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1 curry函数

1.1 curry化的函数


      // 传统函数      def curringSumOld(x:Int,y:Int) = x * y;            // curring化的函数被应用了多个参数列表      def curringSum(x:Int)(y:Int) = x + y;      println(curringSum(10)(15));

  输出结果: 25

1.2 curry占位符


      // 用偏应用函数表达式方式,把占位符标注用在curriedSum里      val onePlus = curringSum(1)_      println(onePlus(12));
  输出结果: 13

1.3 curry对比

    // 数组对比    val a = Array("hello","scala");    val b = Array("HELLO","SCALA");        // 忽略大小写对比    println(a.corresponds(b)(_.equalsIgnoreCase(_)));
   输出结果: true

2 模式匹配case class

2.1 match表达式

    // 正则匹配    val pattern = "([0-9]+) ([a-z]+)".r;    "741258933 hadoop" match {      case pattern(num,item) => println(num+":"+item)     } 



2.2 数组匹配

    def match_array(arr:Any) =  arr match{      case Array(0) => println("Array:0" )      case Array(x,y) => println("Array:x="+x+",y="+y )      case Array(0,_*) => println("Array:..." )      case _ => println("something else" )    }    match_array(Array(0))    match_array(Array(0,1))    match_array(Array(0,1,2,3,4,5))    match_array(Array("one","two","three")) 







2.3 case class匹配

   Scalacase class使得对对象进行模式匹配变得非常方便,简单的来说,Scalacase class就是在普通的类定义前加case这个关键字,然后你可以对这些类来模式匹配。


    abstract class Person    case class Student(age:Int) extends Person    case class Worker(age:Int,salary:Double) extends Person    case object Shared extends Person            /**     * 1、声明case class 每个成员都会默认生成val,如age:Int     * 2、每个case class  都会有伴生对象,每个伴生对象都会有自己case class的具体对象     * 3、模式匹配的时候,可以从case class提取内容,提取方法从apply中。     */    object case_class_object {        def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {                      def caseOps(person:Person) = person match{              case Student(age) => println("I am " + age + " years old");              case Worker(_,salary) => println("Wow,I got "+salary)              case Shared => println("no property...");            }                        caseOps(Student(19))            caseOps(Worker(19,4000))            caseOps(Shared)                        val worker = Worker(29,3000);            val worker2 = worker.copy(salary = 5000);            val worker3 = worker.copy(age = 31);        }    }


        Iam 19 years old

        Wow,Igot 4000.0



2.4 嵌套匹配

abstract class Itemcase class Book(description: String, price: Double) extends Itemcase class Bundle(description: String, price: Double, items: Item*) extends Itemobject pattern_match_case_class_nested {  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {    def case_class_nested(person: Item) = person match {      // 匹配Bundle类型,嵌套Book类型,Item类型可以0到N个参数      case Bundle(_, _, art @ Book(_, _), rest @ _*) => println(art.description + " : " + art.price)      case Bundle(_, _, Book(descr, _), _*) => println("The first description is : " + descr)      case _ => println("Oops!!!")    }    // 输出结果:Scala for the Spark Developer : 69.95    case_class_nested(Bundle("1111 Special's", 30.0,      Book("Scala for the Spark Developer", 69.95),      Book("Hadoop in Action", 69.95),      Book("Hive", 79.95),      Book("HBase", 32.86)))  }}

输出结果:Scala forthe Spark Developer : 69.95


2.5 Option匹配




     scala编译器在检查模式匹配的时候, scala就能够在编译时进行检查是否所       有的选项已经列在case中,减少编程的错误。

sealed abstract classOption[+A] extends Product withSerializable {





    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {        // 声明数组    val scores = Map("Alice" -> 99 , "Spark" -> 100)            // 模式匹配    scores.get("Alice") match {      // Option子类Some,有具体的值,则之输出。    case Some(score) => println(score)    case None => println("No score")    }    }





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