
来源:互联网 发布:unity3d water 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 21:33

1 Builder模式概念

1.1 介绍


1.2 定义


1.3 使用场景

  • 相同的方法,不同的执行顺序,产生不同的事件结果时;
  • 多个部件或零件,都可以装配到一个对象中,但是产生的运行结果又不相同时;
  • 产品类非常复杂,或者产品类中的调用顺序不同产生了不同的效能,这个时候使用建造者模式非常合适;
  • 当初始化一个对象特别复杂,如参数多,且很多参数都具有默认值时。

2 Builder模式UML类图通用


  • Product——产品类 : 产品的抽象类。
  • Builder——抽象类, 规范产品的组建,一般是由子类实现具体的组件过程。
  • ConcreteBuilder——具体的构建者。
  • Director——指挥者,统一组装过程(可省略)。


3 通用模式代码


/** * 产品类 */public class Product {    public void doSomething() {        // 独立业务处理    }}


/** * 抽象建造者 * 如果有多个产品类就有几个具体的建造者,而且这多个产品类具有相同接口或抽象类 */public abstract class Builder {     // setPart方法是零件的配置,设置产品的不同零件,或者不同的装配顺序,以产生不同的产品    public abstract void setPart();     // 建造产品    public abstract Product buildProduct();}


/** * 具体建造者 */public class ConcreteProduct extends Builder {    private Product product = new Product();     // 设置产品零件    public void setPart() {        // 产品类内的逻辑处理        }    // 组建一个产品    public Product buildProduct() {        return product;    }}


/** * 指挥者类 * 指挥者类起到封装的作用,避免高层模块深入到建造者内部的实现类 */public class Director {    // 构建不同的产品    private Builder builder = new ConcreteProduct();     public Product getAProduct() {        builder.setPart();        // 设置不同的零件,产生不同的产品        return builder.buildProduct();    }}

4 Builder模式变种(常用)

4.1 普通

public class Person {    private String name;    private int age;    private double height;    private double weight;    public Person(String name) {        this.name = name;    }    public Person(String name, int age) {        this.name = name;        this.age = age;    }    public Person(String name, int age, double height) {        this.name = name;        this.age = age;        this.height = height;    }    public Person(String name, int age, double height, double weight) {        this.name = name;        this.age = age;        this.height = height;        this.weight = weight;    }    public String getName() {        return name;    }    public void setName(String name) {        this.name = name;    }    public int getAge() {        return age;    }    public void setAge(int age) {        this.age = age;    }    public double getHeight() {        return height;    }    public void setHeight(double height) {        this.height = height;    }    public double getWeight() {        return weight;    }    public void setWeight(double weight) {        this.weight = weight;    }}


Person p1=new Person();Person p2=new Person("张三");Person p3=new Person("李四",18);Person p4=new Person("王五",21,180);Person p5=new Person("赵六",17,170,65.4);


4.2 使用Builder模式

public class Person {    private String name;    private int age;    private double height;    private double weight;    private Person(Builder builder){        this.name=builder.name;        this.age=builder.age;        this.height=builder.height;        this.weight=builder.weight;    }    public String getName(){        return name;    }    public void setName(String name){        this.name = name;    }    public int getAge(){        return age;    }    public void setAge(int age){        this.age = age;    }    public double getHeight(){        return height;    }    public void setHeight(double height){        this.height = height;    }    public double getWeight() {        return weight;    }    public void setWeight(double weight){        this.weight = weight;    }    static class Builder{        private String name;        private int age;        private double height;        private double weight;        public Builder name(String name){            this.name=name;            return this;        }        public Builder age(int age){            this.age=age;            return this;        }        public Builder height(double height){            this.height=height;            return this;        }        public Builder weight(double weight){            this.weight=weight;            return this;        }        public Person build(){            return new Person(this);// build()返回Person对象        }    }}


Person.Builder builder=new Person.Builder();Person person=builder  .name("张三")  .age(18)  .height(178.5)  .weight(67.4)  .build();

