power designer 16.5 使用总结

来源:互联网 发布:90后的中年危机 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:11

测试环境:power designer 16.5、vs2010、win7

一、如何调试power designer中的vbs



3.启动power designer,选择Tools -> Execute Commands -> Edit/Run Script,打开要步骤2中的脚本执行,当执行到Stop语句时,就会触发vs2010调试该脚本

二、添加oracle 表空间相关参数

create table MAMS_AMDAYINDEX(  amdayindexid       VARCHAR2(25) not null,  indexdate          VARCHAR2(10),  amuid              VARCHAR2(10),  nomonfundsales     NUMBER(18,2),  ppiperiodamt       NUMBER(18,2),)tablespace TBS_DEPT-- 表段MAMS_AMDAYINDEX放在表空间TBS_DEPT中  pctfree 10-- 块保留10%空间留给更新该块数据使用  initrans 1-- 初始化事务槽个数  maxtrans 255-- 最大事务槽个数  storage-- 存储参数  (    initial 16-- 区段(extent)一次扩展16    minextents 1-- 最小区段数    maxextents unlimited-- 最大区段数  );

pctfree 10,比如一个数据块插入数据直到还剩余10%的空间就不再插入,留下10%用做将来数据更新使用(因为存在可变长度的字段)。这样可以防止迁移行和链接行出现
initrans,maxtrans  表示可以再一个数据块上并发操作的事务槽个数,最大个数
minextents,maxextents  表示可以给该表分配区段的最小最大个数

在powerdesigner 16.5中添加以上参数

1.双击表,弹出table properties窗口
2.选择标签页physical options,注意不是 physical options(Common)

在标签页physical options左下角有一个apply to,可以设置一次性应用到其他表格


Database -> Edit Current DBMS -> General -> Script -> Sql -> Format -> CaseSensitivityUsingQuote -> No


Tools -> General Options -> Dialog -> Operating modes -> Name to Code mirroring -> 取消打钩



'******************************************************************************'* File:     CopyComment2Name.vbs'* Title:    Copy Comment to Name Conversion'* Purpose:  To update existing objects in your model with your current naming'*           standards based in your model options by executing the Comment to Name.'*'* Model:    Physical Data Model'* Objects:  Table, Column, View'* Category: Naming Standards'* Author:   Tang Tao'* Created:  Apr 11, 2017'* Mod By:   '* Modified: '* Version:  1.0'* Comment:  '*  v1.0 - Must have Conversion Tables assigned as a model option and'*         turn on Enable Name/Comment Conversion'******************************************************************************Option ExplicitValidationMode = TrueInteractiveMode = im_Batch' the current modelDim mdl' get the current active modelSet mdl = ActiveModelIf (mdl Is Nothing) Then  MsgBox "There is no current Model "ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then  MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "Else  ProcessFolder mdlEnd IfPrivate sub ProcessFolder(folder)'On Error Resume Next 'running   table  Dim tab  for each tab in folder.tables    if not tab.isShortcut then      tab.Name = tab.Comment      ' running column      Dim col      for each col in tab.columns      if col.Comment="" or col.Replica then      else        col.Name= col.Comment      end if      next    end if  next  'running view  Dim view  for each view in folder.Views    if not view.isShortcut then      view.Name = view.Comment    end if  next  ' go into the sub-packages  ' running folder  Dim f  For Each f In folder.Packages    if not f.IsShortcut then      ProcessFolder f    end if  Nextend sub


'******************************************************************************'* File:     CopyName2Comment.vbs'* Title:    Copy Name to Comment Conversion'* Purpose:  To update existing objects in your model with your current naming'*           standards based in your model options by executing the Name To Comment.'*'* Model:    Physical Data Model'* Objects:  Table, Column, View'* Category: Naming Standards'* Author:   Tang Tao'* Created:  Apr 11, 2017'* Mod By:   '* Modified: '* Version:  1.0'* Comment:  '*  v1.0 - Must have Conversion Tables assigned as a model option and'*         turn on Enable Name/Comment Conversion'******************************************************************************Option ExplicitValidationMode = TrueInteractiveMode = im_Batch'the current modelDim mdl'get the current active modelSet mdl = ActiveModelIf (mdl Is Nothing) Then  MsgBox "There is no current Model "ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then  MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "Else  ProcessFolder mdlEnd IfPrivate sub ProcessFolder(folder)'On Error Resume Next  'running table  Dim tab  for each tab in folder.tables    if not tab.isShortcut then      tab.Comment = tab.Name      'running column      Dim col      for each col in tab.Columns      if col.Name="" or col.Replica then      else        col.Comment = col.Name      end if      next    end if  next  'running view  Dim view  for each view in folder.Views    if not view.isShortcut then      view.Comment =  view.Name    end if  next  'go into the sub-packages  'running folder  Dim f   For Each f In folder.Packages    if not f.IsShortcut then      ProcessFolder f    end if  Nextend sub

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