Ant in Action

来源:互联网 发布:mysql replication 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 18:30
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This second edition of a Manning bestseller has been revised and re-titled to fit the 'In Action' Series by Steve Loughran, an Ant project committer. Ant in Action introduces Ant and how to use it for test-driven Java application development. Ant itself is moving to v1.7, a major revision, at the end of 2006 so the timing for the book is right. A single application of increasing complexity, followed throughout the book, shows how an application evolves and how to handle the problems of building and testing. Reviewers have praised the book's coverage of large-projects, Ant's advanced features, and the details and depth of the discussion-all unavailable elsewhere.

This is a major revision with the second half of the book completely new, including:
*How to Manage Big projects
*Library management
*Enterprise Java
*Continuous integration
*Writing new Ant tasks and datatypes