4.3 总结一下


5 Builder模式实战


/** * 产品类——探探App */public class Product {    public static final String ANDROID = "android";    public static final String IOS = "ios";    private String appName;    private String appFuction;    private String appSystem;    public String getAppName() {        return appName;    }    public void setAppName(String appName) {        this.appName = appName;    }    public String getAppFuction() {        return appFuction;    }    public void setAppFuction(String appFuction) {        this.appFuction = appFuction;    }    public String getAppSystem() {        return appSystem;    }    public void setAppSystem(String appSystem) {        this.appSystem = appSystem;    }    @Override    public String toString() {        return "Product [appName=" + appName + ", appFuction=" + appFuction                + ", appSystem=" + appSystem + "]";    }}


/** * 抽象建造者类——技术主管  */public abstract class Build {    public abstract Build setAppName(String appName);    public abstract Build setAppFuction(String appFuction);    public abstract Build setAppSystem(String appSystem);    public abstract Product build();}


/** * 具体建造者类——全栈程序员 */public class WorkBuilder extends Build {    private Product product;// 产品类    private InnerProduct innerProduct = new InnerProduct();// 产品缓冲类    @Override    public Build setAppName(String appName) {        innerProduct.setAppName(appName);        return this;    }    @Override    public Build setAppFuction(String appFuction) {        innerProduct.setAppFuction(appFuction);        return this;    }    @Override    public Build setAppSystem(String appSystem) {        innerProduct.setAppSystem(appSystem);        return this;    }    @Override    public Product build() {        product = new Product();        product.setAppName(innerProduct.getAppName());        product.setAppFuction(innerProduct.getAppFuction());        product.setAppSystem(innerProduct.getAppSystem());        return product;    }    /**     * 产品缓冲类     */    private class InnerProduct {        private String appName;        private String appFuction;        private String appSystem;        public String getAppName() {            return appName;        }        public void setAppName(String appName) {            this.appName = appName;        }        public String getAppFuction() {            return appFuction;        }        public void setAppFuction(String appFuction) {            this.appFuction = appFuction;        }        public String getAppSystem() {            return appSystem;        }        public void setAppSystem(String appSystem) {            this.appSystem = appSystem;        }    }}


/** * 指挥者类——产品经理  */public class Director {    public static Product create(String system) {        return new WorkBuilder().setAppSystem(system).setAppName("探探").setAppFuction("划一划找妹子").build();    }}


/** * 客户端——客户 */public class Client {      public static void main(String[] args){          // 客户:我需要一个可以摇一摇找妹子的软件          // 产品经理:分析得出就做一个探探          // 技术主管:appName:探探,系统:ios,android功能:摇一摇找妹子          Product android = Director.create(Product.ANDROID);          Product ios = Director.create(Product.IOS);          System.out.println(android);        System.out.println(ios);        /**         * 变异来的建造者可以只需要具体建造者,抽象的不要了,指挥者也可以不要了         */        // 程序员觉得太累了,工资又少,干的最多,最后决定自己出去单干。          WorkBuilder niubiProgremer = new WorkBuilder();          Product androidBest = niubiProgremer.setAppName("探探").setAppSystem(Product.ANDROID).setAppFuction("摇一摇,找妹子").build();          Product iosBest = niubiProgremer.setAppName("探探").setAppSystem(Product.IOS).setAppFuction("摇一摇,找妹子").build();        System.out.println("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");        System.out.println(androidBest);        System.out.println(iosBest);    }  }  


Product [appName=探探, appFuction=划一划找妹子, appSystem=android]Product [appName=探探, appFuction=划一划找妹子, appSystem=ios]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Product [appName=探探, appFuction=摇一摇,找妹子, appSystem=android]Product [appName=探探, appFuction=摇一摇,找妹子, appSystem=ios]

6 Android源码中的Builder模式

  在Android源码中,我们最常用到的Builder模式就是AlertDialog.Builder, 使用该Builder来构建复杂的AlertDialog对象。

