栈与队列-顺序队列与链队列类模板的实现(数据结构基础 第3周)

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 小知识 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 18:57


#pragma template <class T>class Queue {public:    void clear();    bool push(const T& item);  //inserts element at the end     bool pop();    //removes the first element     T front();   //access the first element     bool empty();   //checks whether the underlying container is empty    bool full();    ////checks whether the underlying container is full};template <class T>class arrQueue : public Queue<T> {private:    int msize;     //存放队列的数组的大小    int mfront;    //表示队头所在位置的下标    int mrear;     //表示队尾所在位置的下标    T* qu;         //存放类型为T的队列元素的数组public:    arrQueue(int size=10) {      //创建队列的实例        msize = size+1;;        //浪费一个存储空间,以区别队列空和队列满        qu=new T[msize];        mfront=mrear=0;    }    ~arrQueue() {          //消除该实例,并释放其空间        delete [] qu;    }    void clear() {         //清空队列        mfront = mrear;    }    bool push(const T& item) {                   //item入队,插入队尾        if (((mrear+1)%msize)==mfront) {        //队列已满            int newsize = msize*2;            T* newqu = new T[newsize];            int newfront=0;            int newrear=0;            while(mfront != mrear) {    //老队列非空                newqu[newrear]=qu[mfront];                newrear = (newrear+1)%newsize;                mfront = (mfront+1)%msize;            }            delete [] qu;            qu = newqu;            mfront = newfront;            mrear = newrear;            msize = newsize;        }        qu[mrear]=item;        mrear = (mrear+1)%msize;        //循环后继        return true;    }    T front() {                                //返回队头元素        if (mfront == mrear) {            cout << "queue is empty" << endl;//          return false;        }        return qu[mfront];    }    bool pop() {          //弹出队头元素        if (mfront == mrear) {            cout << "queue is empty" << endl;            return false;        }        mfront = (mfront+1)%msize;        return true;    }    bool empty() {        if (mfront == mrear)             return true;        else            return false;    }    bool full() {        if (((mrear+1)%msize)==mfront)             return true;        else             return false;    }};template <class T> class Link{public:    T data;  //用于保存结点元素的内容    Link<T> *next;  //指向后继结点的指针    Link(const T info, Link<T>* nextValue=NULL) {        data=info;        next= nextValue;    }    Link():next(NULL) {}};template <class T>class lnkQueue:public Queue <T> {private:    int msize;    Link<T>* mfront;    Link<T>* mrear;public:    lnkQueue(int size=0) {        msize = size;        mfront = mrear = NULL;    }    ~lnkQueue() {        clear();    }    void clear() {        while(mfront != NULL) {            mrear = mfront;            mfront = mfront->next;            delete mrear;        }        mrear = NULL;        msize = 0;    }    bool push(const T& item) {        if (mrear == NULL) {            mfront = mrear = new Link<T>(item);        }        else {            mrear->next = new Link<T>(item);            mrear = mrear->next;        }        msize++;        return true;    }    bool pop() {        if (msize==0) {            cout << "queue is empty" << endl;            return false;        }        Link<T>* tmp;        tmp = mfront;        mfront = mfront->next;        delete tmp;        if (mfront==NULL){            mrear = NULL;        }        msize--;        return true;    }    T front() {           if (msize==0) {            cout << "queue is empty" << endl;//          return false;        }        return mfront->data;    }    bool empty() {        if (msize==0)             return true;        else             return false;    }};


#include <iostream>#include"Queue.h"using namespace std;int main() {    arrQueue<int> arrs;    lnkQueue<int> lnks;    for (int i=1; i<=11; i++){        arrs.push(i);        lnks.push(i);    }    int topelem;    cout << "arrQueue中元素依次为:";    while(!arrs.empty()) {        topelem = arrs.front();           //返回栈顶内容但不弹出        cout << topelem << ' ';        arrs.pop();     //弹出栈顶内容且返回其值    }    cout << endl;    cout << "lnkQueue中元素依次为:";    while(!lnks.empty()) {        topelem = lnks.front();           //返回栈顶内容但不弹出        cout << topelem << ' ';        lnks.pop();     //弹出栈顶内容且返回其值    }    cout << endl;    return 0;}
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