
来源:互联网 发布:初识动画软件教学设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/19 23:37




//------------------------------- Compose Files ----------------------------------



//---Description:This file is to show how-to compose multi-files into one file

//               and decompose one file to multi-files.


//---Date:May.16, 2006


//------------------------------{ Compose Files }---------------------------------


namespace ComposeFiles


    using System;

    using System.IO;

    using System.Collections;

    using System.Text;


    /// <summary>

    /// Summary description for clsComposeFiles.

    /// </summary>

    public class clsComposeFiles


        private ArrayList arrFiles = new ArrayList();


        public clsComposeFiles()



            // TODO: Add constructor logic here




        /// <summary>

        /// Add a file to be composed

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="sFileName"></param>

        public void AddFile( string sFileName )


            arrFiles.Add( sFileName );



        /// <summary>

        /// Compose files to the specific file

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="sFileName"></param>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool ComposeFiles( string sFileName )


            if( arrFiles.Count == 0 ) return false;


            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( sFileName );

            // Open file to write

            FileStream fsWriter = null;



                if( !fi.Exists )


                    fsWriter = new FileStream(




                        FileShare.None );



                    fsWriter = new FileStream(




                        FileShare.None );


            catch(Exception err)


                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( err.Message );

                return false;



            byte[] bBuffer = null;

            // Write files count

            bBuffer = FileIndex.LongToBytes( arrFiles.Count );

            fsWriter.Write( bBuffer, 0, 8 );


            const long INDEX_START_POS = 8L;

            // Init files index

            FileIndex FI = new FileIndex();

            for( int i = 0; i < arrFiles.Count; i++ )

                fsWriter.Write( FileIndex.ConvertToBytes( ref FI ), 0, 32 );


            long FILE_START_POS = INDEX_START_POS + 32 * arrFiles.Count;

            long lCurFileStartPos = FILE_START_POS;


            // Write every file

            for( int i = 0; i < arrFiles.Count; i++ )


                WriteFile( arrFiles[i].ToString(),

                    ref lCurFileStartPos,



                    i );



            // Close stream


            return true;



        /// <summary>

        /// Write file name and data into composed file

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="sFileName"></param>

        /// <param name="FileStartPos"></param>

        /// <param name="IndexStartPos"></param>

        /// <param name="fsWriter"></param>

        /// <param name="Index"></param>

        private void WriteFile(

            string sFileName,

            ref long FileStartPos,

            long IndexStartPos,

            FileStream fsWriter,

            int Index )


            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( sFileName );

            if( !fi.Exists ) return;


            FileStream fsReader = null;



                fsReader = new FileStream(

                    sFileName, FileMode.Open,

                    FileAccess.Read );


            catch{ return;}


            // Get file name

            byte[] bFileName = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes( fi.Name );

            // Write file name

            fsWriter.Write( bFileName, 0, bFileName.Length );


            const int BUFFER_LENGTH = 1024;

            byte[] bBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_LENGTH];

            int nRealRead = 0;

            // Write data using



                // Read data from file

                nRealRead = fsReader.Read( bBuffer, 0,

                    BUFFER_LENGTH );

                // Write data

                fsWriter.Write( bBuffer, 0, nRealRead );

            }while( nRealRead > 0 );

            // Close file reader



            FileIndex FINew = new FileIndex();

            FINew.NameStartPos = FileStartPos;

            FINew.NameLength = bFileName.Length;

            FINew.FileStartPos = FileStartPos + bFileName.Length;

            FINew.FileLength = fi.Length;


            // Go back to file index position

            fsWriter.Seek( IndexStartPos + Index * 32, SeekOrigin.Begin );


            // Write file index info

            fsWriter.Write( FileIndex.ConvertToBytes( ref FINew ), 0, 32 );


            // Go back to file end

            fsWriter.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.End );


            // Set file current position

            FileStartPos += bFileName.Length + fi.Length;



        /// <summary>

        /// Decompose file to multi files into specific directory

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="sFileName"></param>

        /// <param name="sDestDir"></param>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool DecomposeFile( string sFileName, string sDestDir )


            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( sFileName );

            if( !fi.Exists ) return false;


            FileStream fsReader = null;



                fsReader = new FileStream(

                    sFileName, FileMode.Open,

                    FileAccess.Read );


            catch{ return false;}


            // Read file count

            byte[] bFileCount = new byte[8];

            int nRealRead = 0;

            nRealRead = fsReader.Read( bFileCount, 0, 8 );

            if( nRealRead != 8 )



                return false;



            long lFileCount = FileIndex.BytesToLong( bFileCount );

            if( lFileCount > 0 )


                //Init file index array

                FileIndex[] fiArray = new FileIndex[lFileCount];

                byte[] bFileIndex = new byte[32];

                for( int i = 0; i < lFileCount; i++ )


                    fsReader.Read( bFileIndex, 0, 32 );

                    fiArray[i] = FileIndex.ConvertToFileIndex( bFileIndex );



                if( sDestDir[ sDestDir.Length - 1] != '//' )

                    sDestDir += "//";

                // Save every file into current directory

                for( int i = 0; i < fiArray.Length; i++ )


