
来源:互联网 发布:网络创业计划书 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 08:18















若我们之前对 (,)进行了 n次观测,那么就可以得到如下,一系列的数据


那么把這些数值,带入(1)公式,那么就有 n个包含方程,大家知道当要确定n个参数的时候,满秩的情况下,只要n个方程就就可以确定了,那么如何根据历史的观测数据来选择,来选择最佳的只要把确定了,那么我们随便输入一个就可以得到一个,那么选择一个"未来"的,就可以计算一个"未来"的,那么就达到了预测效果


那么什么才是最佳的 最小二乘法的思想就是把决定后的方程,代入参数使得方差最小,就是最佳的。我们把全部的方差记为:







当自变量x多的时候,就很难直接计算、....、,那么就必须用克拉姆法则(Cramer's Rule)计算,




残差: (i = 1,2,...n)


















Total sum of squares(SST):总离差平方和

Residual sum of squares (SSR):残差平方和

explained sum of squares(SSE):回归平方和(国人根据实际意义自己命名的?)



时,也就是SSR = SSE,那么就是说原始数据完全可以拟合值来解释,此时SSR = 0,那么拟合非常完美





























若我们之前对 (,)进行了 m次观测,那么就可以得到如下,一系列的数据

  为(1,2,...m),按照前面的思路,我们来计算“相差”多少,既所说的cost function:

(小插曲:不知道为什么有很多人把上面的m给省略了,在andrew NG课程中和Spark源码理解中都有这个m









package org.apache.spark.mllib.regression包含了两个部分:LinearRegressionModel和LinearRegressionWithSGD

1、回归的模型(class和object),class 的参数是继承GeneralizedLinearModel广义回归模型,之后形成一个完整的


2、LinearRegressionWithSGD:随机梯度下降法,cost  function:f(weights) = 1/n ||A weights-y||^2也就是前面




/** * Regression model trained using LinearRegression. * * @param weights Weights computed for every feature.(每个特征的权重向量) * @param intercept Intercept computed for this model.(此模型的偏置或残差) * */@Since("0.8.0")class LinearRegressionModel @Since("1.1.0") (    @Since("1.0.0") override val weights: Vector,    @Since("0.8.0") override val intercept: Double)  extends GeneralizedLinearModel(weights, intercept) with RegressionModel with Serializable  with Saveable with PMMLExportable {  //进行预测:Y = W*X+intercept  override protected def predictPoint(      dataMatrix: Vector,      weightMatrix: Vector,      intercept: Double): Double = { + intercept  }  //模型保存包含:保存的位置,名字,权重和偏置  @Since("1.3.0")  override def save(sc: SparkContext, path: String): Unit = {, path, this.getClass.getName, weights, intercept)  }  override protected def formatVersion: String = "1.0"}//加载上面保存和的模型,用load(sc,存储路径)@Since("1.3.0")object LinearRegressionModel extends Loader[LinearRegressionModel] {  @Since("1.3.0")  override def load(sc: SparkContext, path: String): LinearRegressionModel = {    val (loadedClassName, version, metadata) = Loader.loadMetadata(sc, path)    // Hard-code class name string in case it changes in the future    val classNameV1_0 = "org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LinearRegressionModel"    (loadedClassName, version) match {      case (className, "1.0") if className == classNameV1_0 =>        val numFeatures = RegressionModel.getNumFeatures(metadata)        val data = GLMRegressionModel.SaveLoadV1_0.loadData(sc, path, classNameV1_0, numFeatures)        new LinearRegressionModel(data.weights, data.intercept)      case _ => throw new Exception(        s"LinearRegressionModel.load did not recognize model with (className, format version):" +        s"($loadedClassName, $version).  Supported:\n" +        s"  ($classNameV1_0, 1.0)")    }  }}


