Unity Shader Example 21 (Highlighting 边缘光)

来源:互联网 发布:网络编程难吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/25 08:56

主要参考Highlighting System 插件。




HighlightableObjectSimple 组件,挂上这个组件的物体更换所有的材质,更换物体的layer。

using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;public class HighlightableObjectSimple : MonoBehaviour {    private List<HighlightingRendererCache> highlightableRenderers;    private bool zWrite = false;    private static float transparentCutoff = 0.5f;    private bool materialsIsDirty = true;    private int[] layersCache;    public static int highlightingLayer = 7;    private Color currentColor;    private Material highlightingMaterial    {        get        {            return zWrite ? opaqueZMaterial : opaqueMaterial;        }    }    // Common (for this component) replacement material for opaque geometry highlighting    private Material _opaqueMaterial;    private Material opaqueMaterial    {        get        {            if (_opaqueMaterial == null)            {                _opaqueMaterial = new Material(opaqueShader);                _opaqueMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;            }            return _opaqueMaterial;        }    }    // Common (for this component) replacement material for opaque geometry highlighting with Z-Buffer writing enabled    private Material _opaqueZMaterial;    private Material opaqueZMaterial    {        get        {            if (_opaqueZMaterial == null)            {                _opaqueZMaterial = new Material(opaqueZShader);                _opaqueZMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;            }            return _opaqueZMaterial;        }    }    //     private static Shader _opaqueShader;    private static Shader opaqueShader    {        get        {            if (_opaqueShader == null)            {                _opaqueShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/StencilOpaque");            }            return _opaqueShader;        }    }    //     private static Shader _transparentShader;    public static Shader transparentShader    {        get        {            if (_transparentShader == null)            {                _transparentShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/StencilTransparent");            }            return _transparentShader;        }    }    //     private static Shader _opaqueZShader;    private static Shader opaqueZShader    {        get        {            if (_opaqueZShader == null)            {                _opaqueZShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/StencilOpaqueZ");            }            return _opaqueZShader;        }    }    //     private static Shader _transparentZShader;    private static Shader transparentZShader    {        get        {            if (_transparentZShader == null)            {                _transparentZShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/StencilTransparentZ");            }            return _transparentZShader;        }    }    void Start()    {        InitMaterials(false);    }    private void InitMaterials(bool writeDepth)    {        highlightableRenderers = new List<HighlightingRendererCache>();        MeshRenderer[] mr = GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>();        CacheRenderers(mr);        SkinnedMeshRenderer[] smr = GetComponentsInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();        CacheRenderers(smr);        materialsIsDirty = false;    }    private void CacheRenderers(Renderer[] renderers)    {        for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++)        {            Material[] materials = renderers[i].sharedMaterials;            if (materials != null)            {                highlightableRenderers.Add(new HighlightingRendererCache(renderers[i], materials, highlightingMaterial, zWrite));            }        }    }    private void OnEnable()    {        HighlightingEffect.highlightingEvent += UpdateEventHandler;    }    private void OnDisable()    {        HighlightingEffect.highlightingEvent -= UpdateEventHandler;        if (highlightableRenderers != null)        {            highlightableRenderers.Clear();        }        // Reset highlighting parameters to default values        layersCache = null;        materialsIsDirty = true;        zWrite = false;        if (_opaqueMaterial)        {            DestroyImmediate(_opaqueMaterial);        }        if (_opaqueZMaterial)        {            DestroyImmediate(_opaqueZMaterial);        }    }    private void SetColor(Color c)    {        if (currentColor == c)        {            return;        }        if (zWrite)        {            opaqueZMaterial.SetColor("_Outline", c);        }        else        {            opaqueMaterial.SetColor("_Outline", c);        }        for (int i = 0; i < highlightableRenderers.Count; i++)        {            highlightableRenderers[i].SetColorForTransparent(c);        }        currentColor = c;    }    private void UpdateEventHandler(bool trigger, bool writeDepth)    {        // Update and enable highlighting        if (trigger)        {            // ZWriting state changed?            if (zWrite != writeDepth)            {                materialsIsDirty = true;            }            // Initialize new materials if needed            if (materialsIsDirty)            {                InitMaterials(writeDepth);            }            SetColor(Color.red);            if (highlightableRenderers != null)            {                layersCache = new int[highlightableRenderers.Count];                for (int i = 0; i < highlightableRenderers.Count; i++)                {                    GameObject go = highlightableRenderers[i].goCached;                    // cache layer                    layersCache[i] = go.layer;                    // temporary set layer to renderable by the highlighting effect camera                    go.layer = highlightingLayer;                    // 换材质                    highlightableRenderers[i].SetState(true);                }            }                    }        // Disable highlighting        else        {            if (highlightableRenderers != null)            {                for (int i = 0; i < highlightableRenderers.Count; i++)                {                    highlightableRenderers[i].goCached.layer = layersCache[i];                    highlightableRenderers[i].SetState(false);                }            }        }    }    private class HighlightingRendererCache    {        public Renderer rendererCached;        public GameObject goCached;        private Material[] sourceMaterials;        private Material[] replacementMaterials;        private List<int> transparentMaterialIndexes;        // Constructor        public HighlightingRendererCache(Renderer rend, Material[] mats, Material sharedOpaqueMaterial, bool writeDepth)        {            rendererCached = rend;            goCached = rend.gameObject;            sourceMaterials = mats;            replacementMaterials = new Material[mats.Length];            transparentMaterialIndexes = new List<int>();            for (int i = 0; i < mats.Length; i++)            {                Material sourceMat = mats[i];                if (sourceMat == null)                {                    continue;                }                string tag = sourceMat.GetTag("RenderType", true);                if (tag == "Transparent" || tag == "TransparentCutout")                {                    Material replacementMat = new Material(writeDepth ? transparentZShader : transparentShader);                    if (sourceMat.HasProperty("_MainTex"))                    {                        replacementMat.SetTexture("_MainTex", sourceMat.mainTexture);                        replacementMat.SetTextureOffset("_MainTex", sourceMat.mainTextureOffset);                        replacementMat.SetTextureScale("_MainTex", sourceMat.mainTextureScale);                    }                    replacementMat.SetFloat("_Cutoff", sourceMat.HasProperty("_Cutoff") ? sourceMat.GetFloat("_Cutoff") : transparentCutoff);                    replacementMaterials[i] = replacementMat;                    transparentMaterialIndexes.Add(i);                }                else                {                    replacementMaterials[i] = sharedOpaqueMaterial;                }            }        }        // Based on given state variable, replaces materials of this cached renderer to the highlighted ones and back        public void SetState(bool state)        {            rendererCached.sharedMaterials = state ? replacementMaterials : sourceMaterials;        }        // Sets given color as the highlighting color on all transparent materials for this cached renderer        public void SetColorForTransparent(Color clr)        {            for (int i = 0; i < transparentMaterialIndexes.Count; i++)            {                replacementMaterials[transparentMaterialIndexes[i]].SetColor("_Outline", clr);            }        }    }}

