RFC 3031 Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture 学习笔记一

来源:互联网 发布:冥界三巨头 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/19 23:57
2.1. Overview   As a packet of a connectionless network layer protocol travels from   one router to the next, each router makes an independent forwarding   decision for that packet.  That is, each router analyzes the packet's   header, and each router runs a network layer routing algorithm.  Each   router independently chooses a next hop for the packet, based on its   analysis of the packet's header and the results of running the   routing algorithm.
   Packet headers contain considerably more information than is needed   simply to choose the next hop.  Choosing the next hop can therefore   be thought of as the composition of two functions.  The first   function partitions the entire set of possible packets into a set of   "Forwarding Equivalence Classes (FECs)".  The second maps each FEC to   a next hop.  Insofar as the forwarding decision is concerned,   different packets which get mapped into the same FEC are   indistinguishable.  All packets which belong to a particular FEC and   which travel from a particular node will follow the same path (or if   certain kinds of multi-path routing are in use, they will all follow   one of a set of paths associated with the FEC).
   In conventional IP forwarding, a particular router will typically   consider two packets to be in the same FEC if there is some address   prefix X in that router's routing tables such that X is the "longest   match" for each packet's destination address.  As the packet   traverses the network, each hop in turn reexamines the packet and   assigns it to a FEC.
   In MPLS, the assignment of a particular packet to a particular FEC is   done just once, as the packet enters the network.  The FEC to which   the packet is assigned is encoded as a short fixed length value known   as a "label".  When a packet is forwarded to its next hop, the label   is sent along with it; that is, the packets are "labeled" before they   are forwarded.
   At subsequent hops, there is no further analysis of the packet's   network layer header.  Rather, the label is used as an index into a   table which specifies the next hop, and a new label.  The old label   is replaced with the new label, and the packet is forwarded to its   next hop.
   —— 之后的路由器将不再对报文进行解析,仅根据包围中的label索引到下一跳
   In the MPLS forwarding paradigm, once a packet is assigned to a FEC,   no further header analysis is done by subsequent routers; all   forwarding is driven by the labels.  This has a number of advantages   over conventional network layer forwarding.
    -  MPLS forwarding can be done by switches which are capable of         doing label lookup and replacement, but are either not capable         of analyzing the network layer headers, or are not capable of         analyzing the network layer headers at adequate speed.
    -  Since a packet is assigned to a FEC when it enters the network,         the ingress router may use, in determining the assignment, any         information it has about the packet, even if that information         cannot be gleaned from the network layer header.  For example,         packets arriving on different ports may be assigned to         different FECs.  Conventional forwarding, on the other hand,         can only consider information which travels with the packet in         the packet header.
   -  A packet that enters the network at a particular router can be         labeled differently than the same packet entering the network         at a different router, and as a result forwarding decisions         that depend on the ingress router can be easily made.  This         cannot be done with conventional forwarding, since the identity         of a packet's ingress router does not travel with the packet.
   -  The considerations that determine how a packet is assigned to a         FEC can become ever more and more complicated, without any         impact at all on the routers that merely forward labeled         packets.
    -  Sometimes it is desirable to force a packet to follow a         particular route which is explicitly chosen at or before the         time the packet enters the network, rather than being chosen by         the normal dynamic routing algorithm as the packet travels         through the network.  This may be done as a matter of policy,         or to support traffic engineering.  In conventional forwarding,         this requires the packet to carry an encoding of its route         along with it ("source routing").  In MPLS, a label can be used         to represent the route, so that the identity of the explicit         route need not be carried with the packet.
   Some routers analyze a packet's network layer header not merely to   choose the packet's next hop, but also to determine a packet's   "precedence" or "class of service".  They may then apply different   discard thresholds or scheduling disciplines to different packets.   MPLS allows (but does not require) the precedence or class of service   to be fully or partially inferred from the label.  In this case, one   may say that the label represents the combination of a FEC and a   precedence or class of service.

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