
来源:互联网 发布:汉诺塔算法伪代码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:29
/** * A helper class for reading config entries and performing variable substitution. * * If a config value contains variable references of the form "${prefix:variableName}", the * reference will be replaced with the value of the variable depending on the prefix. By default, * the following prefixes are handled: * * - no prefix: use the default config provider * - system: looks for the value in the system properties * - env: looks for the value in the environment * * Different prefixes can be bound to a `ConfigProvider`, which is used to read configuration * values from the data source for the prefix, and both the system and env providers can be * overridden. * * If the reference cannot be resolved, the original string will be retained. * * @param conf The config provider for the default namespace (no prefix). */
private[spark] class ConfigReader(conf: ConfigProvider) {  def this(conf: JMap[String, String]) = this(new MapProvider(conf))  private val bindings = new HashMap[String, ConfigProvider]()  bind(null, conf)  bindEnv(new EnvProvider())  bindSystem(new SystemProvider())  /**   * Binds a prefix to a provider. This method is not thread-safe and should be called   * before the instance is used to expand values.   */  def bind(prefix: String, provider: ConfigProvider): ConfigReader = {    bindings(prefix) = provider    this  }  def bind(prefix: String, values: JMap[String, String]): ConfigReader = {    bind(prefix, new MapProvider(values))  }  def bindEnv(provider: ConfigProvider): ConfigReader = bind("env", provider)  def bindSystem(provider: ConfigProvider): ConfigReader = bind("system", provider)
/**   * Reads a configuration key from the default provider, and apply variable substitution.   */  def get(key: String): Option[String] = conf.get(key).map(substitute)  /**   * Perform variable substitution on the given input string.   */  def substitute(input: String): String = substitute(input, Set())  private def substitute(input: String, usedRefs: Set[String]): String = {    if (input != null) {      ConfigReader.REF_RE.replaceAllIn(input, { m =>        val prefix =        val name =        val ref = if (prefix == null) name else s"$prefix:$name"        require(!usedRefs.contains(ref), s"Circular reference in $input: $ref")        val replacement = bindings.get(prefix)          .flatMap(_.get(name))          .map { v => substitute(v, usedRefs + ref) }          .getOrElse(m.matched)        Regex.quoteReplacement(replacement)      })    } else {      input    }  }
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