
来源:互联网 发布:qt linux sleep头文件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 21:56

  一 概念

        在Martin Fowler的名著《重构》中,他把重构定义为:在不改变代码外在行为的前提下对代码进行修改,以改进代码的内部结构的过程。















二 代码实例
/** * This class Generates prime numbers up to a user specified maximum. * the algorithm used is the Sieve of Eratosthenes. * <p> * Eratosthenes of Cyrene, b. c. 276 BC, Cyrene, Libya -- * d. c. 194, Alexandria.  The first man to calculate the circumference * of the Earth.  Also known for working on calendars with leap * years and ran the library at Alexandria. * <p> * The algorithm is quite simple.  Given an array of integers starting * at 2.  Cross out all multiples of 2.  Find the next uncrossed * integer, and cross out all of its multiples.  Repeat until * you have passed the square root of the maximum value. *  * @author Robert C. Martin * @version 9 Dec 1999 rcm */import java.util.*;/** * Class declaration *  *  * @author Robert C. Martin * @version %I%, %G% */public class GeneratePrimes{  /**   * @param maxValue is the generation limit.   */  public static int[] generatePrimes(int maxValue)  {    if (maxValue >= 2) // the only valid case    {      // declarations      int s = maxValue + 1; // size of array      boolean[] f = new boolean[s];      int i;      // initialize array to true.      for (i = 0; i < s; i++)        f[i] = true;      // get rid of known non-primes      f[0] = f[1] = false;      // sieve      int j;      for (i = 2; i < Math.sqrt(s) + 1; i++)      {        for (j = 2 * i; j < s; j += i)          f[j] = false; // multiple is not prime      }      // how many primes are there?      int count = 0;      for (i = 0; i < s; i++)      {        if (f[i])          count++; // bump count.      }      int[] primes = new int[count];      // move the primes into the result      for (i = 0, j = 0; i < s; i++)      {        if (f[i])             // if prime          primes[j++] = i;      }        return primes;  // return the primes    }    else // maxValue < 2      return new int[0]; // return null array if bad input.  }}
/** * This class Generates prime numbers up to a user specified * maximum.  The algorithm used is the Sieve of Eratosthenes. * Given an array of integers starting at 2: * Find the first uncrossed integer, and cross out all its * multiples.  Repeat until there are no more multiples * in the array. */public class PrimeGenerator{  private static boolean[] crossedOut;  private static int[] result;  public static int[] generatePrimes(int maxValue)  {    if (maxValue < 2)      return new int[0];    else    {      uncrossIntegersUpTo(maxValue);      crossOutMultiples();      putUncrossedIntegersIntoResult();      return result;    }  }  private static void uncrossIntegersUpTo(int maxValue)  {    crossedOut = new boolean[maxValue + 1];    for (int i = 2; i < crossedOut.length; i++)      crossedOut[i] = false;  }  private static void crossOutMultiples()  {    int limit = determineIterationLimit();    for (int i = 2; i <= limit; i++)      if (notCrossed(i))        crossOutMultiplesOf(i);  }  private static int determineIterationLimit()  {    // Every multiple in the array has a prime factor that    // is less than or equal to the root of the array size,    // so we don't have to cross of multiples of numbers    // larger than that root.    double iterationLimit = Math.sqrt(crossedOut.length);    return (int) iterationLimit;  }  private static void crossOutMultiplesOf(int i)  {    for (int multiple = 2*i;         multiple < crossedOut.length;         multiple += i)      crossedOut[multiple] = true;  }  private static boolean notCrossed(int i)  {    return crossedOut[i] == false;  }  private static void putUncrossedIntegersIntoResult()  {    result = new int[numberOfUncrossedIntegers()];    for (int j = 0, i = 2; i < crossedOut.length; i++)      if (notCrossed(i))        result[j++] = i;  }  private static int numberOfUncrossedIntegers()  {    int count = 0;    for (int i = 2; i < crossedOut.length; i++)      if (notCrossed(i))        count++;    return count;  }}

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