英语学习--chap16 从属从句简化通则

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1. 为何省略主语
  如果从句的主语是空洞的字眼(one, everybody, people等)或者是从句主语重复,从修辞的角度来说是可以省略的。
Ex1: It is common courtesy that one should wear black while one attends a funeral.
  It is common courtesy to wear black while attending a funeral.
Ex2: Whether it is insured or not, your house, which is a wooden building, needs a fire alarm.
whether引导副词从句,which引导定语从句,it和which都是重复空洞的字眼省略,Whether insured or not, your house, a wooden building, needs a fire alarm.比原来的句子漂亮很多。
2. 为何省略be动词
  根据S + V + C的句型来说,be动词没有表达必不可少的意思,可以省略掉。如果没有be的想办法弄出来be,然后省略,连词看情况省略。
3. 没有be动词的情况
  1. 有助动词,变成不定式
     You must go at once.--> You are to go at once.
     The train will leave in 10 minutes.--> The train is to leave in 10 minutes.
    回到省略的问题上来:He studied hard so that he could get a scholarship.--> He studied hard so that he was (able) to get a scholarship.--> He studied hard to get a scholarship.
  2. 没有助动词,变成Ving的形式,想办法凑出be
     John remembers that he saw the lady before.--> John remembers that he was seeing the lady before.--> John remembers that seeing the lady before.
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