/** * Train a linear regression model with no regularization using Stochastic Gradient Descent. * This solves the least squares regression formulation *              f(weights) = 1/n ||A weights-y||^2^ * (which is the mean squared error). * Here the data matrix has n rows, and the input RDD holds the set of rows of A, each with * its corresponding right hand side label y. * See also the documentation for the precise formulation. */@Since("0.8.0")class LinearRegressionWithSGD private[mllib] (    private var stepSize: Double,//步长    private var numIterations: Int,//迭代次数    private var miniBatchFraction: Double)//参与迭代样本的比列  extends GeneralizedLinearAlgorithm[LinearRegressionModel] with Serializable {  private val gradient = new LeastSquaresGradient()  //阅读:3  private val updater = new SimpleUpdater()  //阅读:4  @Since("0.8.0")  override val optimizer = new GradientDescent(gradient, updater) //阅读:5    .setStepSize(stepSize)    .setNumIterations(numIterations)    .setMiniBatchFraction(miniBatchFraction)  /**   * Construct a LinearRegression object with default parameters: {stepSize: 1.0,   * numIterations: 100, miniBatchFraction: 1.0}.   */  @Since("0.8.0")  def this() = this(1.0, 100, 1.0)   override protected[mllib] def createModel(weights: Vector, intercept: Double) = {    new LinearRegressionModel(weights, intercept)  }}/** * Top-level methods for calling LinearRegression. * */@Since("0.8.0")object LinearRegressionWithSGD {  /**   * Train a Linear Regression model given an RDD of (label, features) pairs. We run a fixed number   * of iterations of gradient descent using the specified step size. Each iteration uses   * `miniBatchFraction` fraction of the data to calculate a stochastic gradient. The weights used   * in gradient descent are initialized using the initial weights provided.   *   * @param input RDD of (label, array of features) pairs. Each pair describes a row of the data   *              matrix A as well as the corresponding right hand side label y   * @param numIterations Number of iterations of gradient descent to run.   * @param stepSize Step size to be used for each iteration of gradient descent.   * @param miniBatchFraction Fraction of data to be used per iteration.   * @param initialWeights Initial set of weights to be used. Array should be equal in size to   *        the number of features in the data.   *   */  @Since("1.0.0")  def train(      input: RDD[LabeledPoint],      numIterations: Int,      stepSize: Double,      miniBatchFraction: Double,      initialWeights: Vector): LinearRegressionModel = {    new LinearRegressionWithSGD(stepSize, numIterations, miniBatchFraction)      .run(input, initialWeights)  }  /**   * Train a LinearRegression model given an RDD of (label, features) pairs. We run a fixed number   * of iterations of gradient descent using the specified step size. Each iteration uses   * `miniBatchFraction` fraction of the data to calculate a stochastic gradient.   *   * @param input RDD of (label, array of features) pairs. Each pair describes a row of the data   *              matrix A as well as the corresponding right hand side label y   * @param numIterations Number of iterations of gradient descent to run.   * @param stepSize Step size to be used for each iteration of gradient descent.   * @param miniBatchFraction Fraction of data to be used per iteration.   *   */  @Since("0.8.0")  def train(      input: RDD[LabeledPoint],      numIterations: Int,      stepSize: Double,      miniBatchFraction: Double): LinearRegressionModel = {    new LinearRegressionWithSGD(stepSize, numIterations, miniBatchFraction).run(input)  }  /**   * Train a LinearRegression model given an RDD of (label, features) pairs. We run a fixed number   * of iterations of gradient descent using the specified step size. We use the entire data set to   * compute the true gradient in each iteration.   *   * @param input RDD of (label, array of features) pairs. Each pair describes a row of the data   *              matrix A as well as the corresponding right hand side label y   * @param stepSize Step size to be used for each iteration of Gradient Descent.   * @param numIterations Number of iterations of gradient descent to run.   * @return a LinearRegressionModel which has the weights and offset from training.   *   */  @Since("0.8.0")  def train(      input: RDD[LabeledPoint],      numIterations: Int,      stepSize: Double): LinearRegressionModel = {    train(input, numIterations, stepSize, 1.0)  }  /**   * Train a LinearRegression model given an RDD of (label, features) pairs. We run a fixed number   * of iterations of gradient descent using a step size of 1.0. We use the entire data set to   * compute the true gradient in each iteration.   *   * @param input RDD of (label, array of features) pairs. Each pair describes a row of the data   *              matrix A as well as the corresponding right hand side label y   * @param numIterations Number of iterations of gradient descent to run.   * @return a LinearRegressionModel which has the weights and offset from training.   *   */  @Since("0.8.0")  def train(      input: RDD[LabeledPoint],      numIterations: Int): LinearRegressionModel = {    train(input, numIterations, 1.0, 1.0)  }}


