
来源:互联网 发布:暂七师军乐队 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/20 20:27


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import pexpectimport osimport timeimport getpasslogFileId = open("logfile.txt", 'w+')def ssh_detection(ip, user, passwd):    try:        ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh '+user+'@'+ip+" echo hello")        ssh.logfile = logFileId        index = ssh.expect(['password: ', 'continue connecting (yes/no)?', 'hello'])        if index == 0 :            ssh.sendline(passwd)            index = ssh.expect('hello')            if index == 0:                print "未配置ssh公私钥"            ssh.close(force=True)            return 2        elif index == 1:            ssh.sendline('yes\n')            index = ssh.expect('password: ')            print "未配置ssh公私钥"            ssh.close(force=True)            return 2        elif index == 2:            print "已配置ssh公私钥"            ssh.close(force=True)            return 1    except:        print "ERROR"        return 0def ssh_configure(ip, user, passwd):    print "开始配置公私钥"    path = os.getcwd()    if path.split('/')[1] == 'home':        rsa_path = '/home/'+path.split('/')[2]+'/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'    else:        name = raw_input("请输入当前主机的用户名:")        rsa_path = '/home/'+name+'/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'    if not os.path.exists(rsa_path):        try:            keygen = pexpect.spawn("ssh-keygen")            keygen.logfile = logFileId            index = keygen.expect("Enter file in which to save the key")            keygen.sendline('')            index = keygen.expect("Enter passphrase ")            keygen.sendline('')            index = keygen.expect("Enter same passphrase again")            keygen.sendline('')            time.sleep(1)            keygen.close(force=True)        except:            print "ERROR ssh-keygen"    else:        pass    try:        ssh = pexpect.spawn("ssh-copy-id -i "+rsa_path+" "+user+"@"+ip)        ssh.logfile = logFileId        time.sleep(10)        index = ssh.expect("password")        ssh.sendline(passwd)        time.sleep(1)        ssh.close(force=True)    except:        print "ERROR ssh-copy-id"    try:        ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh '+user+'@'+ip+' echo hello')        ssh.logfile = logFileId        index = ssh.expect(['password', 'hello'])        if index == 0:            # ssh.close(force=True)            pexpect.run("eval 'ssh-agent -s'")            pexpect.run("ssh-add")            ssh.close(force=True)            ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh '+user+'@'+ip+" echo hello")            ssh.logfile = logFileId            index = ssh.expect('hello')            if index == 0:                print "ssh公私钥配置成功"                return True        elif index == 1:            print "ssh公私钥配置成功"            return True    except:        print "配置失败"        return Falseif __name__=='__main__':    ip = raw_input("请输入远程ssh连接的IP 地址:")    user = raw_input("登录名:")    passwd = getpass.getpass("登录密码:")    index = ssh_detection(ip,user,passwd)    if index == 0:        print "ssh连接有问题,请检查用户名密码输入是否正确,以及远程主机是否允许ssh连接"        exit()    elif index == 2:        index = ssh_configure(ip,user,passwd)        if not index:            print "ssh公私钥配置失败,请尝试手动配置"            exit()    print ".......ssh检查pass"
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