来源:互联网 发布:重庆seo推荐盛庆策动 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/12 17:39
Talk is cheap, show me the code.
reset reset whatreset board board faultboard add where to addboard delet no board at allreboot backplane impossiblebackplane abort install firsthe he unkown command注意:he he不是命令。
1、若只输入一字串,则只匹配一个关键字的命令行。例如输入:r,根据该规则,匹配命令reset,执行结果为:reset what;输入:res,根据该规则,匹配命令reset,执行结果为:reset what;
2、若只输入一字串,但本条命令有两个关键字,则匹配失败。例如输入:reb,可以找到命令reboot backpalne,但是该命令有两个关键词,所有匹配失败,执行结果为:unkown command
3、若输入两字串,则先匹配第一关键字,如果有匹配但不唯一,继续匹配第二关键字,如果仍不唯一,匹配失败。例如输入:r b,找到匹配命令reset board,执行结果为:board fault。
4、若输入两字串,则先匹配第一关键字,如果有匹配但不唯一,继续匹配第二关键字,如果唯一,匹配成功。例如输入:b a,无法确定是命令board add还是backplane abort,匹配失败。
5、若输入两字串,第一关键字匹配成功,则匹配第二关键字,若无匹配,失败。例如输入:bo a,确定是命令board add,匹配成功。
6、若匹配失败,打印“unkown command”
resetreset boardboard addboard deletreboot backplanebackplane abort
reset whatboard faultwhere to addno board at allimpossibleinstall first
#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;void test1(){ string line; while(getline(cin, line)) { if(line.find(" ") != string::npos) { string cmd1 = line.substr(0, line.find_first_of(" ")); string cmd2 = line.substr(line.find_first_of(" ")+1); if(((cmd1 == "r" || cmd1 == "re") && cmd2 == "b") || (cmd1 == "b" && cmd2 == "a")) { cout << "unkown command" << endl; continue; } bool flag2 = false; if(cmd1[0] == 'r') { flag2 = true; string temp = "reset"; int num = 0; if(temp.find(cmd1) != string::npos) { temp = "board"; if(cmd2[0] == 'b' && temp.find(cmd2) != string::npos) { cout << "board fault" << endl; num++; } else cout << "unknown command" << endl; } temp = "reboot"; if(temp.find(cmd1) != string::npos) { temp = "backplane"; if(cmd2[0] == 'b' && temp.find(cmd2) != string::npos) { cout << "impossible" << endl; num++; } else cout << "unknown command" << endl; } if(num != 1) cout << "unknown command" << endl; } if(cmd1[0] == 'b') { flag2 = true; string temp = "board"; int num = 0; if(temp.find(cmd1) != string::npos) { bool flag = false; temp = "add"; if(cmd2[0] == 'a' && temp.find(cmd2) != string::npos) { num++; cout << "where to add" << endl; flag = true; } temp = "delet"; if(cmd2[0] == 'd' && temp.find(cmd2) != string::npos) { num++; cout << "no board at all" << endl; flag = true; } if(!flag) cout << "unkown command" << endl; } temp = "backplane"; if(temp.find(cmd1) != string::npos) { temp = "abort"; if(cmd2[0] == 'a' && temp.find(cmd2) != string::npos) { cout << "install first" << endl; num++; } else cout << "unkown command" << endl; } if(num != 1) cout << "unkown command" << endl; } if(!flag2) cout << "unkown command" << endl; } else { string temp = "reset"; if(line[0] == 'r' && temp.find(line) != string::npos) cout << "reset what" << endl; else cout << "unkown command" << endl; } }}int main(){ test1(); return 0;}
#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;vector<pair<pair<string, string>, string>> helper{ {{"reset",""},"reset what"},{ {"reset","board"},"board fault" },{ {"board","add"},"where to add" }, { {"board","delet"},"no board at all" }, { {"reboot","backplane"},"impossible" }, { {"backplane","abort"},"install first" } };int main() { string str; while (getline(cin,str)) { int _count = count(str.begin(), str.end(), ' '); if (_count == 0) if (helper[0].first.first.find(str) != string::npos) cout << helper[0].second << endl; else cout << "unkown command" << endl; else if (_count == 1 && str[str.size() - 1] != ' ') { int flag = 0; string tmp; string part1 = str.substr(0, str.find(' ')); string part2 = str.substr(str.find(' ') + 1); for (auto p : helper) { if (p.first.first.find(part1) != string::npos && p.first.second.find(part2) != string::npos) { ++flag; if (flag == 2) break; tmp = p.second; } } if (flag == 1) cout << tmp << endl; else cout<< "unkown command" << endl; } else cout << "unkown command" << endl; }}
r bre bb a
unknown commandunknown commandunknown command
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