损失函数源码标记为:L = 1/2n ||A weights-y||^2



第一个compute返回的是 ,第二个compute返回的是

class LeastSquaresGradient extends Gradient {  override def compute(data: Vector, label: Double, weights: Vector): (Vector, Double) = {    val diff = dot(data, weights) - label    val loss = diff * diff / 2.0//误差    val gradient = data.copy    scal(diff, gradient)////梯度值x*(y-h(x))    (gradient, loss)  }  override def compute(      data: Vector,      label: Double,      weights: Vector,      cumGradient: Vector): Double = {    val diff = dot(data, weights) - label//h(x)-y    axpy(diff, data, cumGradient)//y = x*(h(x)-y)+cumGradient    /**axpy用法:      * Computes y += x * a, possibly doing less work than actually doing that operation      *  def axpy[A, X, Y](a: A, x: X, y: Y)(implicit axpy: CanAxpy[A, X, Y]) { axpy(a,x,y) }      */    diff * diff / 2.0  }}



class SimpleUpdater extends Updater {  override def compute(      weightsOld: Vector,//上一次计算后的权重向量      gradient: Vector,//本次迭代的权重向量      stepSize: Double,//步长      iter: Int,//当前迭代次数      regParam: Double): (Vector, Double) = {    val thisIterStepSize = stepSize / math.sqrt(iter)//学习速率  a    val brzWeights: BV[Double] = weightsOld.toBreeze.toDenseVector    brzAxpy(-thisIterStepSize, gradient.toBreeze, brzWeights)    //brzWeights + = gradient.toBreeze-thisIterStepSize    (Vectors.fromBreeze(brzWeights), 0)  }}


