【机房收费系统】 之 结账

来源:互联网 发布:克苏鲁跑团软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/19 03:38








      总售卡数:开始我的理解是 总售卡数=售卡张数+退卡张数,现在我认为这样有些不妥,如果是老板在看这个账目汇总的时候,他会看这个操作员今天卖了多少张卡,退给用户多少张卡,以及退了多少钱,收了多少钱,但是他退卡+售卡的加和这个数据对他来说意义不是很大,因为它并表示什么









(1)应用SSTaB控件,在 工程→部件→控件 中勾选“Microsoft Tabbed Dialog Control”控件



Private Sub SSTab_Click(PreviousTab As Integer)'***************************操作员combobox不能为空****************************    If Not Testtxt(cmbUsername.Text) Then    '测试文本框是否有文本输入        MsgBox "请选择操作员用户名!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "警告"        cmbUsername.SetFocus        Exit Sub    End If'*****************************************************************************If SSTab.Caption = "购卡" Then    myflexgrid1.Clear    txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where userID='" & cmbUsername.Text & "'"    Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)        txtTotalAmount.Text = mrc.RecordCount        With myflexgrid1 '设置myflexgrid        .ColWidth(2) = 2000        .CellAlignment = 4        .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号"        .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号"        .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "日期"        .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "时间"        .Rows = 1            Do While Not mrc.EOF             .Rows = .Rows + 1             .CellAlignment = 4             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc.Fields(1))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc.Fields(0))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc.Fields(12))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc.Fields(13))             mrc.MoveNext         Loop     End With     mrc.CloseEnd IfIf SSTab.Caption = "充值" Then    myflexgrid2.Clear    txtSQL = "select * from Recharge_Info where userID='" & cmbUsername.Text & "'"    Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)        With myflexgrid2 '设置myflexgrid        .ColWidth(3) = 2000        .CellAlignment = 4        .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号"        .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号"        .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "充值金额"        .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "日期"        .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "时间"        .Rows = 1            Do While Not mrc.EOF             .Rows = .Rows + 1             .CellAlignment = 4             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc.Fields(1))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc.Fields(2))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc.Fields(3))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc.Fields(4))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = Trim(mrc.Fields(5))             txtRecharge2.Text = Val(txtRecharge2.Text) + Val(Trim(mrc.Fields(3)))             mrc.MoveNext         Loop     End With     mrc.CloseEnd IfIf SSTab.Caption = "退卡" Then    myflexgrid3.Clear    txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where userID='" & cmbUsername.Text & "'" & " and status='不使用'"    Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)        txtExitCardAmount.Text = mrc.RecordCount        With myflexgrid3 '设置myflexgrid        .ColWidth(3) = 2000        .CellAlignment = 4        .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号"        .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号"        .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "退卡金额"        .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "日期"        .TextMatrix(0, 4) = "时间"        .Rows = 1            Do While Not mrc.EOF             .Rows = .Rows + 1             .CellAlignment = 4             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc.Fields(1))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc.Fields(0))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc.Fields(7))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc.Fields(12))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = Trim(mrc.Fields(13))             txtExitCash2.Text = Val(txtExitCash2.Text) + Val(Trim(mrc.Fields(7)))             mrc.MoveNext         Loop     End With     mrc.CloseEnd IfIf SSTab.Caption = "临时用户" Then    myflexgrid4.Clear    txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where userID='" & cmbUsername.Text & "'" & " and type='临时用户'"    Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)        With myflexgrid4 '设置myflexgrid        .ColWidth(3) = 2000        .CellAlignment = 4        .TextMatrix(0, 0) = "学号"        .TextMatrix(0, 1) = "卡号"        .TextMatrix(0, 2) = "日期"        .TextMatrix(0, 3) = "时间"        .Rows = 1            Do While Not mrc.EOF             .Rows = .Rows + 1             .CellAlignment = 4             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = Trim(mrc.Fields(1))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = Trim(mrc.Fields(0))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = Trim(mrc.Fields(12))             .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = Trim(mrc.Fields(13))              mrc.MoveNext         Loop     End With     mrc.CloseEnd IfIf SSTab.Caption = "汇总" ThenDim i As Integer    If txtCash.Text = "0" Then '限制重复结账        txtCardAmount.Text = Val(txtTotalAmount.Text) - Val(txtExitCardAmount.Text)        txtExitCash.Text = txtExitCash2.Text        txtRecharge.Text = txtRecharge2.Text                txtSQL = "select * from student_Info where userID='" & cmbUsername.Text & "'" & " and type='临时用户'" & " and status='使用'"        Set mrc = ExecuteSQL(txtSQL, MsgText)                For i = 1 To mrc.RecordCount            txtTemCash.Text = Val(txtTemCash.Text) + Val(Trim(mrc.Fields(7)))        Next i                mrc.Close        txtCash.Text = Val(txtTemCash.Text) + Val(txtRecharge.Text) - Val(txtExitCash.Text)    End IfEnd IfEnd Sub





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