中谷教育05 Python数据类型

来源:互联网 发布:seo自动优化工具 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/19 10:20


  1. 数字
  2. 字符串
  3. 列表
  4. 元组
  5. 字典


  • 整型
  • 长整型(数字后面加l或者L)
  • 浮点型(数字后面加. 或者.0)
  • 复数型

Python 中不需要事先定义类型,它会根据具体的值判断类型

>>> num1 = 123>>> type(num1)<type 'int'>>>> type(123)<type 'int'>>>> num2 = 999999999999999999999999999999999>>> type(num2)<type 'long'>>>> num3 = 123L>>> type(num3)<type 'long'>>>> num4 = 123l>>> type(num4)<type 'long'>>>> f1 = 123.>>> type(f1)<type 'float'>>>> f2 = 123.0>>> type(f2)<type 'float'>>>> c = 3.14j>>> type(c)<type 'complex'>>>> c1 = 3.14J>>> type(c1)<type 'complex'>




>>> str1 = 'str1'>>> str2 = "str2">>> str3 = """str3""">>> str4 = '''str4'''>>> str5 = "''str5''">>> str6 = "'"str6"'"  File "<stdin>", line 1    str6 = "'"str6"'"                 ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax>>> str7 = ""str7""  File "<stdin>", line 1    str7 = ""str7""                ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax>>> str8 = '""str8""'>>> str9 = ''"str9"''>>> str10 = '"'str10'"'  File "<stdin>", line 1    str10 = '"'str10'"'                   ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> str11 = 'let's go'  File "<stdin>", line 1    str11 = 'let's go'                 ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax>>> str12 = "let's go">>> str13 = "let's "go" !"  File "<stdin>", line 1    str13 = "let's "go" !"                     ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax>>> str13 = "let's \"go\" !">>> print str13let's "go" !>>> str14 = 'let\'s \"go\" !'>>> print str14let's "go" !
>>> mail = """ tom:...            i am jack!...           I miss U...       bye~~""">>> print mail tom:           i am jack!          I miss U      bye~~>>> mail' tom:\n           i am jack!\n          I miss U\n      bye~~'


>>> a = 'abcdefg'>>> len(a)7>>> a[1]'b'>>> a[6]'g'>>> a[7]Traceback (most recent call last):  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>IndexError: string index out of range>>> a[0][1]Traceback (most recent call last):  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>IndexError: string index out of range>>> a[0]a[1]  File "<stdin>", line 1    a[0]a[1]        ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax>>> a[0]+a[1]'ab'>>> a[-1]'g'>>> a[0:1]'a'>>> a[0:7]'abcdefg'>>> a[:7]'abcdefg'>>> a[:]'abcdefg'>>> a[1:]'bcdefg'>>> a[0:5]'abcde'>>> a[0:5:0]Traceback (most recent call last):  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>ValueError: slice step cannot be zero>>> a[0:5:1]'abcde'>>> a[0:5:2]'ace'>>> a[0:5:-2]''>>> a[5:0:-2]'fdb'
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