6.1 AlertDialog时序图分析


6.2 AlertDialog源码分析

  在Android源码中,我们最常用到的Builder模式就是AlertDialog.Builder, 使用该Builder来构建复杂的AlertDialog对象。简单示例如下 :


// 显示基本的AlertDialog      private void showDialog(Context context) {          AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context);          builder.setIcon(R.drawable.icon);          builder.setTitle("Title");          builder.setMessage("Message");          builder.setPositiveButton("Button1",                  new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {                          setTitle("点击了对话框上的Button1");                      }                  });          builder.setNeutralButton("Button2",                  new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {                          setTitle("点击了对话框上的Button2");                      }                  });          builder.setNegativeButton("Button3",                  new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {                      public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {                          setTitle("点击了对话框上的Button3");                      }                  });          builder.create().show();  // 构建AlertDialog, 并且显示    } 


  结果如图所示 :



// AlertDialog  public class AlertDialog extends AppCompatDialog implements DialogInterface {      // Controller, 接受Builder成员变量P中的各个参数      private AlertController mAlert;      // 构造函数      protected AlertDialog(Context context, int theme) {          this(context, theme, true);      }      // 构造AlertDialog      AlertDialog(Context context, int theme, boolean createContextWrapper) {          super(context, resolveDialogTheme(context, theme), createContextWrapper);          mWindow.alwaysReadCloseOnTouchAttr();          mAlert = new AlertController(getContext(), this, getWindow());      }      // 实际上调用的是mAlert的setTitle方法      @Override      public void setTitle(CharSequence title) {          super.setTitle(title);          mAlert.setTitle(title);      }      // 实际上调用的是mAlert的setCustomTitle方法      public void setCustomTitle(View customTitleView) {          mAlert.setCustomTitle(customTitleView);      }      public void setMessage(CharSequence message) {          mAlert.setMessage(message);      }      // AlertDialog其他的代码省略      // ************  Builder为AlertDialog的内部类   *******************      public static class Builder {          // 1:存储AlertDialog的各个参数, 例如title, message, icon等.          private final AlertController.AlertParams P;          // 属性省略          public Builder(Context context) {              this(context, resolveDialogTheme(context, 0));          }          public Builder(Context context, int theme) {              P = new AlertController.AlertParams(new ContextThemeWrapper(                      context, resolveDialogTheme(context, theme)));              mTheme = theme;          }          // Builder的其他代码省略 ......          // 2:设置各种参数          public Builder setTitle(CharSequence title) {              P.mTitle = title;              return this;          }          public Builder setMessage(CharSequence message) {              P.mMessage = message;              return this;          }          public Builder setIcon(int iconId) {              P.mIconId = iconId;              return this;          }          public Builder setPositiveButton(CharSequence text, final OnClickListener listener) {              P.mPositiveButtonText = text;              P.mPositiveButtonListener = listener;              return this;          }          public Builder setView(View view) {              P.mView = view;              P.mViewSpacingSpecified = false;              return this;          }          // 3:构建AlertDialog, 传递参数          public AlertDialog create() {              // 4:调用new AlertDialog构造对象, 并且将参数传递个体AlertDialog               final AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog(P.mContext, mTheme, false);              // 5:将P中的参数应用的dialog中的mAlert对象中              P.apply(dialog.mAlert); // 重要             dialog.setCancelable(P.mCancelable);              if (P.mCancelable) {                  dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true);              }              dialog.setOnCancelListener(P.mOnCancelListener);              if (P.mOnKeyListener != null) {                  dialog.setOnKeyListener(P.mOnKeyListener);              }              return dialog;          }      }  }