HighlightingEffect 挂在Camera上。

以上的,主要就是为了渲染stencilBuffer rendererTexture。

using UnityEngine;// Delegate for the highlighting eventpublic delegate void HighlightingEventHandler(bool state, bool zWrite);[RequireComponent(typeof(Camera))]public class HighlightingEffect : MonoBehaviour{// Event used to notify highlightable objects to change their materials before rendering to the highlighting buffer beginspublic static event HighlightingEventHandler highlightingEvent;#region Inspector Fields// Stencil (highlighting) buffer depthpublic int stencilZBufferDepth = 0;// Stencil (highlighting) buffer size downsample factorpublic int _downsampleFactor = 4;// Blur iterationspublic int iterations = 2;// Blur minimal spreadpublic float blurMinSpread = 0.65f;// Blur spread per iterationpublic float blurSpread = 0.25f;// Blurring intensity for the blur materialpublic float _blurIntensity = 0.3f;// These properties available only in Editor - we don't need them in standalone build#if UNITY_EDITOR// Z-buffer writing state getter/setterpublic bool stencilZBufferEnabled{get{return (stencilZBufferDepth > 0);}set{if (stencilZBufferEnabled != value){stencilZBufferDepth = value ? 16 : 0;}}}// Downsampling factor getter/setterpublic int downsampleFactor{get{if (_downsampleFactor == 1){return 0;}if (_downsampleFactor == 2){return 1;}return 2;}set{if (value == 0){_downsampleFactor = 1;}if (value == 1){_downsampleFactor = 2;}if (value == 2){_downsampleFactor = 4;}}}// Blur alpha intensity getter/setterpublic float blurIntensity{get{return _blurIntensity;}set{if (_blurIntensity != value){_blurIntensity = value;if (Application.isPlaying){blurMaterial.SetFloat("_Intensity", _blurIntensity);}}}}#endif#endregion#region Private Fields// Highlighting camera layers culling mask//private int layerMask = (1 << HighlightableObject.highlightingLayer);    private int layerMask = (1 << HighlightableObjectSimple.highlightingLayer);// This GameObject referenceprivate GameObject go = null;// Camera for rendering stencil buffer GameObjectprivate GameObject shaderCameraGO = null;// Camera for rendering stencil bufferprivate Camera shaderCamera = null;// RenderTexture with stencil bufferprivate RenderTexture stencilBuffer = null;// Camera referenceprivate Camera refCam = null;// Blur Shaderprivate static Shader _blurShader;private static Shader blurShader{get{if (_blurShader == null){_blurShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/Blur");}return _blurShader;}}// Compositing Shaderprivate static Shader _compShader;private static Shader compShader {get{if (_compShader == null){_compShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/Composite");}return _compShader;}}// Blur Materialprivate static Material _blurMaterial = null;private static Material blurMaterial{get{if (_blurMaterial == null){_blurMaterial = new Material(blurShader);_blurMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;}return _blurMaterial;}}// Compositing Materialprivate static Material _compMaterial = null;private static Material compMaterial{get{if (_compMaterial == null){_compMaterial = new Material(compShader);_compMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;}return _compMaterial;}}#endregionvoid Awake(){go = gameObject;refCam = GetComponent<Camera>();}void OnDisable(){if (shaderCameraGO != null){DestroyImmediate(shaderCameraGO);}if (_blurShader){_blurShader = null;}if (_compShader){_compShader = null;}if (_blurMaterial){DestroyImmediate(_blurMaterial);}if (_compMaterial){DestroyImmediate(_compMaterial);}if (stencilBuffer != null){RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(stencilBuffer);stencilBuffer = null;}}void Start(){// Disable if Image Effects is not supportedif (!SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : Image effects is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Disable if Render Textures is not supportedif (!SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : RenderTextures is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Disable if required Render Texture Format is not supportedif (!SystemInfo.SupportsRenderTextureFormat(RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32)){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32 is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Disable if HighlightingStencilOpaque shader is not supportedif (!Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/StencilOpaque").isSupported){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : HighlightingStencilOpaque shader is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Disable if HighlightingStencilTransparent shader is not supportedif (!Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/StencilTransparent").isSupported){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : HighlightingStencilTransparent shader is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Disable if HighlightingStencilOpaqueZ shader is not supportedif (!Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/StencilOpaqueZ").isSupported){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : HighlightingStencilOpaqueZ shader is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Disable if HighlightingStencilTransparentZ shader is not supportedif (!Shader.Find("Hidden/Highlighted/StencilTransparentZ").isSupported){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : HighlightingStencilTransparentZ shader is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Disable if HighlightingBlur shader is not supportedif (!blurShader.isSupported){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : HighlightingBlur shader is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Disable if HighlightingComposite shader is not supportedif (!compShader.isSupported){Debug.LogWarning("HighlightingSystem : HighlightingComposite shader is not supported on this platform! Disabling.");this.enabled = false;return;}// Set the initial intensity in blur shaderblurMaterial.SetFloat("_Intensity", _blurIntensity);}// Performs one blur iterationpublic void FourTapCone(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture dest, int iteration){float off = blurMinSpread + iteration * blurSpread;blurMaterial.SetFloat("_OffsetScale", off);Graphics.Blit(source, dest, blurMaterial);}// Downsamples source textureprivate void DownSample4x(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture dest){float off = 1.0f;blurMaterial.SetFloat("_OffsetScale", off);Graphics.Blit(source, dest, blurMaterial);}// Render all highlighted objects to the stencil buffervoid OnPreRender(){#if UNITY_4_0if (this.enabled == false || go.activeInHierarchy == false)#elseif (this.enabled == false || go.active == false)#endifreturn;if (stencilBuffer != null){RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(stencilBuffer);stencilBuffer = null;}// Turn on highlighted shadersif (highlightingEvent != null){highlightingEvent(true, (stencilZBufferDepth > 0));}// We don't need to render the scene if there's no HighlightableObjectselse{return;}stencilBuffer = RenderTexture.GetTemporary((int)GetComponent<Camera>().pixelWidth, (int)GetComponent<Camera>().pixelHeight, stencilZBufferDepth, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);if (!shaderCameraGO){shaderCameraGO = new GameObject("HighlightingCamera", typeof(Camera));shaderCameraGO.GetComponent<Camera>().enabled = false;shaderCameraGO.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;}if (!shaderCamera){shaderCamera = shaderCameraGO.GetComponent<Camera>();}shaderCamera.CopyFrom(refCam);//shaderCamera.projectionMatrix = refCam.projectionMatrix;// Uncomment this line if you have problems using Highlighting System with custom projection matrix on your camerashaderCamera.cullingMask = layerMask;shaderCamera.rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f);shaderCamera.renderingPath = RenderingPath.VertexLit;shaderCamera.hdr = false;shaderCamera.useOcclusionCulling = false;shaderCamera.backgroundColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);shaderCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;shaderCamera.targetTexture = stencilBuffer;shaderCamera.Render();// Turn off highlighted shadersif (highlightingEvent != null){highlightingEvent(false, false);}}// Compose final frame with highlightingvoid OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination){// If stencilBuffer is not created by some reasonif (stencilBuffer == null){// Simply transfer framebuffer to destinationGraphics.Blit(source, destination);return;}// Create two buffers for blurring the imageint width = source.width / _downsampleFactor;int height = source.height / _downsampleFactor;RenderTexture buffer = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, stencilZBufferDepth, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);RenderTexture buffer2 = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(width, height, stencilZBufferDepth, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);// Copy stencil buffer to the 4x4 smaller textureDownSample4x(stencilBuffer, buffer);// Blur the small texturebool oddEven = true;for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++){if (oddEven){FourTapCone(buffer, buffer2, i);}else{FourTapCone(buffer2, buffer, i);}oddEven = !oddEven;}// ComposecompMaterial.SetTexture("_StencilTex", stencilBuffer);compMaterial.SetTexture("_BlurTex", oddEven ? buffer : buffer2);Graphics.Blit(source, destination, compMaterial);// CleanupRenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(buffer);RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(buffer2);if (stencilBuffer != null){RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary(stencilBuffer);stencilBuffer = null;}}}