权重优化采用的是随机梯度降,但是默认的是miniBatchFraction= 1.0。

/** * Class used to solve an optimization problem using Gradient Descent. * @param gradient Gradient function to be used. * @param updater Updater to be used to update weights after every iteration. */class GradientDescent private[spark] (private var gradient: Gradient, private var updater: Updater)  extends Optimizer with Logging {  private var stepSize: Double = 1.0  private var numIterations: Int = 100  private var regParam: Double = 0.0  private var miniBatchFraction: Double = 1.0  private var convergenceTol: Double = 0.001//收敛公差  /**   * Set the initial step size of SGD for the first step. Default 1.0.   * In subsequent steps, the step size will decrease with stepSize/sqrt(t)   */  def setStepSize(step: Double): this.type = {    this.stepSize = step    this  }  /**   * :: Experimental ::   * Set fraction of data to be used for each SGD iteration.   * Default 1.0 (corresponding to deterministic/classical gradient descent)   */  @Experimental  def setMiniBatchFraction(fraction: Double): this.type = {    this.miniBatchFraction = fraction    this  }  /**   * Set the number of iterations for SGD. Default 100.   */  def setNumIterations(iters: Int): this.type = {    this.numIterations = iters    this  }  /**   * Set the regularization parameter. Default 0.0.   */  def setRegParam(regParam: Double): this.type = {    this.regParam = regParam    this  }  /**   * Set the convergence tolerance. Default 0.001   * convergenceTol is a condition which decides iteration termination.   * The end of iteration is decided based on below logic.   *   *  - If the norm of the new solution vector is >1, the diff of solution vectors   *    is compared to relative tolerance which means normalizing by the norm of   *    the new solution vector.   *  - If the norm of the new solution vector is <=1, the diff of solution vectors   *    is compared to absolute tolerance which is not normalizing.   *   * Must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusively.   */  def setConvergenceTol(tolerance: Double): this.type = {    require(0.0 <= tolerance && tolerance <= 1.0)    this.convergenceTol = tolerance    this  }  /**   * Set the gradient function (of the loss function of one single data example)   * to be used for SGD.   */  def setGradient(gradient: Gradient): this.type = {    this.gradient = gradient    this  }  /**   * Set the updater function to actually perform a gradient step in a given direction.   * The updater is responsible to perform the update from the regularization term as well,   * and therefore determines what kind or regularization is used, if any.   */  def setUpdater(updater: Updater): this.type = {    this.updater = updater    this  }  /**   * :: DeveloperApi ::   * Runs gradient descent on the given training data.   * @param data training data   * @param initialWeights initial weights   * @return solution vector   */  @DeveloperApi  def optimize(data: RDD[(Double, Vector)], initialWeights: Vector): Vector = {    val (weights, _) = GradientDescent.runMiniBatchSGD(      data,      gradient,      updater,      stepSize,      numIterations,      regParam,      miniBatchFraction,      initialWeights,      convergenceTol)    weights  }}/** * :: DeveloperApi :: * Top-level method to run gradient descent. */@DeveloperApiobject GradientDescent extends Logging {  /**   * Run stochastic gradient descent (SGD) in parallel using mini batches.   * In each iteration, we sample a subset (fraction miniBatchFraction) of the total data   * in order to compute a gradient estimate.   * Sampling, and averaging the subgradients over this subset is performed using one standard   * spark map-reduce in each iteration.   *   * @param data Input data for SGD. RDD of the set of data examples, each of   *             the form (label, [feature values]).   * @param gradient Gradient object (used to compute the gradient of the loss function of   *                 one single data example)   * @param updater Updater function to actually perform a gradient step in a given direction.   * @param stepSize initial step size for the first step   * @param numIterations number of iterations that SGD should be run.   * @param regParam regularization parameter   * @param miniBatchFraction fraction of the input data set that should be used for   *                          one iteration of SGD. Default value 1.0.   * @param convergenceTol Minibatch iteration will end before numIterations if the relative   *                       difference between the current weight and the previous weight is less   *                       than this value. In measuring convergence, L2 norm is calculated.   *                       Default value 0.001. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusively.   * @return A tuple containing two elements. The first element is a column matrix containing   *         weights for every feature, and the second element is an array containing the   *         stochastic loss computed for every iteration.   */  def runMiniBatchSGD(      data: RDD[(Double, Vector)],      gradient: Gradient,      updater: Updater,      stepSize: Double,      numIterations: Int,      regParam: Double,      miniBatchFraction: Double,      initialWeights: Vector,      convergenceTol: Double): (Vector, Array[Double]) = {    // convergenceTol should be set with non minibatch settings    if (miniBatchFraction < 1.0 && convergenceTol > 0.0) {      logWarning("Testing against a convergenceTol when using miniBatchFraction " +        "< 1.0 can be unstable because of the stochasticity in sampling.")    }    //把历史的权重放在一个数组中    val stochasticLossHistory = new ArrayBuffer[Double](numIterations)    // Record previous weight and current one to calculate solution vector difference    //初始化权重    var previousWeights: Option[Vector] = None    var currentWeights: Option[Vector] = None    //训练的样本数    val numExamples = data.count()    // if no data, return initial weights to avoid NaNs    if (numExamples == 0) {      logWarning("GradientDescent.runMiniBatchSGD returning initial weights, no data found")      return (initialWeights, stochasticLossHistory.toArray)    }    if (numExamples * miniBatchFraction < 1) {      logWarning("The miniBatchFraction is too small")    }    // Initialize weights as a column vector    var weights = Vectors.dense(initialWeights.toArray)    val n = weights.size    /**     * For the first iteration, the regVal will be initialized as sum of weight squares     * if it's L2 updater; for L1 updater, the same logic is followed.     */    var regVal = updater.compute(      weights, Vectors.zeros(weights.size), 0, 1, regParam)._2    var converged = false // indicates whether converged based on convergenceTol判断是否收敛    var i = 1    while (!converged && i <= numIterations) {      //广播weights      val bcWeights = data.context.broadcast(weights)      // Sample a subset (fraction miniBatchFraction) of the total data      // compute and sum up the subgradients on this subset (this is one map-reduce)      val (gradientSum, lossSum, miniBatchSize) = data.sample(false, miniBatchFraction, 42 + i)        .treeAggregate((BDV.zeros[Double](n), 0.0, 0L))(          seqOp = (c, v) => {            // c: (grad, loss, count), v: (label, features)            val l = gradient.compute(v._2, v._1, bcWeights.value, Vectors.fromBreeze(c._1))            (c._1, c._2 + l, c._3 + 1)          },          combOp = (c1, c2) => {            // c: (grad, loss, count)            (c1._1 += c2._1, c1._2 + c2._2, c1._3 + c2._3)          })      if (miniBatchSize > 0) {        /**         * lossSum is computed using the weights from the previous iteration         * and regVal is the regularization value computed in the previous iteration as well.         */        //保存误差,更新权重        stochasticLossHistory.append(lossSum / miniBatchSize + regVal)        val update = updater.compute(          weights, Vectors.fromBreeze(gradientSum / miniBatchSize.toDouble),          stepSize, i, regParam)        weights = update._1        regVal = update._2        previousWeights = currentWeights        currentWeights = Some(weights)        if (previousWeights != None && currentWeights != None) {          converged = isConverged(previousWeights.get,            currentWeights.get, convergenceTol)        }      } else {        logWarning(s"Iteration ($i/$numIterations). The size of sampled batch is zero")      }      i += 1    }    logInfo("GradientDescent.runMiniBatchSGD finished. Last 10 stochastic losses %s".format(      stochasticLossHistory.takeRight(10).mkString(", ")))    //返回权重和历史误差数组    (weights, stochasticLossHistory.toArray)  }


