【原创】【程序小游戏】Wall-war 墙战

来源:互联网 发布:做淘宝售前客服辛苦吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 09:40






技能X(0),在自己前面放一个墙,可以把对手击退。CD 0.75秒。


技能一,清除自己周围一圈的墙,可以把对手扔出去。CD 2秒。

技能二,往前冲5格,遇到墙或者对手停下来。CD 5秒。

技能三,清除前两格的墙,遇到对手把对手击退五格。CD 4秒。


#include<cstdio>      #include<cstring>      #include<ctime>      #include<conio.h>     #include<cstdlib>      #include<windows.h>        char side_updown[50];      char side_leftright[50];      char map[50][50],c;     int Fight=0;double cd[50][3];      double allcd[50]={0,0.75,2.5,5,4};      int size,wall;      int Skill[3][3];struct Player      {      int x,y;      int face;      char o;      }p[3];      void please()      {      puts("Press any key to start.");char c=getch();      Fight=(c=='9');puts("\nWall-war 's Rule:");      puts("If you want to win , then put your enemy into the wall.");     puts("");Sleep(500);  puts("Player 1: use WASD to move , X C Z to use skills.");      puts("Player 2: use 8456 to move , 0 1 2 to use skills.");     puts("");Sleep(500);  puts("Skill X(0) means putting a wall in front of you , if your enemy is there , he shall be repeled. Its interval is 0.75s.");      puts("Skill 1 means clearing all the walls around you , but not the boundary. You can repel your enemy , too. Its interval is 2.5s.");      puts("Skill 2 means rushing for 5 unit lengths , until you can't move on . Its interval is 5s.");      puts("Skill 3 means clearing the two walls in front of you, whatever what kind of the wall is, but not the boundary, if it's your enemy, you can repel him, too. Its interval is 4s.");puts("");Sleep(1000);puts("");int a;puts("Player One : Please choose your skills: ");Sleep(500);puts("\nSkill one, use C to use :"); scanf("%d",&a); Skill[1][1]=a;puts("\nSkill two, use Z to use :"); scanf("%d",&a);  Skill[1][2]=a;puts("\nPlayer Two : Please choose your skills: ");Sleep(500);puts("\nSkill one, use 1 to use :"); scanf("%d",&a); Skill[2][1]=a;puts("\nSkill two, use 2 to use :"); scanf("%d",&a);  Skill[2][2]=a;}void init_wall()      {      wall=rand()%14+2;     if(Fight) wall=20;for(int i=0;i<=wall;i++) side_updown[i]='#';      for(int i=0;i<=wall;i++)       {      if(i==0 or i==wall) side_leftright[i]='#';      else side_leftright[i]=' ';      }      }      void Set(int t,int x,int y)      {      map[p[t].x][p[t].y]=' ';      p[t].x=x;      p[t].y=y;      map[x][y]=p[t].o;      }      void init_map()      {      for(int i=1;i<=size;i++)      {      if(i==1 or i==size) strcpy(map[i],side_updown);      else strcpy(map[i],side_leftright);      }      p[1].x=p[1].y=p[2].x=p[2].y=0;      p[1].o='X'; p[2].o='O';      Set(1,2,1);      Set(2,size-1,wall-1);      }      int choose()      {      if(map[p[1].x][p[1].y]=='#' or map[p[1].x][p[1].y]=='*') return 1;      if(map[p[2].x][p[2].y]=='#' or map[p[2].x][p[2].y]=='*') return 2;      return 0;      }      void GameEnd(int t)      {      puts("GAME OVER");      Sleep(500);    printf("Player %d is out of the wall. You lose!!!!!\n",t);      printf("Player %d wins !!!!!!!!!!!\n",t==1 ? 2 : 1);      Sleep(1500);    }        void put_map()      {      system("cls");      int k=choose();      for(int i=1;i<=size;i++)      puts(map[i]);      puts("");printf("Player One: (%d,%d)\n",p[1].x,p[1].y);printf("Player Two: (%d,%d)\n",p[2].x,p[2].y);if(k==1) GameEnd(1);      else if(k==2) GameEnd(2);      }      bool check(int x,int y)      {      return map[x][y]!