
来源:互联网 发布:上海国金网络朱文君 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/20 03:39


CREATE TABLESPACE sm_spaceDATAFILE 'e:\jsp\db\sm_space.dbf'SIZE 10m;






create table USERS(  userid   INTEGER not null,  username VARCHAR2(20) not null,  userpwd VARCHAR2(20) not null,  sex VARCHAR2(10) not null,  tel VARCHAR2(20) not null,  adr VARCHAR2(500) NOT NULL,  usertype VARCHAR2(20) not null,  state NUMBER(10) not null)


alter table USERS  add constraint PRI_userid primary key (userid);alter table USERS  add constraint UNI_username unique (username);


create table PROVIDER(  pid   INTEGER not null,  pname VARCHAR2(20) not null,  intro VARCHAR2(500)NOT NULL,  pman VARCHAR2(20) not null,  tel VARCHAR2(20) not null,  city VARCHAR2(20) not null,  adr VARCHAR2(500) not null,  area VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL)


alter table PROVIDER  add constraint PRI_pid primary key (pid);  alter table PROVIDER  add constraint UNI_pname unique (pname);


create table GOODSTYPE(  gtid   INTEGER not null,gtname varchar2(20) not null)


alter table GOODSTYPEadd constraint PRI_GTID primary key (gtid);  alter table GOODSTYPE  add constraint UNI_gtname unique (gtname);


create table GOODS(  gid   INTEGER not null,  gtid   INTEGER not null,  sid   INTEGER not null,  gname VARCHAR2(20) not null, price NUMBER(10,2) not null, unit VARCHAR2(20) not null)


alter table GOODS  add constraint PRI_GID primary key (gid);    alter table GOODS  add constraint UNI_gname unique (gname);


alter table GOODS  add constraint FOR_gtid foreign key (gtID)  references GOODSTYPE (gtID) on delete cascade;alter table GOODS  add constraint FOR_pID foreign key (pID)  references PROVIDER (pID) on delete cascade;


create table BILL(  bid   INTEGER not null,  pid   INTEGER not null,btime VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,ispaid NUMBER(10) NOT NULL,amount number(38) not null,paydate varchar2(20))


alter table BILL  add constraint PRI_BID primary key (bid);


alter table BILLadd constraint FOR_bpID foreign key(pid)references provider (pID) on delete cascade;


create table billitem(biid integer not null,bid integer not null,gsid integer not null,gcount number(20) not null,amount number(20,2) not null)


alter table billitemadd constraint PRI_BIID primary key(biid);


alter table billitemadd constraint FOR_BID foreign key(bid)references bill(bid) on delete cascade;alter table billitemadd constraint FOR_gid foreign key(gid)references goods(gid) on delete cascade;


create table AREA(  aid   INTEGER not null,  aname   VARCHAR2(20) not null)


alter table AREAadd constraint PRI_aId primary key(aid);    alter table AREA  add constraint UNI_Aname unique (aname);


create sequence seq_useridincrement by 1start with 1minvalue 1 nomaxvaluenocycle;


create sequence seq_pidincrement by 1start with 1minvalue 1 nomaxvaluenocycle;


create sequence seq_gtidincrement by 1start with 1minvalue 1 nomaxvaluenocycle;


create sequence seq_gidincrement by 1start with 1minvalue 1 nomaxvaluenocycle;


create sequence seq_bidincrement by 1start with 1minvalue 1 nomaxvaluenocycle;


create sequence seq_biidincrement by 1start with 1minvalue 1 nomaxvaluenocycle;


create sequence seq_aidincrement by 1start with 1minvalue 1 nomaxvaluenocycle;


insert into users(userid,username,userpwd,sex,tel,adr,usertype,state)values(seq_userid.nextval,'admin','admin','男','15090275153','硅谷吴先森','admin','1');commit;


insert into provider(pid,pname,intro,pman,tel,adr,fax)values(seq_pid.nextval,'台湾统一集团','as范德萨快乐分手费','郭台铭','110','台湾第一大道','110');commit;insert into goodstype(gtid,gtname)values(seq_gtid.nextval,'饮料');commit;insert into goods(gid,gtid,pid,gname,price,unit)values(seq_gid.nextval,1,1,'统一冰红茶',3.5,'瓶');commit;


select g.gid,g.gtid,,g.gname,g.price,g.unit,gt.gtname,p.pnamefrom goods g,goodstype gt,provider pwhere g.gtid=gt.gtid and;alter table providermodify(set fax=city)
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