React Native学习四

来源:互联网 发布:网络翻译兼职靠谱吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:32



import React, { Component } from 'react';import { AppRegistry, TextInput } from 'react-native';class UselessTextInput extends Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = { text: 'Useless Placeholder' };  }  render() {    return (      <TextInput        style={{height: 40, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1}}        onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({text})}        value={this.state.text}      />    );  }}// App registration and renderingAppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => UselessTextInput);


import React, { Component } from 'react';import { AppRegistry, View, TextInput } from 'react-native';class UselessTextInput extends Component {  render() {    return (      <TextInput        {...this.props} // 将父组件传递来的所有props传递给TextInput;比如下面的multiline和numberOfLines        editable = {true}        maxLength = {40}      />    );  }}class UselessTextInputMultiline extends Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      text: 'Useless Multiline Placeholder',    };  }  // 你可以试着输入一种颜色,比如red,那么这个red就会作用到View的背景色样式上  render() {    return (     <View style={{       backgroundColor: this.state.text,       borderBottomColor: '#000000',       borderBottomWidth: 1 }}     >       <UselessTextInput         multiline = {true}         numberOfLines = {4}         onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({text})}         value={this.state.text}       />     </View>    );  }}// App registration and renderingAppRegistry.registerComponent( 'AwesomeProject', () => UselessTextInputMultiline);

TextInput在安卓上默认有一个底边框,同时会有一些padding。如果要想使其看起来和iOS上尽量一致,则需要设置padding: 0,同时设置underlineColorAndroid="transparent"来去掉底边框。

又,在安卓上如果设置multiline = {true},文本默认会垂直居中,可设置textAlignVertical: top样式来使其居顶显示。

又又,在安卓上长按选择文本会导致windowSoftInputMode设置变为adjustResize,这样可能导致绝对定位的元素被键盘给顶起来。要解决这一问题你需要在AndroidManifest.xml中明确指定合适的windowSoftInputMode( )值,或是自己监听事件来处理布局变化。



autoCapitalize enum('none', 'sentences', 'words', 'characters') #


  • characters: 所有的字符。
  • words: 每个单词的第一个字符。
  • sentences: 每句话的第一个字符(默认)。
  • none: 不自动切换任何字符为大写。

autoCorrect bool #


autoFocus bool #


blurOnSubmit bool #


caretHidden bool #


defaultValue string #



editable bool #


keyboardType enum("default", 'numeric', 'email-address', "ascii-capable", 'numbers-and-punctuation', 'url', 'number-pad', 'phone-pad', 'name-phone-pad', 'decimal-pad', 'twitter', 'web-search') #



  • default
  • numeric
  • email-address

maxLength number #


multiline bool #


onBlur function #


onChange function #


onChangeText function #


onEndEditing function #


onFocus function #


onLayout function #

当组件挂载或者布局变化的时候调用,参数为{x, y, width, height}

onScroll function #

Invoked on content scroll with { nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x, y } } }. May also contain other properties from ScrollEvent but on Android contentSize is not provided for performance reasons.

onSelectionChange function #

Callback that is called when the text input selection is changed. This will be called with { nativeEvent: { selection: { start, end } } }.

onSubmitEditing function #


placeholder string #


placeholderTextColor color #


iosreturnKeyType enum('done', 'go', 'next', 'search', 'send', 'none', 'previous', 'default', 'emergency-call', 'google', 'join', 'route', 'yahoo') #

决定“确定”按钮显示的内容。 On Android you can also use returnKeyLabel.

Cross platform

The following values work across platforms:

  • done
  • go
  • next
  • search
  • send

Android Only

The following values work on Android only:

  • none
  • previous

iOS Only

The following values work on iOS only:

  • default
  • emergency-call
  • google
  • join
  • route
  • yahoo

secureTextEntry bool #


selectTextOnFocus bool #


selection {start: number, end: number} #

The start and end of the text input's selection. Set start and end to the same value to position the cursor.

selectionColor color #


style Text#style #


value string #



androiddisableFullscreenUI bool #

When false, if there is a small amount of space available around a text input (e.g. landscape orientation on a phone), the OS may choose to have the user edit the text inside of a full screen text input mode. When true, this feature is disabled and users will always edit the text directly inside of the text input. Defaults to false.