#ifndef HIGHLIGHTING_CG_INCLUDED#define HIGHLIGHTING_CG_INCLUDED#include "UnityCG.cginc"// Opaqueuniform fixed4 _Outline;struct appdata_vert{float4 vertex : POSITION;};float4 vert(appdata_vert v) : POSITION{return mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);}fixed4 frag() : COLOR{return _Outline;}// Transparentuniform sampler2D _MainTex;uniform float4 _MainTex_ST;uniform fixed _Cutoff;struct appdata_vert_tex{float4 vertex : POSITION;float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;};struct v2f{float4 pos : POSITION;float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;};v2f vert_alpha(appdata_vert_tex v){v2f o;o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);o.texcoord = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.texcoord, _MainTex);return o;}fixed4 frag_alpha(v2f i) : COLOR{clip(tex2D(_MainTex, i.texcoord).a - _Cutoff);return _Outline;}#endif


Shader "Hidden/Highlighted/StencilOpaque"{CGINCLUDE#include "HighlightingInclude.cginc"ENDCGSubShader{Pass{ZWrite OffZTest AlwaysLighting OffFog { Mode Off }CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert#pragma fragment frag#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastestENDCG}}Fallback Off}


Shader "Hidden/Highlighted/StencilOpaqueZ"{CGINCLUDE#include "HighlightingInclude.cginc"ENDCGSubShader{Pass{ZWrite OnZTest LEqualLighting OffFog { Mode Off }CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert#pragma fragment frag#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastestENDCG}}Fallback Off}


Shader "Hidden/Highlighted/StencilTransparent"{Properties{_MainTex ("", 2D) = "" {}_Cutoff ("", Float) = 0.5}CGINCLUDE#include "HighlightingInclude.cginc"ENDCGSubShader{Pass{ZWrite OffZTest AlwaysLighting OffFog { Mode Off }CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert_alpha#pragma fragment frag_alpha#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastestENDCG}}Fallback Off}


Shader "Hidden/Highlighted/StencilTransparentZ"{Properties{_MainTex ("", 2D) = "" {}_Cutoff ("", Float) = 0.5}CGINCLUDE#include "HighlightingInclude.cginc"ENDCGSubShader{Pass{ZWrite OnZTest LEqualLighting OffFog { Mode Off }CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert_alpha#pragma fragment frag_alpha#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastestENDCG}}Fallback Off}