  通过Builder来设置AlertDialog中的title, message, button等参数, 这些参数都存储在类型为AlertController.AlertParams的成员变量P中,AlertController.AlertParams中包含了与之对应的成员变量。在调用Builder类的create函数时才创建AlertDialog, 并且将Builder成员变量P中保存的参数应用到AlertDialog的mAlert对象中,即P.apply(dialog.mAlert)代码段。我们看看AlertController的实现 :


class AlertController {    private final Context mContext;    private final AppCompatDialog mDialog;    private final Window mWindow;    private CharSequence mTitle;    private CharSequence mMessage;    private ListView mListView;    private View mView;    private int mViewLayoutResId;    private int mViewSpacingLeft;    private int mViewSpacingTop;    private int mViewSpacingRight;    private int mViewSpacingBottom;    private boolean mViewSpacingSpecified = false;    private Button mButtonPositive;    private CharSequence mButtonPositiveText;    private Message mButtonPositiveMessage;    private Button mButtonNegative;    private CharSequence mButtonNegativeText;    private Message mButtonNegativeMessage;    private Button mButtonNeutral;    private CharSequence mButtonNeutralText;    private Message mButtonNeutralMessage;    private NestedScrollView mScrollView;    private int mIconId = 0;    private Drawable mIcon;    private ImageView mIconView;    private TextView mTitleView;    private TextView mMessageView;    private View mCustomTitleView;    private ListAdapter mAdapter;    private int mCheckedItem = -1;    private int mAlertDialogLayout;    private int mButtonPanelSideLayout;    private int mListLayout;    private int mMultiChoiceItemLayout;    private int mSingleChoiceItemLayout;    private int mListItemLayout;    private int mButtonPanelLayoutHint = AlertDialog.LAYOUT_HINT_NONE;    private Handler mHandler;    /**     * installContent(),极为重要,它调用了Window对象的setContentView,这个setContentView与Activity中一样,实际上Activity最终也是调用Window对象的setContentView函数。     */    public void installContent() {        // 设置窗口        final int contentView = selectContentView();        // 设置窗口的内容视图布局        mDialog.setContentView(contentView);        // 初始化AlertDialog其他子视图的内容        setupView();// setupView    }  private int selectContentView() {        if (mButtonPanelSideLayout == 0) {            return mAlertDialogLayout;        }        if (mButtonPanelLayoutHint == AlertDialog.LAYOUT_HINT_SIDE) {            return mButtonPanelSideLayout;        }        return mAlertDialogLayout;// AlertDialog的布局id    }    /**     * setupView()     */     private void setupView() {        // 获取并初始化内容区域        final View parentPanel = mWindow.findViewById(R.id.parentPanel);        final View defaultTopPanel = parentPanel.findViewById(R.id.topPanel);        final View defaultContentPanel = parentPanel.findViewById(R.id.contentPanel);        final View defaultButtonPanel = parentPanel.findViewById(R.id.buttonPanel);        final ViewGroup customPanel = (ViewGroup) parentPanel.findViewById(R.id.customPanel);        setupCustomContent(customPanel);        // 自定义内容视图区域        final View customTopPanel = customPanel.findViewById(R.id.topPanel);        final View customContentPanel = customPanel.findViewById(R.id.contentPanel);        final View customButtonPanel = customPanel.findViewById(R.id.buttonPanel);        final ViewGroup topPanel = resolvePanel(customTopPanel, defaultTopPanel);        final ViewGroup contentPanel = resolvePanel(customContentPanel, defaultContentPanel);        final ViewGroup buttonPanel = resolvePanel(customButtonPanel, defaultButtonPanel);        setupContent(contentPanel);        setupButtons(buttonPanel);        setupTitle(topPanel);        final boolean hasCustomPanel = customPanel != null                && customPanel.getVisibility() != View.GONE;        final boolean hasTopPanel = topPanel != null                && topPanel.getVisibility() != View.GONE;        final boolean hasButtonPanel = buttonPanel != null                && buttonPanel.getVisibility() != View.GONE;        // Only display the text spacer if we don't have buttons.        if (!hasButtonPanel) {            if (contentPanel != null) {                final View spacer = contentPanel.findViewById(R.id.textSpacerNoButtons);                if (spacer != null) {                    spacer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);                }            }        }        if (hasTopPanel) {            if (mScrollView != null) {                mScrollView.setClipToPadding(true);            }        }        // Update scroll indicators as needed.        