
来源:互联网 发布:我知主掌管明天 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 20:56


简介:任意角度可扩展的 button menu

An button menu that can expand from any angle to any angle as you like.
It support two type of button, text button and icon button.You can define the button style as you like, such as button size, button background color, text size, button shadow and so on.


Add to your project

  • step1:Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
      allprojects {      repositories {          ...          maven { url "" }      }  }
  • step2:Add the dependency:
      dependencies {      compile 'com.github.uin3566:AllAngleExpandableButton:v1.0.0'  }


Declare an AllAngleExpandableButton inside your XML file as show below, but note that the layout_width and layout_height is useless, the size of AllAngleExpandableButton is decided by aebMainButtonSizeDp and aebButtonElevation together at last.

<com.fangxu.allangleexpandablebutton.AllAngleExpandableButton    android:id="@+id/button_expandable"    android:layout_width="wrap_content"    android:layout_height="wrap_content"    android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"    android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"    android:layout_marginBottom="100dp"    app:aebAnimDurationMillis="175"    app:aebButtonElevation="4dp"    app:aebButtonGapDp="25dp"    app:aebEndAngleDegree="90"    app:aebIsSelectionMode="false"    app:aebMainButtonRotateAnimDurationMillis="250"    app:aebMainButtonRotateDegree="-135"    app:aebMainButtonSizeDp="56dp"    app:aebMainButtonTextColor="#ffff5656"    app:aebMainButtonTextSizeSp="20dp"    app:aebMaskBackgroundColor="@color/blue"    app:aebRippleColor="@color/red"    app:aebRippleEffect="true"    app:aebStartAngleDegree="90"    app:aebSubButtonSizeDp="56dp"    app:aebSubButtonTextColor="#ff0000ff"    app:aebSubButtonTextSizeSp="18dp"/>

use AllAngleExpandableButton in java code like this:

  • step1: define an ArrayList to store button infos and set the list to AllAngleExpandableButton
      AllAngleExpandableButton button = (AllAngleExpandableButton)findViewById(;  final List<ButtonData> buttonDatas = new ArrayList<>();  int[] drawable = {, R.drawable.mark, R.drawable.settings, R.drawable.heart};  for (int i = 0; i < drawable.length; i++) {      ButtonData buttonData = ButtonData.buildIconButton(context, drawable[i], 0);      buttonDatas.add(buttonData);  }  button.setButtonDatas(buttonDatas);
  • step2: add listener to AllAngleExpandableButton

      button.setButtonEventListener(new ButtonEventListener() {      @Override      public void onButtonClicked(int index) {          //do whatever you want,the param index is counted from startAngle to endAngle,            //the value is from 1 to buttonCount - 1(buttonCount if aebIsSelectionMode=true)      }      @Override      public void onExpand() {      }      @Override      public void onCollapse() {      }  });


all of the attributes are listed below:

attributevalue typedefalut valuedescriptionaebStartAngleDegreeinteger90the start angle of the expand buttonsaebEndAngleDegreeinteger90the end angle of the expand buttonsaebMaskBackgroundColorcolorColor.TRANSPARENTthe fullscreen background color when the buttons are expandedaebIsSelectionModebooleanfalseif true,when a sub button is selected,the main button is setted as the selected sub buttonaebAnimDurationMillisinteger225expand and collapse animator duration in time milliseconds.aebMainButtonRotateAnimDurationMillisinteger300the main button rotate animator duration in time millisecondsaebMainButtonRotateDegreeinteger0main button rotate degree while expandingaebButtonElevationdimen4dpused for draw the button shadow.aebRippleEffectbooleantrueripple effect on main button when it's touchedaebRippleColorcolordepends on button backgroundripple effect color, default is the light color of the button backgroundaebMainButtonSizeDpdimen60the size of the main buttonaebMainButtonTextSizeSpdimen20the size of the main button textaebMainButtonTextColorcolorColor.BLACKthe color of the main button textaebSubButtonSizeDpdimen60the size of the sub buttonaebSubButtonTextSizeSpdimen20the size of the sub button textaebSubButtonTextColorcolorColor.BLACKthe color of the sub button textaebButtonGapDpdimen50dpthe distance of main button and sub button.

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