【LEET-CODE】12. Integer to Roman【Medium】

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝开店怎么实名认证 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 18:38


Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.

Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.







class Solution {public:    string intToRoman(int num) {        string s;        for(int i = num/1000; i>0 ; i-- ){            if(i>=4) return "";            s.push_back('M');        }        num = num % 1000;          for(int i = num/500; i>0 ; i-- ){            if(num < 900)                s.push_back('D');            else{                s.push_back('C');                s.push_back('M');                s= s + intToRoman(num-900);                return s;            }        }        num = num % 500;        for(int i = num/100; i>0 ; i-- ){            if(num < 400)                s.push_back('C');            else{                s.push_back('C');                s.push_back('D');                s= s + intToRoman(num-400);                return s;            }        }        num = num % 100;        for(int i = num/50; i>0 ; i-- ){            if(num < 90)                s.push_back('L');            else{                s.push_back('X');                s.push_back('C');                s= s + intToRoman(num-90);                return s;            }        }        num = num % 50;        for(int i = num/10; i>0 ; i-- ){            if(num < 40)                s.push_back('X');            else{                s.push_back('X');                s.push_back('L');                s= s + intToRoman(num-40);                return s;            }        }        num = num % 10;        for(int i = num/5; i>0 ; i-- ){            if(num < 9)                s.push_back('V');            else{                s.push_back('I');                s.push_back('X');                return s;            }        }        num = num % 5;        switch(num){            case 1:            s.push_back('I');            break;            case 2:            s.push_back('I');            s.push_back('I');            break;            case 3:            s.push_back('I');            s.push_back('I');            s.push_back('I');            break;            case 4:            s.push_back('I');            s.push_back('V');            break;                    }        return s;    }};

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