androidinlineImageLeft string #

If defined, the provided image resource will be rendered on the left.

androidinlineImagePadding number #

Padding between the inline image, if any, and the text input itself.

androidreturnKeyLabel string #

Sets the return key to the label. Use it instead of returnKeyType.

androidtextBreakStrategy enum('simple', 'highQuality', 'balanced') #

Set text break strategy on Android API Level 23+, possible values are simplehighQualitybalanced The default value is simple.

iosclearButtonMode enum('never', 'while-editing', 'unless-editing', 'always') #


iosclearTextOnFocus bool #


iosenablesReturnKeyAutomatically bool #


iosdataDetectorTypes enum('phoneNumber', 'link', 'address', 'calendarEvent', 'none', 'all'), [object Object] #

Determines the types of data converted to clickable URLs in the text input. Only valid if multiline={true} and editable={false}. By default no data types are detected.

You can provide one type or an array of many types.

Possible values for dataDetectorTypes are:

  • 'phoneNumber'
  • 'link'
  • 'address'
  • 'calendarEvent'
  • 'none'
  • 'all'

ioskeyboardAppearance enum('default', 'light', 'dark') #


iosonKeyPress function #

当一个键被按下的时候调用此回调。传递给回调函数的参数为{ nativeEvent: { key: keyValue } },其中keyValue即为被按下的键。会在onChange之前调用。

