Delphi 2009 Delphi 2007 (any old version) is STRING type:

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺快递费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 22:53
Delphi 2009 <> Delphi 2007 (any old version) is STRING type:

+ In Delphi2009 (12),
type STRING = UnicodeString
UnicodeString is not the same WideString

+ In Delphi 2007 (6,7,8,9,10,11)
STRING is the same AnsiString
WideString support for Unicode.

Because any different type in old version with Delphi 2009, someone must change anything in the PAS files of the old version:

+ In package, replace VclJpg with VclImg
+ Replace WideString with string
+ Replace WideChar with Char.
You look WideCharToMultibyte, MultibyteToWideChar may be error! Because "WideChar"-->"Char"

+ Replace WChar with Char

+ Replace AnsiStrComp with StrComp
Do that with any Ansi function.
+ Find some words as "Ansi" to remove it if you need.

When above replacements is done, you are successful!