Delphi 10.1 Berlin下TStringGrid单元格样式设定

来源:互联网 发布:软件规模度量单位 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/20 13:50
设定TStringGrid的DefaultDraw = true,系统自动给表格绘制默认的样式和效果。设定自定义格式前,先填充单元格的背景色,以清除原内容。
procedure TShowDetailForm.GridForwardDrawCell( Sender : TObject; ACol, ARow : Integer; Rect : TRect;  State : TGridDrawState );const  FixSpace = 3;var  cellText : string;  i, j, tX, tY : Integer;  txtWidth, txtHeight : Integer;  // interleavingColor : TColor;begin  // interleavingColor := TStringGrid(Sender).FixedColor;  //  with TStringGrid( Sender ) do  begin    cellText := Cells[ ACol, ARow ].Trim;    txtWidth := Canvas.TextWidth( cellText );    txtHeight := Canvas.TextHeight( cellText );    //    if ACol = 0 then    begin // 第一列      // 设定样式 背景色 字体色      Canvas.Brush.Color := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleColor( scCategoryButtons );      Canvas.FillRect( Rect );      if ARow <> 0 then      begin        // 水平居左 垂直居中        tX := Rect.Left + FixSpace;        tY := Rect.Top + ( Rect.Height - txtHeight ) div 2;        Canvas.Font.Style := [ fsBold ];        Canvas.TextRect( Rect, tX, tY, cellText );      end      else      begin        // 水平居中  垂直居中        tX := Rect.Left + ( Rect.Width - txtWidth ) div 2;        tY := Rect.Top + ( Rect.Height - txtHeight ) div 2;        Canvas.FillRect( Rect );        Canvas.Font.Style := [ fsBold ];        Canvas.TextRect( Rect, tX, tY, cellText );      end;    end    else    begin      // 第一行      if ARow = 0 then      begin        // 水平居中  垂直居中        tX := Rect.Left + ( Rect.Width - txtWidth ) div 2;        tY := Rect.Top + ( Rect.Height - txtHeight ) div 2;        // 填充背景色,清除原内容        Canvas.Brush.Color := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleColor( scCategoryButtons );        Canvas.FillRect( Rect );        Canvas.Font.Style := [ fsBold ];        Canvas.TextRect( Rect, tX, tY, cellText );      end      else // 内容区      begin        // 水平居右  垂直居中        if ACol mod 4 = 0 then        begin          tX := Rect.Left + ( Rect.Width - txtWidth - FixSpace ) div 2;          tY := Rect.Top + ( Rect.Height - txtHeight ) div 2;          Canvas.Font.Style := [ fsBold ];          if Cells[ ACol, ARow ] = CorrectChar then            Canvas.Font.Color := clGreen          else            Canvas.Font.Color := clRed;        end        else        begin          tX := Rect.Left + ( Rect.Width - txtWidth - FixSpace );          tY := Rect.Top + ( Rect.Height - txtHeight ) div 2;          Canvas.Font.Style := [ ];          // Canvas.Font.Color := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleFontColor(sfButtonTextNormal) ;        end;        ///        if ( State * [ gdSelected, gdRowSelected ] ) <> [ ] then          Canvas.Brush.Color := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleColor( scButtonFocused )        else        begin          if ( ACol <= 4 ) or ( ( ACol >= 9 ) and ( ACol <= 12 ) ) then            Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedColor // clWebYellowGreen          else            Canvas.Brush.Color := TStyleManager.ActiveStyle.GetStyleColor( scGrid );        end;        //无数据时,居中        if Cells[ACol,ARow].Trim = '-' then        begin           tX := Rect.Left + ( Rect.Width - txtWidth - FixSpace ) div 2;          tY := Rect.Top + ( Rect.Height - txtHeight ) div 2;        end;        // 填充单元格背景色        Canvas.FillRect( CellRect( ACol, ARow ) );        Canvas.TextRect( Rect, tX, tY, cellText );      end;    end;  end;end;

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