Ogre 创建角色对象的边缘线效果

来源:互联网 发布:流程优化的目的和意义 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 05:50


Here is a script of user Telchar, which shows how to create an outline around a character, which works without shaders.

Screenshot of this effect, used in the game Torchlight:


material some/random/material/with/rim/effect{   technique   {      pass      {         texture_unit         {            texture yourtexturehere.png         }          //rim lighting         texture_unit         {            cubic_texture rim.dds combinedUVW            tex_address_mode clamp            colour_op_ex add src_texture src_current            colour_op_multipass_fallback one one            env_map cubic_normal         }      }   }}

Here is the c++ code to do the same:

/*    rim lighting    see: http://www.ogre3d.org/tikiwiki/Create+outline+around+a+character */#pragma once #include <Ogre/OgreEntity.h>#include <Ogre/OgreSubEntity.h>#include <Ogre/OgreSubMesh.h>#include <Ogre/OgreString.h>#include <Ogre/OgreMaterial.h>  /*    add the rim lighting effect to an entity.*/void highlight (Ogre::Entity* entity){    unsigned short count = entity->getNumSubEntities();     const Ogre::String file_name = "rim.dds";    const Ogre::String rim_material_name = "_rim";     for (unsigned short i = 0; i < count; ++i)    {        Ogre::SubEntity* subentity = entity->getSubEntity (i);         const Ogre::String& old_material_name = subentity->getMaterialName();        Ogre::String new_material_name = old_material_name + rim_material_name;         Ogre::MaterialPtr new_material = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName (new_material_name);         if (new_material.isNull())        {            MaterialPtr old_material = MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName (old_material_name);            new_material = old_material->clone (new_material_name);             Pass* pass = new_material->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0);            Ogre::TextureUnitState* texture = pass->createTextureUnitState();            texture->setCubicTextureName (&file_name, true);            texture->setTextureAddressingMode (TextureUnitState::TAM_CLAMP);            texture->setColourOperationEx (Ogre::LBX_ADD, Ogre::LBS_TEXTURE, Ogre::LBS_CURRENT);            texture->setColourOpMultipassFallback (Ogre::SBF_ONE, Ogre::SBF_ONE);            texture->setEnvironmentMap (true, Ogre::TextureUnitState::ENV_NORMAL);        }         subentity->setMaterial (new_material);    }} /*    remove the rim lighting effect from an entity.*/void unhighlight (Ogre::Entity* entity){    unsigned short count = entity->getNumSubEntities();     for (unsigned short i = 0; i < count; ++i)    {        Ogre::SubEntity* subentity = entity->getSubEntity (i);        Ogre::SubMesh* submesh = subentity->getSubMesh();         const Ogre::String& old_material_name = submesh->getMaterialName();        const Ogre::String& new_material_name = subentity->getMaterialName();         // if the entity is already using the original material then we're done.         if (0 == stricmp (old_material_name.c_str(), new_material_name.c_str()))            continue;         // otherwise restore the original material name.        subentity->setMaterialName (old_material_name);     }}

Download of file rim.dds:
http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/download/file.php?id=2022(external link)

The code was published here:
http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=368918#p368918(external link)

Similar version:
http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=59079(external link)

help Forquestions and feedback, please use this forum topic:
http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=59079(external link)

I did not find any other good demo of how to use the stencil in OGRE.

I recommend to add this demo (or similar) to the OGRE demos that come with the OGRE source download.

Here is the exe ready to run:

Here is the code:

Here are some screenshots of my current work.


Here is the exe (download and run): http://assaframan.googlepages.com/outline.zip

I did something similar to this article: http://www.codeproject.com/opengl/Outline_Mode.asp

This is only good for an outline and not for a glow effect.

Also – it only works in openGL and I had to add _setLineWidth function to the render system – and the Line Width only works with openGL. You can’t set the wireframe line thickness in DirectX.

If anyone wants the code – post a replay.

I will create a glow using a similer technique to the one in nebukadnezzar code.

The nice thing about the outlines technique in the screenshots is that the outlines stay with the same thickness no matter if you are far or near.

I didn't get nice results with the stencil+shaders.

Here is the best I have got until now:

Here is the exe (download and run):

Here is the source:

Not a nice glow - but a nice code sample of how to use the stencil with OGRE.:D

Watch out for my OGRE related tweets here.
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Assaf Raman
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Postbypsquare » Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:28 am

I did something like this before:

1. Programmatically add a pass at the end of all passes of the technique you are using.

2. Render to texture the object(s)

3. Use this rendered texture as a projective texture in the pass that you added. In the pass you can have ashader which scales the original color.

You can use something like a toon shader as your last passshader.

If dot(normal, viewVector) > treshold
color = glow color
color = original color

This will accurately do the edge detection for you.

Note that I add a pass, so that I do this non-invasively (do not modify the existing passes).

To do a glow around the edges, you can add a bloomshader as Falagard mentions.You can accomplish this using compositor framework of Ogre.

There is a sample for bloom in the OgreSDK. There are also various scene shaders (compositor effects (.fx) ) in the Direct X SDK.

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