iosselectionState DocumentSelectionState #


androidnumberOfLines number #android


androidunderlineColorAndroid string #


iosspellCheck bool #



isFocused(): boolean #


clear() #




'use strict';var React = require('react');var ReactNative = require('react-native');var {  Text,  TextInput,  View,  StyleSheet,} = ReactNative;class WithLabel extends React.Component {  render() {    return (      <View style={styles.labelContainer}>        <View style={styles.label}>          <Text>{this.props.label}</Text>        </View>        {this.props.children}      </View>    );  }}class TextEventsExample extends React.Component {  state = {    curText: '<No Event>',    prevText: '<No Event>',    prev2Text: '<No Event>',    prev3Text: '<No Event>',  };  updateText = (text) => {    this.setState((state) => {      return {        curText: text,        prevText: state.curText,        prev2Text: state.prevText,        prev3Text: state.prev2Text,      };    });  };  render() {    return (      <View>        <TextInput          autoCapitalize="none"          placeholder="Enter text to see events"          autoCorrect={false}          onFocus={() => this.updateText('onFocus')}          onBlur={() => this.updateText('onBlur')}          onChange={(event) => this.updateText(            'onChange text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text          )}          onEndEditing={(event) => this.updateText(            'onEndEditing text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text          )}          onSubmitEditing={(event) => this.updateText(            'onSubmitEditing text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text          )}          onSelectionChange={(event) => this.updateText(            'onSelectionChange range: ' +              event.nativeEvent.selection.start + ',' +              event.nativeEvent.selection.end          )}          onKeyPress={(event) => {            this.updateText('onKeyPress key: ' + event.nativeEvent.key);          }}          style={styles.default}        />        <Text style={styles.eventLabel}>          {this.state.curText}{'\n'}          (prev: {this.state.prevText}){'\n'}          (prev2: {this.state.prev2Text}){'\n'}          (prev3: {this.state.prev3Text})        </Text>      </View>    );  }}class AutoExpandingTextInput extends React.Component {  state: any;  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      text: 'React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React. The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about — learn once, write anywhere. Facebook uses React Native in multiple production apps and will continue investing in React Native.',      height: 0,    };  }  render() {    return (      <TextInput        {...this.props}        multiline={true}        onChangeText={(text) => {          this.setState({text});        }}        onContentSizeChange={(event) => {          this.setState({height: event.nativeEvent.contentSize.height});        }}        style={[styles.default, {height: Math.max(35, this.state.height)}]}        value={this.state.text}      />    );  }}class RewriteExample extends React.Component {  state: any;  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {text: ''};  }  render() {    var limit = 20;    var remainder = limit - this.state.text.length;    var remainderColor = remainder > 5 ? 'blue' : 'red';    return (      <View style={styles.rewriteContainer}>        <TextInput          multiline={false}          maxLength={limit}          onChangeText={(text) => {            text = text.replace(/ /g, '_');            this.setState({text});          }}          style={styles.default}          value={this.state.text}        />        <Text style={[styles.remainder, {color: remainderColor}]}>          {remainder}        </Text>      </View>    );  }}class RewriteExampleInvalidCharacters extends React.Component {  state: any;  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {text: ''};  }  render() {    return (      <View style={styles.rewriteContainer}>        <TextInput          multiline={false}          onChangeText={(text) => {            this.setState({text: text.replace(/\s/g, '')});          }}          style={styles.default}          value={this.state.text}        />      </View>    );  }}class TokenizedTextExample extends React.Component {  state: any;  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {text: 'Hello #World'};  }  render() {    //define delimiter    let delimiter = /\s+/;    //split string    let _text = this.state.text;    let token, index, parts = [];    while (_text) {      delimiter.lastIndex = 0;      token = delimiter.exec(_text);      if (token === null) {        break;      }      index = token.index;      if (token[0].length === 0) {        index = 1;      }      parts.push(_text.substr(0, index));      parts.push(token[0]);      index = index + token[0].length;      _text = _text.slice(index);    }    parts.push(_text);    //highlight hashtags    parts = => {      if (/^#/.test(text)) {        return <Text key={text} style={styles.hashtag}>{text}</Text>;      } else {        return text;      }    });    return (      <View>        <TextInput          multiline={true}          style={styles.multiline}          onChangeText={(text) => {            this.setState({text});          }}>          <Text>{parts}</Text>        </TextInput>      </View>    );  }}class BlurOnSubmitExample extends React.Component {  focusNextField = (nextField) => {    this.refs[nextField].focus();  };  render() {    return (      <View>        <TextInput          ref="1"          style={styles.default}          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = false"          returnKeyType="next"          blurOnSubmit={false}          onSubmitEditing={() => this.focusNextField('2')}        />        <TextInput          ref="2"          style={styles.default}          keyboardType="email-address"          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = false"          returnKeyType="next"          blurOnSubmit={false}          onSubmitEditing={() => this.focusNextField('3')}        />        <TextInput          ref="3"          style={styles.default}          keyboardType="url"          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = false"          returnKeyType="next"          blurOnSubmit={false}          onSubmitEditing={() => this.focusNextField('4')}        />        <TextInput          ref="4"          style={styles.default}          keyboardType="numeric"          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = false"          