package Regressionimport org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectorsimport org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.{LabeledPoint, LinearRegressionModel, LinearRegressionWithSGD}import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}object RegressionWithSGD {  def main(args: Array[String]) {   val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("LinearRegressionWithSGDExample").setMaster("local")    val sc = new SparkContext(conf)    // Load and parse the data    val data = sc.textFile("E:\\SparkCore2\\data\\mllib\\ridge-data\\")    val parsedData = { line =>      val parts = line.split(',')      LabeledPoint(parts(0).toDouble, Vectors.dense(parts(1).split(' ').map(_.toDouble)))    }    /**parsedData形式:      * (-0.4307829,[-1.63735562648104,-2.00621178480549,-1.86242597251066,-1.02470580167082,-0.522940888712441,      * -0.863171185425945,-1.04215728919298,-0.864466507337306])      */    // Building the model    val numIterations = 100//迭代次数    val stepSize = 0.00000001//步长    val model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterations, stepSize)//训练模型    // Evaluate model on training examples and compute training error    val valuesAndPreds = { point =>      val prediction = model.predict(point.features)      (point.label, prediction)    }    val numCount = valuesAndPreds.count()    println("The sample count"+numCount)    val MSE ={ case(v, p) => math.pow((v - p), 2) }.mean()//残差的样本方差    println("training Mean Squared Error = " + MSE)    println("模型的权重"+model.weights)    println("模型的残差"+model.intercept)    // Save and load model, "E:\\SparkCore2\\data\\mllib\\ridge-data\\scalaLinearRegressionWithSGDModel")    val sameModel = LinearRegressionModel.load(sc, "E:\\SparkCore2\\data\\mllib\\ridge-data\\scalaLinearRegressionWithSGDModel")    sc.stop()    /**      * The sample count:67      * training Mean Squared Error = 7.4510328101026      *模型的权重[1.440209460949548E-8,1.0686674736254139E-8,9.608973495307957E-9,4.553409983798095E-9,1.2221496560765207E-8,8.910773406981891E-9,5.5962085583952E-9,1.2255699128757168E-8]      *模型的残差0.0      */  }}


1andrew NG线性回归课件:链接: 密码:7mbt

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