Linux平台sdp discovery编程

来源:互联网 发布:104cm肛塞淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/24 04:08

/*  BlueZ example code to read the services of  a remote sdp server.  Programmed by Bastian Ballmann  Compile with gcc -lbluetooth -lsdp <executable> <source>*/#include <bluetooth/sdp.h>#include <bluetooth/sdp_lib.h>int main(int argc, char *argv[]){  bdaddr_t bdaddr;  sdp_list_t *attrid, *search, *seq;  uint32_t range = 0x0000ffff;  sdp_session_t *sess;  struct hci_dev_info di;  uuid_t root_uuid;  if(argc < 2)    {      printf("%s <btaddr>\n", argv[0]);      exit(0);    }  // Get local bluetooth address  if(hci_devinfo(0, &di) < 0)     {      perror("HCI device info failed");      exit(1);    }  str2ba(argv[1],&bdaddr);  // Connect to remote SDP server  sess = sdp_connect(&di.bdaddr, &bdaddr, SDP_RETRY_IF_BUSY);  if(!sess)     {      perror("Failed to connect to SDP server");      exit(1);    }  printf("Browsing %s ...\n", argv[1]);  // Build linked lists  sdp_uuid16_create(&root_uuid, PUBLIC_BROWSE_GROUP);  attrid = sdp_list_append(0, &range);  search = sdp_list_append(0, &root_uuid);  // Get a linked list of services  if(sdp_service_search_attr_req(sess, search, SDP_ATTR_REQ_RANGE, attrid, &seq) < 0)    {      perror("SDP service search");      sdp_close(sess);      exit(1);    }  sdp_list_free(attrid, 0);  sdp_list_free(search, 0);  // Loop through the list of services  for(; seq; seq = seq->next)    {      sdp_record_t *rec = (sdp_record_t *) seq->data;      sdp_list_t *access = NULL;      int channel;      // Print the service name      sdp_record_print(rec);      // Print the RFCOMM channel      sdp_get_access_protos(rec, &access);      if(access){  channel = sdp_get_proto_port(access, RFCOMM_UUID);  printf("Channel: %d\n", channel);}    }    free(seq);    sdp_close(sess);    return 0;}


# gcc -o sdpbrowse  sdpbrowse.c -lbluetooth


    apt-get install libbluetooth-dev bluez-utils


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