来源:互联网 发布:27岁转行做java 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 01:52


     1   2   3   4   5   6   7     ############################# 1 #   |   #   |   #   |   |   #   #####---#####---#---#####---# 2 #   #   |   #   #   #   #   #   #---#####---#####---#####---# 3 #   |   |   #   #   #   #   #   #---#########---#####---#---# 4 #   #   |   |   |   |   #   #   #############################            (Figure 1)

Figure 1 shows the map of a castle.Write a program that calculates
1. how many rooms the castle has
2. how big the largest room is
The castle is divided into m * n (m<=50, n<=50) square modules. Each such module can have between zero and four walls.
Your program is to read from standard input. The first line contains the number of modules in the north-south direction and the number of modules in the east-west direction. In the following lines each module is described by a number (0 <= p <= 15). This number is the sum of: 1 (= wall to the west), 2 (= wall to the north), 4 (= wall to the east), 8 (= wall to the south). Inner walls are defined twice; a wall to the south in module 1,1 is also indicated as a wall to the north in module 2,1. The castle always has at least two rooms.

Your program is to write to standard output: First the number of rooms, then the area of the largest room (counted in modules).

Sample Input

4711 6 11 6 3 10 67 9 6 13 5 15 51 10 12 7 13 7 513 11 10 8 10 12 13

Sample Output





if(map[x][y] == 1 || map[x][y] == 4 || map[x][y] == 5 || map[x][y] == 8 || map[x][y] == 9 || map[x][y] == 12 || map[x][y] == 13)    {        if(used[x-1][y] == false && x-1 >= 0 && y >= 0 && x-1 < n && y < m)        {            k++;            used[x-1][y] = true;            dfs(x-1, y,k);        }    }



#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;const int maxn = 50+10;int map[maxn][maxn];bool used[maxn][maxn];int n,m;void dfs(int x, int y, int &k){    if((map[x][y] & 2) == 0)    {        if(used[x-1][y] == false && x-1 >= 0 && y >= 0 && x-1 < n && y < m)        {            k++;            used[x-1][y] = true;            dfs(x-1, y,k);        }    }    if((map[x][y] & 8) == 0)    {        if(used[x+1][y] == false && x+1 >= 0 && y >= 0 && x+1 < n && y < m)        {            k++;            used[x+1][y] = true;            dfs(x+1, y, k);        }    }    if((map[x][y] & 1) == 0)    {        if(used[x][y-1] == false && x >= 0 && y-1 >= 0 && x < n && y-1 < m)        {             k++;            used[x][y-1] = true;            dfs(x, y-1, k);        }    }    if((map[x][y] & 4) == 0)    {        if(used[x][y+1] == false && x >= 0 && y+1 >= 0 && x < n && y+1 < m)        {            k++;            used[x][y+1] = true;            dfs(x, y+1, k);        }    }    return;}int main(){    scanf("%d%d",&n, &m);    int r;    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)    {        for(int j=0; j<m; j++)        {            scanf("%d",&map[i][j]);            used[i][j] = false;        }    }    int count = 0;    int max_a = 0;    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)    {        for(int j=0; j<m; j++)        {            if(used[i][j] == false)            {                used[i][j] = true;                int k = 1;                dfs(i, j, k);                max_a = max(max_a, k);                count ++;            }           }       }       printf("%d\n%d\n",count, max_a);    return 0;} 
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