blurOnSubmit={false}          onSubmitEditing={() => this.focusNextField('5')}        />        <TextInput          ref="5"          style={styles.default}          keyboardType="numbers-and-punctuation"          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = true"          returnKeyType="done"        />      </View>    );  }}type SelectionExampleState = {  selection: {    start: number;    end?: number;  };  value: string;};class SelectionExample extends React.Component {  state: SelectionExampleState;  _textInput: any;  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      selection: {start: 0, end: 0},      value: props.value    };  }  onSelectionChange({nativeEvent: {selection}}) {    this.setState({selection});  }  getRandomPosition() {    var length = this.state.value.length;    return Math.round(Math.random() * length);  }  select(start, end) {    this._textInput.focus();    this.setState({selection: {start, end}});  }  selectRandom() {    var positions = [this.getRandomPosition(), this.getRandomPosition()].sort();;  }  placeAt(position) {, position);  }  placeAtRandom() {    this.placeAt(this.getRandomPosition());  }  render() {    var length = this.state.value.length;    return (      <View>        <TextInput          multiline={this.props.multiline}          onChangeText={(value) => this.setState({value})}          onSelectionChange={this.onSelectionChange.bind(this)}          ref={textInput => (this._textInput = textInput)}          selection={this.state.selection}          style={}          value={this.state.value}        />        <View>          <Text>            selection = {JSON.stringify(this.state.selection)}          </Text>          <Text onPress={this.placeAt.bind(this, 0)}>            Place at Start (0, 0)          </Text>          <Text onPress={this.placeAt.bind(this, length)}>            Place at End ({length}, {length})          </Text>          <Text onPress={this.placeAtRandom.bind(this)}>            Place at Random          </Text>          <Text onPress={, 0, length)}>            Select All          </Text>          <Text onPress={this.selectRandom.bind(this)}>            Select Random          </Text>        </View>      </View>    );  }}var styles = StyleSheet.create({  page: {    paddingBottom: 300,  },  default: {    height: 26,    borderWidth: 0.5,    borderColor: '#0f0f0f',    flex: 1,    fontSize: 13,    padding: 4,  },  multiline: {    borderWidth: 0.5,    borderColor: '#0f0f0f',    flex: 1,    fontSize: 13,    height: 50,    padding: 4,    marginBottom: 4,  },  multilineWithFontStyles: {    color: 'blue',    fontWeight: 'bold',    fontSize: 18,    fontFamily: 'Cochin',    height: 60,  },  multilineChild: {    width: 50,    height: 40,    position: 'absolute',    right: 5,    backgroundColor: 'red',  },  eventLabel: {    margin: 3,    fontSize: 12,  },  labelContainer: {    flexDirection: 'row',    marginVertical: 2,    flex: 1,  },  label: {    width: 115,    alignItems: 'flex-end',    marginRight: 10,    paddingTop: 2,  },  rewriteContainer: {    flexDirection: 'row',    alignItems: 'center',  },  remainder: {    textAlign: 'right',    width: 24,  },  hashtag: {    color: 'blue',    fontWeight: 'bold',  },});exports.displayName = (undefined: ?string);exports.title = '<TextInput>';exports.description = 'Single and multi-line text inputs.';exports.examples = [  {    title: 'Auto-focus',    render: function() {      return (        <TextInput          autoFocus={true}          style={styles.default}          accessibilityLabel="I am the accessibility label for text input"        />      );    }  },  {    title: "Live Re-Write (<sp>  ->  '_') + maxLength",    render: function() {      return <RewriteExample />;    }  },  {    title: 'Live Re-Write (no spaces allowed)',    render: function() {      return <RewriteExampleInvalidCharacters />;    }  },  {    title: 'Auto-capitalize',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <WithLabel label="none">            <TextInput              autoCapitalize="none"              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="sentences">            <TextInput              autoCapitalize="sentences"              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="words">            <TextInput              autoCapitalize="words"              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="characters">            <TextInput              autoCapitalize="characters"              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Auto-correct',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <WithLabel label="true">            <TextInput autoCorrect={true} style={styles.default} />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="false">            <TextInput autoCorrect={false} style={styles.default} />          </WithLabel>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Keyboard types',    render: function() {      var keyboardTypes = [        'default',        'ascii-capable',        'numbers-and-punctuation',        'url',        'number-pad',        'phone-pad',        'name-phone-pad',        'email-address',        'decimal-pad',        'twitter',        'web-search',        'numeric',      ];      var examples = => {        return (          <WithLabel key={type} label={type}>            <TextInput              keyboardType={type}              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>        );      });      return <View>{examples}</View>;    }  },  {    title: 'Keyboard appearance',    render: function() {      var keyboardAppearance = [        'default',        'light',        'dark',      ];      var examples = => {        return (          <WithLabel key={type} label={type}>            <TextInput              keyboardAppearance={type}              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>        );      });      return <View>{examples}</View>;    }  },  {    title: 'Return key types',    render: function() {      var returnKeyTypes = [        'default',        'go',        'google',        'join',        'next',        'route',        'search',        'send',        'yahoo',        'done',        'emergency-call',      ];      var examples = => {        return (          <WithLabel key={type} label={type}>            <TextInput              returnKeyType={type}              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>        );      });      return <View>{examples}</View>;    }  },  {    title: 'Enable return key automatically',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <WithLabel