='#' and map[x][y]!='X' and map[x][y]!='O' and map[x][y]!='*';      }      void set_wall(){int k=rand()%(wall*size*3/7);if(Fight) k=0;while(k)while(1){int x=rand()%(size-1)+1;int y=rand()%(wall-2)+1;if(check(x,y)){map[x][y]='#',k--;break;}}}int dx[10]={0,-1,0,1,0,1,1,-1,-1};      int dy[10]={0,0,-1,0,1,1,-1,1,-1};      void move(int t,int go)      {      int px=p[t].x+dx[go],py=p[t].y+dy[go];      p[t].face=go;      if(check(px,py)) Set(t,px,py);      }      bool D(int t,int n)      {      if(cd[t][n]==0)       {      cd[t][n]=clock();      return true;      }      if((clock()-cd[t][n])/1000>=allcd[n])       {      cd[t][n]=0;      return true;      }      return false;      }        void A(int t)      {      int go=p[t].face;      int px=p[t].x+dx[go],py=p[t].y+dy[go];      if(p[t].face and map[px][py]!='#' and map[px][py]!='*')       {      if(map[px][py]=='X') move(1,p[t].face);      if(map[px][py]=='O') move(2,p[t].face);      map[px][py]='*';      put_map();      }      }        void B(int t)      {      for(int i=1;i<=8;i++)      {      int px=p[t].x+dx[i],py=p[t].y+dy[i];      if(map[px][py]=='X') move(1,(p[1].face+2)%4+1);      if(map[px][py]=='O') move(2,(p[2].face+2)%4+1);      if(map[px][py]=='*' and px!=1 and px!=size and py!=0 and py!=wall)       map[px][py]=' ';      put_map();      }      }      void C(int t)      {      int go=p[t].face;      for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)      {      move(t,go);      put_map();      }      }      void E(int t){int go=p[t].face;int px=p[t].x+dx[go],py=p[t].y+dy[go];if(px!=1 and px!=size and py!=0 and py!=wall){int f=0;if(map[px][py]=='X')p[1].face=go,move(1,go),f=1;if(map[px][py]=='O')p[2].face=go,move(2,go),f=2;if(map[px][py]!='X' and map[px][py]!='O') map[px][py]='@';if(f) C(f);put_map();put_map();put_map();put_map();put_map();if(map[px][py]=='@') map[px][py]=' ';put_map();}int tx=px+dx[go],ty=py+dy[go];if(tx!=1 and tx!=size and ty!=0 and ty!=wall){int f=0;if(map[tx][ty]=='X')p[1].face=go,move(1,go),f=1;if(map[tx][ty]=='O')p[2].face=go,move(2,go),f=2;if(map[tx][ty]!='X' and map[tx][ty]!='O') map[tx][ty]='@';if(f) C(f);put_map();put_map();put_map();put_map();put_map();if(map[tx][ty]=='@') map[tx][ty]=' ';put_map();}}void S(int t,int a){int k=Skill[t][a];if(D(t,k)){if(k==1) B(t);if(k==2) C(t);if(k==3) E(t);}}int main()      {      srand((unsigned)time(NULL));      please();  init_wall();size=(rand()%10+3)+2;   if(Fight) size=3;memset(map,0,sizeof map);      init_map();     set_wall();put_map();      while(c=getch())      {      if(choose()) return 0;      if(c=='W' or c=='w') move(1,1);      if(c=='A' or c=='a') move(1,2);      if(c=='S' or c=='s') move(1,3);      if(c=='D' or c=='d') move(1,4);      if(c=='X' or c=='x') if(D(1,1)) A(1);      if(c=='C' or c=='c') S(1,1);      if(c=='Z' or c=='z') S(1,2);    if(c=='8') move(2,1);      if(c=='4') move(2,2);      if(c=='5') move(2,3);      if(c=='6') move(2,4);      if(c=='0') if(D(2,1)) A(2);      if(c=='1') S(2,1);     if(c=='2') S(2,2);   put_map();      }      }     

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