                    SaveFile( fsReader,

                        ref fiArray[i],

                        sDestDir );




            // Close file reader


            return true;



        /// <summary>

        /// Save every file into directory

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="fsReader"></param>

        /// <param name="FI"></param>

        /// <param name="sDestDir"></param>

        private void SaveFile(

            FileStream fsReader,

            ref FileIndex FI,

            string sDestDir )


            // Read file name

            byte[] bFileName = new byte[ FI.NameLength ];

            int nRealRead = fsReader.Read( bFileName, 0, bFileName.Length );

            if( nRealRead != bFileName.Length ) return;

            string sFileName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString( bFileName );

            sFileName = sDestDir + sFileName;

            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo( sFileName );

            // Open file to write

            FileStream fsWriter = null;



                if( !fi.Exists )


                    fsWriter = new FileStream(




                        FileShare.None );



                    fsWriter = new FileStream(




                        FileShare.None );


            catch(Exception err){

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( err.Message );




            // Init buffer 

            const int BUFFER_LENGTH = 1024;

            byte[] bBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_LENGTH];

            long lLeft = FI.FileLength;


            // Copy file



                if( lLeft > BUFFER_LENGTH )


                    fsReader.Read( bBuffer, 0, BUFFER_LENGTH );

                    fsWriter.Write( bBuffer, 0, BUFFER_LENGTH );


                    lLeft -= BUFFER_LENGTH;




                    nRealRead = fsReader.Read( bBuffer, 0, (int)lLeft );

                    fsWriter.Write( bBuffer, 0, nRealRead );


                    lLeft -= nRealRead;



            while( lLeft > 0 );


            // close file writer





    /// <summary>

    /// File index data structure

    /// </summary>

    public struct FileIndex


        public long NameStartPos;

        public long NameLength;

        public long FileStartPos;

        public long FileLength;


        public static byte[] ConvertToBytes( ref FileIndex FI  )


            byte[] bData = new byte[32];


            Array.Copy( LongToBytes( FI.NameStartPos ), 0, bData, 0, 8 );

            Array.Copy( LongToBytes( FI.NameLength ), 0, bData, 8, 8 );

            Array.Copy( LongToBytes( FI.FileStartPos ), 0, bData, 16, 8 );

            Array.Copy( LongToBytes( FI.FileLength ), 0, bData, 24, 8 );


            return bData;



        public static byte[] LongToBytes( long lValue )


            byte[] bData = new byte[8];


            bData[0] = (byte)( ( lValue >> 56 ) & 0xFF);

            bData[1] = (byte)( ( lValue >> 48 ) & 0xFF);

            bData[2] = (byte)( ( lValue >> 40 ) & 0xFF);

            bData[3] = (byte)( ( lValue >> 32 ) & 0xFF);

            bData[4] = (byte)( ( lValue >> 24 ) & 0xFF);

            bData[5] = (byte)( ( lValue >> 16 ) & 0xFF);

            bData[6] = (byte)( ( lValue >> 8 ) & 0xFF);

            bData[7] = (byte)(lValue & 0xFF);

            return bData;



        public static FileIndex ConvertToFileIndex( byte[] bData )


            if( bData == null || bData.Length != 32 )

                throw new Exception( "Invalid parameters!" );


            FileIndex FI = new FileIndex();

            byte[] bBuffer = new byte[8];

            Array.Copy( bData, 0, bBuffer, 0, 8 );

            FI.NameStartPos = BytesToLong( bBuffer );

            Array.Copy( bData, 8, bBuffer, 0, 8 );

            FI.NameLength = BytesToLong( bBuffer );

            Array.Copy( bData, 16, bBuffer, 0, 8 );

            FI.FileStartPos = BytesToLong( bBuffer );

            Array.Copy( bData, 24, bBuffer, 0, 8 );

            FI.FileLength = BytesToLong( bBuffer );

            return FI;



        public static long BytesToLong( byte[] bData )


            if( bData == null || bData.Length != 8 )

                throw new Exception( "Invalid parameters!" );


            long lngValue = 0;

            lngValue += bData[0];

            lngValue = ( lngValue << 8 );

            lngValue += bData[1];

            lngValue = ( lngValue << 8 );

            lngValue += bData[2];

            lngValue = ( lngValue << 8 );

            lngValue += bData[3];

            lngValue = ( lngValue << 8 );

            lngValue += bData[4];

            lngValue = ( lngValue << 8 );

            lngValue += bData[5];

            lngValue = ( lngValue << 8 );

            lngValue += bData[6];

            lngValue = ( lngValue << 8 );

            lngValue += bData[7];

            return lngValue;









    clsComposeFiles myComposeFiles = new clsComposeFiles();

    myComposeFiles.AddFile( @"D:/Ship.exe" );

    myComposeFiles.AddFile( @"D:/LoginPage.JPG" );

myComposeFiles.ComposeFiles( @"D:/Ship.dat" );



    clsComposeFiles myComposeFiles = new clsComposeFiles();

    myComposeFiles.DecomposeFile( @"D:/Ship.dat", @"E:/" );


