ANTI-CNN现正式发起“一人一信 抗议CNN Jack Cafferty的辱华言论”的活动!!

来源:互联网 发布:天津教育出版社淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/24 19:08


ANTI-CNN现正式发起“一人一信 抗议CNN Jack Cafferty的辱华言论”的活动!!




美国有线电视新闻国际公司 CNN

地址: 建国门外外交人员公寓12-163

邮政编码: 100600


PDF版抗议信: Complaint Letter.pdf (90.67 KB)






CNN 总部 e-mail:




CNN 北京分社传真: 65326014










ANTI-CNN起草的样本信全文 中文版:





美国东部时间4月9日晚6点,贵台主持人Jack Cafferty 在“时事观察室”节目中发表了侮辱全体中国人的种族歧视言论,令人甚感震惊。他说:“他们(中国人)基本上还是五十年来的那群恶棍和暴徒。”


全世界华人充分理解贵国一贯秉持的言论自由原则,并尊重Jack Cafferty的政治立场,但是作为一个公众人物,一个新闻从业者,Jack Cafferty所说的已经完全超越了言论自由的底线,相信任何一个有尊严的华人都不会接受这种对于华人整个族裔的谩骂。


贵台稍候在15日发表的简短声明中辩解称Jack Cafferty所说的恶棍暴徒指的是中国政府,这样避重就轻没有诚意的道歉声明更是令人难以接受。首先,在Jack Cafferty的言论中,他反复多次说到中国,中国人,丝毫没有提到中国政府的地方;再者,Jack Cafferty在说到“恶棍”与“暴徒”时,使用的是复数,其意思非常明确,他口中的“他们”指的就是整个华人族群;最后,贵台的声明把矛头转向中国政府,这样牵强的强辩实际上是对中华民族的二度伤害!难道攻击一个国家的政府就不会伤害该国人民的感情了吗?


为此我致函向CNN以及Jack Cafferty提出严正抗议和谴责!




以美国为例,华人移民多少年来都是社会中最遵纪守法和最友善的一群人。Cafferty先生是否记得,9.11事件发生后 ,布什总统向劫机事件中表现英勇的华裔空姐邓月薇家属颁发奖状,称她是“美国的英雄”,事件中另一名中国学生曾喆在世贸大厦现场不停救人最终英勇牺牲,被追赠纽约市“社区贡献奖”的曾喆是美国历史上获此殊荣的第二人;Cafferty先生又是否知道,去年震惊美国震惊世界的弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案中,有一名华裔女教师挺身而出带领学生顶住大门阻止了枪手进入,从而保护了全班学生。从何时起,善良、本分、为世界和平默默做出贡献的华人竟然成为了Jack Cafferty口中的恶棍和暴徒?


我相信,身为一名资深政治评论员,Jack Cafferty决非无知,他更没有失忆,促使他公开侮辱中国人的根本原因是他对我华人的种族歧视!他的言论无疑是对整个中华民族,尤其是在美华人最无耻的伤害,更造成了非常恶劣的影响,严重损伤了中美两国人民的友谊。


贵台多年来一直标榜CNN在全球树立了很强的公信度和良好的声誉,而现如今Jack Cafferty信口开河恶意攻击中国人的言论无疑是CNN甚至全美传媒界的耻辱!试问一个赤裸裸发表种族歧视言论的人有何资格站在道德高点批评他人为恶棍暴徒?


希望CNN及Jack Cafferty收起傲慢与偏见,立即向全世界华人进行公开、正式的道歉!


如果贵台及Jack Cafferty本人迟迟不愿就辱华言论事件向全世界华人做出诚恳回应,全球华人定将依法提起集体诉讼,追究CNN及Jack Cafferty的诽谤侮辱责任和相关赔偿。











ANTI-CNN起草的样本信全文 英文版:




In Situation Room aired on April 9th, CNN commentator Jack Cafferty insulted the Chinese people with his racist comments by saying, "I think they (Chinese) are basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years." As a Chinese, I was stunned and shocked!


The Chinese people well understands the US's upheld freedom of speech and fully respects Jack Cafferty's personal political opinion. However, what he said has completely crossed the line, considering Mr. Cafferty's identity as a public figure and professional journalist. No Chinese person with dignity can ever stand such an insult targeting the Chinese people.


Later in a brief statement on April, 15, CNN claimed that by "goons and thugs", Jack Cafferty meant for the Chinese government. This "apology" is a deliberate omission without sincerity. It is, again,unacceptable.


First of all, in his speech, Mr. Cafferty repeatedly mentioned the word "China" and "Chinese" with no reference to the Chinese government. Secondly, he used the plural form as "goons and thugs", which clearly demonstrated that, by "they", he meant for the whole Chinese people. Last but not least, this statement zeroed in on the Chinese government and its farfetched sophism is actually another attack on the Chinese people. How is it possible not to hurt the people's feelings while insulting their government?


Therefore, I am writing to condemn and protest against CNN and Jack Cafferty!


It has been only 20 some years since China’s reform and its opening-up started. We understand that people from other countries still have questions and misunderstandings toward this faraway Orient. However, this by no means indicates that some people may launch defamation on China and a blatant racial attack on its people irresponsibly. No man with rational consciousness would be selectively cherry picking the facts even though he may not know much about China.


Take the United States for example. For years, the Chinese immigrants have been a law-respecting and friendly group in American society. Cafferty should know that. President Bush rewarded the Chinese flight attendant Deng Yuewei's family after "9.11", for Deng’s brave performance during the hijack, calling her "the American Hero". The Chinese student Zeng Zhe (Zack Zeng) lost his life after saving several people at the World Trade Center on 9. 11. He was remembered on the National EMS Memorial Service, the second person in American history to receive the honor. Mr. Cafferty should probably also know that during the Virginia Tech massacre last year, a female Chinese teacher stopped the criminal from rushing in by keeping the door closed and saved all her students.


Since when has the kindhearted, devoted and peace-loving Chinese become "goons and thugs" as Jack Cafferty described?!


I believe that Jack Cafferty, as a professional political commentator, is not ignorant. Neither does he suffer from amnesia. The only reason that he openly insulted the Chinese people is his racial discrimination against the Chinese as a race! What he said has shamelessly harmed the Chinese people, especially the Chinese-Americans. It has caused the grave consequences; and it has seriously damaged the friendship between the Chinese people and the American people.


For years, CNN has been claiming that it has an establishment of “a sound reputation and public trust” around the world. However, Jack Cafferty has absolutely humiliated CNN and the whole US media by his racist attack on the Chinese people! How can a racist be qualified to criticize others as "goons and thugs"?


We demand that CNN and Jack Cafferty put their arrogance and prejudice aside, and make an open and formal apology to all Chinese people worldwide.


The Chinese communities around the world will, either collectively or individually, bring lawsuits against CNN and Jack Cafferty for libel, and will press for compensation, if a sincere and prompt apology is overdue.


Your reply to this letter is expected.







附 Jack Cafferty 辱华言论全文内容:

"Well, I don't know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different. We're in hawk to the Chinese
up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. They're
holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper. We also are
running hundred of billions of dollars worth of trade deficits with them, as
we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the
poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay
workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-
Mart. So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed. I think
they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the
last 50 years."



[ 本帖最后由 三宅一生 于 2008-4-20 13:12 编辑 ]