派生委托类型。


该类型不支持 直接使用 deleagte 关键字赋值实例


this.Invoke(delegate                {                    this.textBox1.Text = num.ToString();                });

上述代码 为winform中窗体类的成员方法, 其不能通过编译 , 无法将 匿名方法 转换为类型“System.Delegate”,因为它不是委托类型


The problem the user is seeing is that the Thread ctor accepts a specific delegate – the ThreadStart delegate. The C# compiler will check and make sure your anonymous method matches the signature of the ThreadStart delegate and, if so, produces the proper code under-the-covers to create the ThreadStart delegate for you.

But Control.Invoke is typed as accepting a “Delegate”. This means it can accept any delegate-derived type. The example above shows an anonymous method that has a void return type and takes no parameters. It’s possible to have a number of delegate-derived types that match that signature (such as MethodInvoker and ThreadStart – just as an example). Which specific delegate should the C# compiler use? There’s no way for it to infer the exact delegate type so the compiler complains with an error.




Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate { this.textBox1.Text = num.ToString();}));Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => { this.textBox1.Text = num.ToString();});this.Invoke((ThreadStart)delegate                {                     this.textBox1.Text = num.ToString();                });
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