
来源:互联网 发布:济宁网络问政平台登录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 01:32


   Win 64 Python 2.7 


  Requests BeautifulSoup


  •   在F盘创建ImageCri文件夹
  •   运行程序
#coding:utf-8import urllibimport urllib2from bs4 import BeautifulSoupimport reimport osimport requestsimport timeimport randomdef get_url_onepage(url):    #打开URL    reponse_url1 = urllib2.urlopen(url)    #BS进行处理    soup = BeautifulSoup(reponse_url1)    #正则表达式搜索到自己想要的连接    pattern=re.compile(r'/arthtml/(\d)+(.)html')    all_link_inonepage=[]    #查看需要的URL    for link in soup.find_all('a'):        link_match=link.get('href')        match=pattern.match(link_match)        if match:            a='http://www.99v3.com'+match.group()            all_link_inonepage.append(str(a))    return all_link_inonepagedef get_head_url(start_page,end_page):    if start_page==1:        return None    #访问不同的连接    head_list=['http://www.99v3.com/arttypehtml/2-{}.html'.\                   format(str(i)) for i in range(start_page,end_page)]    return head_list#获取图片def cripp_image(url):    print '*'*20    print url    print '*'*20    rest_time=random.random()*10    time.sleep(rest_time)    #加载Mozilla的header    headers = {        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6'    }    req = urllib2.Request(        url=url        ,        headers=headers    )    reponse_url1 = urllib2.urlopen(req)    soup_image=BeautifulSoup(reponse_url1)    title=soup_image.title.string.split('[')[0]    print title    newfolder = os.mkdir('F:\\ImageCri\\' + title)    image_num=0    for link in soup_image.find_all('img'):        link_match=link.get('src')        print link_match        # image_num=image_num+1        image_name = 'F:\\ImageCri\\' + title + '\\'+'{}.jpg'.format(str(image_num))        image_num=image_num+1        # image_name='{}.jpg'.format(str(image_num))        rest_time = random.random() * 10        time.sleep(rest_time)        # content = requests.get(link_match).content        # with open(image_name, "wb") as f:        #     f.write(content)        urllib.urlretrieve(link_match,image_name)#得到所有的URLdef get_all_url_2(start,end):    url=['http://www.b9f7.com/AAtupian/AAAtb/zipai/index-{}.html'.format(str(x)) for x in range(start,end)]    all_link=[]    for i in url:        #加载header        onepage=[]        headers = {            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6'        }        req = urllib2.Request(            url=i            ,            headers=headers        )        time.sleep(random.random()*4)        reponse_url1 = urllib2.urlopen(req)        pattern = re.compile(r'/AAtupian/AAAwz/(\d)+(\w)+(.)html')        soup_image = BeautifulSoup(reponse_url1)        for link in soup_image.find_all('a'):            link_match = link.get('href')            if link_match != None:                match = pattern.match(link_match)                if match:                    c = match.group()                    a = 'http://www.b9f7.com' + match.group()                    all_link.append(a)    return all_link#得到图片def get_img_2(url):    str_url=str(url)    headers = {        'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6'    }    req = urllib2.Request(        url=str_url        ,        headers=headers    )    time.sleep(random.random() * 4)    reponse_url1 = urllib2.urlopen(req)    soup_image = BeautifulSoup(reponse_url1)    title = unicode(soup_image.title.string.split('>')[1].split('<')[0])    #保存到图片的路径,这里是可以修改的    os.mkdir('F:\\ImageCri\\' + title)    image_num=0    for link in soup_image.find_all('img'):        link_match = link.get('src')        print link_match        image_num=image_num+1        image_name = 'F:\\ImageCri\\' + title + '\\' + '{}.jpg'.format(str(image_num))        image_num = image_num + 1        rest_time = random.random() * 4        time.sleep(rest_time)        content = requests.get(link_match,timeout=180).content        with open(image_name, "wb") as f:            f.write(content)#RUN enjoy:)if __name__=="__main__":    itera=0    for one_html in get_all_url_2(6,10):        itera=itera+1        print '第一个Page'+'-'*50        try:            print one_html            get_img_2(one_html)        except:            continue    #print get_all_url_2(3,5)    # head_in_each_page=get_head_url(6,10)    # all_link=[]    # for i in head_in_each_page:    #     all_link.append(get_url_onepage(i))    # print all_link    # for i in range(len(all_link)):    #     for j in all_link[i]:    #         cripp_image(j)    #----------------------------------------------    # cripp_image('http://33img.com/upload/image/20170315/31500003229.jpg')    # urllib.urlretrieve('http://33img.com/upload/image/20170315/31500003229.jpg', 'hao.jpg')    # url = 'http://p.urlpic.club/2016/upload/image/20170302/30200546071.jpg'    # content = requests.get(url).content    # with open("22221.jpg", "wb") as f:    #     f.write(content)    # urllib.urlretrieve(url, '2222.jpg')    #---------------------------------------------    # url=['http://www.99v3.com/arthtml/{}.html'.format(str(x)) for x in range(1889,1900)]    # print url    # for url_demo in url:    #     cripp_image(url_demo)    #-------------------------------    # cripp_image('http://www.99v3.com/arthtml/1886.html')    # link_match='https://pic.bb164.com/d4/3030/303018-3.jpg'    # content = requests.get(link_match).content    # with open('hao.jpg', "wb") as f:    #     f.write(content)    #--------------------------------    # headers = {    #     'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6'    # }    # req = urllib2.Request(    #     url="http://www.b9f7.com/AAtupian/AAAtb/zipai/"    #     ,    #     headers=headers    # )    # reponse_url1 = urllib2.urlopen(req)    # pattern = re.compile(r'/AAtupian/AAAwz/(\d)+(\w)+(.)html')    # soup_image = BeautifulSoup(reponse_url1)    # for link in soup_image.find_all('a'):    #     link_match = link.get('href')    #     link_name = link_match.text()    #     print link_name    #     if  link_match!=None:    #         match = pattern.match(link_match)    #         if match:    #             c = match.group()    #             a = 'http://www.b9f7.com' + match.group()    #             print a    #--------------------------------------------------------------    # headers = {    #     'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6'    # }    # req = urllib2.Request(    #     url="http://www.b9f7.com/AAtupian/AAAwz/8139e3a4b82a184cb05cd7e007e4aabd.html"    #     ,    #     headers=headers    # )    # reponse_url1 = urllib2.urlopen(req)    # soup_image = BeautifulSoup(reponse_url1)    # title = unicode(soup_image.title.string.split('>')[1].split('<')[0])    # os.mkdir('F:\\ImageCri\\' + title)    # image_num=0    # for link in soup_image.find_all('img'):    #     link_match = link.get('src')    #     print link_match    #     image_num=image_num+1    #     image_name = 'F:\\ImageCri\\' + title + '\\' + '{}.jpg'.format(str(image_num))    #     image_num = image_num + 1    #     rest_time = random.random() * 10    #     time.sleep(rest_time)    #     content = requests.get(link_match).content    #     with open(image_name, "wb") as f:    #         f.write(content)    #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------    # soup_image = BeautifulSoup(reponse_url1)    # title = soup_image.title.string.split('[')[0]    # print title

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