label="true">            <TextInput enablesReturnKeyAutomatically={true} style={styles.default} />          </WithLabel>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Secure text entry',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <WithLabel label="true">            <TextInput secureTextEntry={true} style={styles.default} defaultValue="abc" />          </WithLabel>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Event handling',    render: function(): React.Element<any> { return <TextEventsExample />; },  },  {    title: 'Colored input text',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            style={[styles.default, {color: 'blue'}]}            defaultValue="Blue"          />          <TextInput            style={[styles.default, {color: 'green'}]}            defaultValue="Green"          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Colored highlight/cursor for text input',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            style={styles.default}            selectionColor={"green"}            defaultValue="Highlight me"          />          <TextInput            style={styles.default}            selectionColor={"rgba(86, 76, 205, 1)"}            defaultValue="Highlight me"          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Clear button mode',    render: function () {      return (        <View>          <WithLabel label="never">            <TextInput              style={styles.default}              clearButtonMode="never"            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="while editing">            <TextInput              style={styles.default}              clearButtonMode="while-editing"            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="unless editing">            <TextInput              style={styles.default}              clearButtonMode="unless-editing"            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="always">            <TextInput              style={styles.default}              clearButtonMode="always"            />          </WithLabel>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Clear and select',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <WithLabel label="clearTextOnFocus">            <TextInput              placeholder="text is cleared on focus"              defaultValue="text is cleared on focus"              style={styles.default}              clearTextOnFocus={true}            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="selectTextOnFocus">            <TextInput              placeholder="text is selected on focus"              defaultValue="text is selected on focus"              style={styles.default}              selectTextOnFocus={true}            />          </WithLabel>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Blur on submit',    render: function(): React.Element<any> { return <BlurOnSubmitExample />; },  },  {    title: 'Multiline blur on submit',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            style={styles.multiline}            placeholder="blurOnSubmit = true"            returnKeyType="next"            blurOnSubmit={true}            multiline={true}            onSubmitEditing={event => alert(event.nativeEvent.text)}          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Multiline',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            placeholder="multiline text input"            multiline={true}            style={styles.multiline}          />          <TextInput            placeholder="multiline text input with font styles and placeholder"            multiline={true}            clearTextOnFocus={true}            autoCorrect={true}            autoCapitalize="words"            placeholderTextColor="red"            keyboardType="url"            style={[styles.multiline, styles.multilineWithFontStyles]}          />          <TextInput            placeholder="multiline text input with max length"            maxLength={5}            multiline={true}            style={styles.multiline}          />          <TextInput            placeholder="uneditable multiline text input"            editable={false}            multiline={true}            style={styles.multiline}          />          <TextInput            defaultValue="uneditable multiline text input with phone number detection: 88888888."            editable={false}            multiline={true}            style={styles.multiline}            dataDetectorTypes="phoneNumber"          />          <TextInput            placeholder="multiline with children"            multiline={true}            enablesReturnKeyAutomatically={true}            returnKeyType="go"            style={styles.multiline}>            <View style={styles.multilineChild}/>          </TextInput>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Auto-expanding',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <AutoExpandingTextInput            placeholder="height increases with content"            enablesReturnKeyAutomatically={true}            returnKeyType="default"          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Attributed text',    render: function() {      return <TokenizedTextExample />;    }  },  {    title: 'Text selection & cursor placement',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <SelectionExample            style={styles.default}            value="text selection can be changed"          />          <SelectionExample            multiline            style={styles.multiline}            value={"multiline text selection\ncan also be changed"}          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'TextInput maxLength',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <WithLabel label="maxLength: 5">            <TextInput              maxLength={5}              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="maxLength: 5 with placeholder">            <TextInput              maxLength={5}              placeholder="ZIP code entry"              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="maxLength: 5 with default value already set">            <TextInput              maxLength={5}              defaultValue="94025"              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>          <WithLabel label="maxLength: 5 with very long default value already set">            <TextInput              maxLength={5}              defaultValue="9402512345"              style={styles.default}            />          </WithLabel>        </View>      );    }  },];