Shader "Hidden/Highlighted/Blur"{Properties{_MainTex ("", 2D) = "" {}_Intensity ("", Range (0.25,0.5)) = 0.3}SubShader{Pass{ZTest AlwaysCull OffZWrite OffLighting OffFog { Mode Off }CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert#pragma fragment frag#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest#include "UnityCG.cginc"uniform sampler2D _MainTex;uniform half4 _MainTex_TexelSize;uniform half _OffsetScale;uniform fixed _Intensity;struct v2f{float4 pos : POSITION;half2 uv[4] : TEXCOORD0;};v2f vert (appdata_img v){// Shader code optimized for the Unity shader compilerv2f o;o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);half2 offs = _MainTex_TexelSize.xy * _OffsetScale;o.uv[0].x = v.texcoord.x - offs.x;o.uv[0].y = v.texcoord.y - offs.y;o.uv[1].x = v.texcoord.x + offs.x;o.uv[1].y = v.texcoord.y - offs.y;o.uv[2].x = v.texcoord.x + offs.x;o.uv[2].y = v.texcoord.y + offs.y;o.uv[3].x = v.texcoord.x - offs.x;o.uv[3].y = v.texcoord.y + offs.y;return o;}fixed4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR{fixed4 color1 = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv[0]);fixed4 color2 = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv[1]);fixed4 color3 = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv[2]);fixed4 color4 = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv[3]);fixed4 color;color.rgb = max(color1.rgb, color2.rgb);color.rgb = max(color.rgb, color3.rgb);color.rgb = max(color.rgb, color4.rgb);color.a = (color1.a + color2.a + color3.a + color4.a) * _Intensity;return color;}ENDCG}}Fallback off}


Shader "Hidden/Highlighted/Composite"{Properties{_MainTex ("", 2D) = "" {}_BlurTex ("", 2D) = "" {}_StencilTex ("", 2D) = "" {}}SubShader{Pass{ZTest AlwaysCull OffZWrite OffLighting OffFog { Mode off }CGPROGRAM#pragma vertex vert#pragma fragment frag#pragma fragmentoption ARB_precision_hint_fastest#include "UnityCG.cginc"struct v2f{float4 pos : POSITION;half2 uv[2] : TEXCOORD0;};uniform sampler2D _MainTex;uniform sampler2D _BlurTex;uniform sampler2D _StencilTex;float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;v2f vert (appdata_img v){v2f o;o.pos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);o.uv[0] = v.texcoord.xy;o.uv[1] = v.texcoord.xy;if (_MainTex_TexelSize.y < 0)o.uv[1].y = 1 - o.uv[1].y;return o;}fixed4 frag(v2f i) : COLOR{fixed4 framebuffer = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv[0]);fixed4 stencil = tex2D(_StencilTex, i.uv[1]);if (any(stencil.rgb)){return framebuffer;}else{fixed4 blurred = tex2D(_BlurTex, i.uv[1]);fixed4 color;color.rgb = lerp(framebuffer.rgb, blurred.rgb, saturate(blurred.a - stencil.a));color.a = framebuffer.a;return color;}}ENDCG}}SubShader{Pass{SetTexture [_MainTex] {}}}Fallback Off}

0 0
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 ps安装不上怎么办 工作原因经常熬夜怎么办 熬夜皮肤暗黄怎么办 经常熬夜睡眠不好怎么办 经常熬夜皮肤不好怎么办 皮肤熬夜变暗黄怎么办 晚上上夜班白天睡不着怎么办 熬夜肾虚怎么办才能好 经常熬夜口气重怎么办 晚上睡不着白天起不来怎么办 晚上熬夜白天睡不着怎么办 在外打工孩子上学怎么办 婴儿脸干燥发红怎么办 宝宝脸上红点点怎么办 药流出血量少怎么办 药流喝药第一天发烧了怎么办 药流第一天量很少怎么办 小孩不想吃饭口臭怎么办 晚上上班白天睡不着怎么办 新车刮漆了怎么办 药流出血多怎么办 药流第二天没血怎么办 有异味怎么办%3f 养狗后悔了怎么办 买狗后悔了怎么办 小孩子不想去幼儿园怎么办 小孩子不想上幼儿园怎么办 想当兵视力不够怎么办 当兵裸眼视力差怎么办 去公司报道行李怎么办 报道第一天出糗怎么办 痛经一直想拉屎怎么办 月经第一天痛经怎么办 痛经痛得厉害怎么办 脑子里老是幻想怎么办 绿松石盘玩变黑怎么办 绿松石发乌了怎么办 泡脚泡的脚发黑怎么办 想当兵有纹身怎么办 小孩挨打不会还手怎么办 孩子挨打不敢还手怎么办