'use strict';var React = require('react');var ReactNative = require('react-native');var {  Text,  TextInput,  View,  StyleSheet,} = ReactNative;class TextEventsExample extends React.Component {  state = {    curText: '<No Event>',    prevText: '<No Event>',    prev2Text: '<No Event>',  };  updateText = (text) => {    this.setState((state) => {      return {        curText: text,        prevText: state.curText,        prev2Text: state.prevText,      };    });  };  render() {    return (      <View>        <TextInput          autoCapitalize="none"          placeholder="Enter text to see events"          autoCorrect={false}          onFocus={() => this.updateText('onFocus')}          onBlur={() => this.updateText('onBlur')}          onChange={(event) => this.updateText(            'onChange text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text          )}          onEndEditing={(event) => this.updateText(            'onEndEditing text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text          )}          onSubmitEditing={(event) => this.updateText(            'onSubmitEditing text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text          )}          style={styles.singleLine}        />        <Text style={styles.eventLabel}>          {this.state.curText}{'\n'}          (prev: {this.state.prevText}){'\n'}          (prev2: {this.state.prev2Text})        </Text>      </View>    );  }}class AutoExpandingTextInput extends React.Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      text: 'React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript and React. The focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platforms you care about — learn once, write anywhere. Facebook uses React Native in multiple production apps and will continue investing in React Native.',      height: 0,    };  }  render() {    return (      <TextInput        {...this.props}        multiline={true}        onContentSizeChange={(event) => {          this.setState({height: event.nativeEvent.contentSize.height});        }}        onChangeText={(text) => {          this.setState({text});        }}        style={[styles.default, {height: Math.max(35, this.state.height)}]}        value={this.state.text}      />    );  }}class RewriteExample extends React.Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {text: ''};  }  render() {    var limit = 20;    var remainder = limit - this.state.text.length;    var remainderColor = remainder > 5 ? 'blue' : 'red';    return (      <View style={styles.rewriteContainer}>        <TextInput          multiline={false}          maxLength={limit}          onChangeText={(text) => {            text = text.replace(/ /g, '_');            this.setState({text});          }}          style={styles.default}          value={this.state.text}        />        <Text style={[styles.remainder, {color: remainderColor}]}>          {remainder}        </Text>      </View>    );  }}class TokenizedTextExample extends React.Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {text: 'Hello #World'};  }  render() {    //define delimiter    let delimiter = /\s+/;    //split string    let _text = this.state.text;    let token, index, parts = [];    while (_text) {      delimiter.lastIndex = 0;      token = delimiter.exec(_text);      if (token === null) {        break;      }      index = token.index;      if (token[0].length === 0) {        index = 1;      }      parts.push(_text.substr(0, index));      parts.push(token[0]);      index = index + token[0].length;      _text = _text.slice(index);    }    parts.push(_text);    //highlight hashtags    parts = => {      if (/^#/.test(text)) {        return <Text key={text} style={styles.hashtag}>{text}</Text>;      } else {        return text;      }    });    return (      <View>        <TextInput          multiline={true}          style={styles.multiline}          onChangeText={(text) => {            this.setState({text});          }}>          <Text>{parts}</Text>        </TextInput>      </View>    );  }}class BlurOnSubmitExample extends React.Component {  focusNextField = (nextField) => {    this.refs[nextField].focus();  };  render() {    return (      <View>        <TextInput          ref="1"          style={styles.singleLine}          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = false"          returnKeyType="next"          blurOnSubmit={false}          onSubmitEditing={() => this.focusNextField('2')}        />        <TextInput          ref="2"          style={styles.singleLine}          keyboardType="email-address"          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = false"          returnKeyType="next"          blurOnSubmit={false}          onSubmitEditing={() => this.focusNextField('3')}        />        <TextInput          ref="3"          style={styles.singleLine}          keyboardType="url"          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = false"          returnKeyType="next"          blurOnSubmit={false}          onSubmitEditing={() => this.focusNextField('4')}        />        <TextInput          ref="4"          style={styles.singleLine}          keyboardType="numeric"          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = false"          blurOnSubmit={false}          onSubmitEditing={() => this.focusNextField('5')}        />        <TextInput          ref="5"          style={styles.singleLine}          keyboardType="numbers-and-punctuation"          placeholder="blurOnSubmit = true"          returnKeyType="done"        />      </View>    );  }}class ToggleDefaultPaddingExample extends React.Component {  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {hasPadding: false};  }  render() {    return (      <View>        <TextInput style={this.state.hasPadding ? { padding: 0 } : null}/>        <Text onPress={() => this.setState({hasPadding: !this.state.hasPadding})}>          Toggle padding        </Text>      </View>    );  }}type SelectionExampleState = {  selection: {    start: number;    end: number;  };  value: string;};class SelectionExample extends React.Component {  state: SelectionExampleState;  _textInput: any;  constructor(props) {    super(props);    this.state = {      selection: {start: 0, end: 0},      value: props.value    };  }  onSelectionChange({nativeEvent: {selection}}) {    this.setState({selection});  }  getRandomPosition() {    var length = this.state.value.length;    return Math.round(Math.random() * length);  }  select(start, end) {    this._textInput.focus();    this.setState({selection: {start, end}});  }  selectRandom() {    var positions = [this.getRandomPosition(), this.getRandomPosition()].sort();;  }  placeAt(position) {, position);  }  placeAtRandom() {    this.placeAt(this.getRandomPosition());  }  render() {    var length = this.state.value.length;    return (      <View>        <TextInput          multiline={this.props.multiline}          onChangeText={(value) => this.setState({value})}          onSelectionChange={this.onSelectionChange.bind(this)}          ref={textInput => (this._textInput = textInput)}          selection={this.state.selection}          style={}          value={this.state.value}        />        <View>          <Text>            selection = {JSON.stringify(this.state.selection)}          </Text>          <Text onPress={this.placeAt.bind(this, 0)}>            Place at Start (0, 0)          </Text>          <Text onPress={this.placeAt.bind(this, length)}>            Place at End ({length}, {length})          </Text>          <Text onPress={this.placeAtRandom.bind(this)}>            Place at Random          </Text>          <Text onPress={, 0, length)}>            Select All          </Text>          <Text onPress={this.selectRandom.bind(this)}>            Select Random          </Text>        </View>      </View>    );  }}var styles = StyleSheet.create({  multiline: {    height: 60,    fontSize: 16,    padding: 4,    marginBottom: 10,  },  eventLabel: {    margin: 3,    fontSize: 12,  },  singleLine: {    fontSize: 16,    padding: 4,  },  singleLineWithHeightTextInput: {    height: 30,  },  hashtag: {    color: 'blue',    fontWeight: 'bold',  },});exports.title = '<TextInput>';exports.description = 'Single and multi-line text inputs.';exports.examples = [  {    title: 'Auto-focus',    render: function() {      return (        <TextInput          autoFocus={true}          style={styles.singleLine}          accessibilityLabel="I am the accessibility label for text input"        />      );    }  },  {    title: "Live Re-Write (<sp>  ->  '_')",    render: function() {      return <RewriteExample />;    }  },  {    title: 'Auto-capitalize',    render: function() {      var autoCapitalizeTypes = [        'none',        'sentences',        'words',        'characters',      ];      var examples = => {        return (          <TextInput            key={type}            autoCapitalize={type}            placeholder={'autoCapitalize: ' + type}            style={styles.singleLine}          />        );      });      return <View>{examples}</View>;    }  },  {    title: 'Auto-correct',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            autoCorrect={true}            placeholder="This has autoCorrect"            style={styles.singleLine}          />          <TextInput            autoCorrect={false}            placeholder="This does not have autoCorrect"            style={styles.singleLine}          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Keyboard types',    render: function() {      var keyboardTypes = [        'default',        'email-address',        'numeric',        'phone-pad',      ];      var examples = => {        return (          <TextInput            key={type}            keyboardType={type}            placeholder={'keyboardType: ' + type}            style={styles.singleLine}          />        );      });      return <View>{examples}</View>;    }  },  {    title: 'Blur on submit',    render: function(): React.Element { return <BlurOnSubmitExample />; },  },  {    title: 'Event handling',    render: function(): React.Element { return <TextEventsExample />; },  },  {    title: 'Colors and text inputs',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            style={[styles.singleLine]}            defaultValue="Default color text"          />          <TextInput            style={[styles.singleLine, {color: 'green'}]}            defaultValue="Green Text"          />          <TextInput            placeholder="Default placeholder text color"            style={styles.singleLine}          />          <TextInput            placeholder="Red placeholder text color"            placeholderTextColor="red"            style={styles.singleLine}          />          <TextInput            placeholder="Default underline color"            style={styles.singleLine}          />          <TextInput            placeholder="Blue underline color"            style={styles.singleLine}            underlineColorAndroid="blue"          />          <TextInput            defaultValue="Same BackgroundColor as View "            style={[styles.singleLine, {backgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)'}]}>            <Text style={{backgroundColor: 'rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.3)'}}>              Darker backgroundColor            </Text>          </TextInput>          <TextInput            defaultValue="Highlight Color is red"            selectionColor={'red'}            style={styles.singleLine}>          </TextInput>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Text input, themes and heights',    render: function() {      return (        <TextInput          placeholder="If you set height, beware of padding set from themes"          style={[styles.singleLineWithHeightTextInput]}        />      );    }  },  {    title: 'fontFamily, fontWeight and fontStyle',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            style={[styles.singleLine, {fontFamily: 'sans-serif'}]}            placeholder="Custom fonts like Sans-Serif are supported"          />          <TextInput            style={[styles.singleLine, {fontFamily: 'sans-serif', fontWeight: 'bold'}]}            placeholder="Sans-Serif bold"          />          <TextInput            style={[styles.singleLine, {fontFamily: 'sans-serif', fontStyle: 'italic'}]}            placeholder="Sans-Serif italic"          />          <TextInput            style={[styles.singleLine, {fontFamily: 'serif'}]}            placeholder="Serif"          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Passwords',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            defaultValue="iloveturtles"            secureTextEntry={true}            style={styles.singleLine}          />          <TextInput            secureTextEntry={true}            style={[styles.singleLine, {color: 'red'}]}            placeholder="color is supported too"            placeholderTextColor="red"          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Editable',    render: function() {      return (        <TextInput           defaultValue="Can't touch this! (>'-')> ^(' - ')^ <('-'<) (>'-')> ^(' - ')^"           editable={false}           style={styles.singleLine}         />      );    }  },  {    title: 'Multiline',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            autoCorrect={true}            placeholder="multiline, aligned top-left"            placeholderTextColor="red"            multiline={true}            style={[styles.multiline, {textAlign: 'left', textAlignVertical: 'top'}]}          />          <TextInput            autoCorrect={true}            placeholder="multiline, aligned center"            placeholderTextColor="green"            multiline={true}            style={[styles.multiline, {textAlign: 'center', textAlignVertical: 'center'}]}          />          <TextInput            autoCorrect={true}            multiline={true}            style={[styles.multiline, {color: 'blue'}, {textAlign: 'right', textAlignVertical: 'bottom'}]}>            <Text style={styles.multiline}>multiline with children, aligned bottom-right</Text>          </TextInput>        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Fixed number of lines',    platform: 'android',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput numberOfLines={2}            multiline={true}            placeholder="Two line input"          />          <TextInput numberOfLines={5}            multiline={true}            placeholder="Five line input"          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Auto-expanding',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <AutoExpandingTextInput            placeholder="height increases with content"            enablesReturnKeyAutomatically={true}            returnKeyType="done"          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Attributed text',    render: function() {      return <TokenizedTextExample />;    }  },  {    title: 'Return key',    render: function() {      var returnKeyTypes = [        'none',        'go',        'search',        'send',        'done',        'previous',        'next',      ];      var returnKeyLabels = [        'Compile',        'React Native',      ];      var examples = => {        return (          <TextInput            key={type}            returnKeyType={type}            placeholder={'returnKeyType: ' + type}            style={styles.singleLine}          />        );      });      var types = => {        return (          <TextInput            key={type}            returnKeyLabel={type}            placeholder={'returnKeyLabel: ' + type}            style={styles.singleLine}          />        );      });      return <View>{examples}{types}</View>;    }  },  {    title: 'Inline Images',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <TextInput            inlineImageLeft="ic_menu_black_24dp"            placeholder="This has drawableLeft set"            style={styles.singleLine}          />          <TextInput            inlineImageLeft="ic_menu_black_24dp"            inlineImagePadding={30}            placeholder="This has drawableLeft and drawablePadding set"            style={styles.singleLine}          />          <TextInput            placeholder="This does not have drawable props set"            style={styles.singleLine}          />        </View>      );    }  },  {    title: 'Toggle Default Padding',    render: function(): React.Element { return <ToggleDefaultPaddingExample />; },  },  {    title: 'Text selection & cursor placement',    render: function() {      return (        <View>          <SelectionExample            style={styles.default}            value="text selection can be changed"          />          <SelectionExample            multiline            style={styles.multiline}            value={"multiline text selection\ncan also be changed"}          />        </View>      );    }  },];
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