if (!hasCustomPanel) {            final View content = mListView != null ? mListView : mScrollView;            if (content != null) {                final int indicators = (hasTopPanel ? ViewCompat.SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP : 0)                        | (hasButtonPanel ? ViewCompat.SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM : 0);                setScrollIndicators(contentPanel, content, indicators,                        ViewCompat.SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP | ViewCompat.SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM);            }        }        final ListView listView = mListView;        if (listView != null && mAdapter != null) {            listView.setAdapter(mAdapter);            final int checkedItem = mCheckedItem;            if (checkedItem > -1) {                listView.setItemChecked(checkedItem, true);                listView.setSelection(checkedItem);            }        }    }    /**     * AlertController.AlertParams 持有AlertController的所有属性,在调用builder里的设置属性方法时,就是给AlertController.AlertParams做一个缓存。     */    public static class AlertParams {        public final Context mContext;        public final LayoutInflater mInflater;        public int mIconId = 0;        public Drawable mIcon;        public int mIconAttrId = 0;        public CharSequence mTitle;        public View mCustomTitleView;        public CharSequence mMessage;        public CharSequence mPositiveButtonText;        public DialogInterface.OnClickListener mPositiveButtonListener;        public CharSequence mNegativeButtonText;        public DialogInterface.OnClickListener mNegativeButtonListener;        public CharSequence mNeutralButtonText;        public DialogInterface.OnClickListener mNeutralButtonListener;        public boolean mCancelable;        public DialogInterface.OnCancelListener mOnCancelListener;        public DialogInterface.OnDismissListener mOnDismissListener;        public DialogInterface.OnKeyListener mOnKeyListener;        public CharSequence[] mItems;        public ListAdapter mAdapter;        public DialogInterface.OnClickListener mOnClickListener;        public int mViewLayoutResId;        public View mView;        public int mViewSpacingLeft;        public int mViewSpacingTop;        public int mViewSpacingRight;        public int mViewSpacingBottom;        public boolean mViewSpacingSpecified = false;        public boolean[] mCheckedItems;        public boolean mIsMultiChoice;        public boolean mIsSingleChoice;        public int mCheckedItem = -1;        public DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener mOnCheckboxClickListener;        public Cursor mCursor;        public String mLabelColumn;        public String mIsCheckedColumn;        public boolean mForceInverseBackground;        public AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener mOnItemSelectedListener;        public OnPrepareListViewListener mOnPrepareListViewListener;        public boolean mRecycleOnMeasure = true;        public AlertParams(Context context) {            mContext = context;            mCancelable = true;            mInflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);        }        /**         * 最主要的方法是apply(),实际上就是把P中的参数挨个的设置到AlertController中, 也就是AlertDialog中的mAlert对象。从AlertDialog的各个setter方法中我们也可以看到,实际上也都是调用了mAlert对应的setter方法。         */        public void apply(AlertController dialog) {            if (mCustomTitleView != null) {                dialog.setCustomTitle(mCustomTitleView);            } else {                if (mTitle != null) {                    dialog.setTitle(mTitle);                }                if (mIcon != null) {                    dialog.setIcon(mIcon);                }                if (mIconId != 0) {                    dialog.setIcon(mIconId);                }                if (mIconAttrId != 0) {                    dialog.setIcon(dialog.getIconAttributeResId(mIconAttrId));                }            }            if (mMessage != null) {                dialog.setMessage(mMessage);            }            if (mPositiveButtonText != null) {                dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE, mPositiveButtonText,                        mPositiveButtonListener, null);            }            if (mNegativeButtonText != null) {                dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, mNegativeButtonText,                        mNegativeButtonListener, null);            }            if (mNeutralButtonText != null) {                dialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEUTRAL, mNeutralButtonText,                        mNeutralButtonListener, null);            }            // For a list, the client can either supply an array of items or an            // adapter or a cursor            if ((mItems != null) || (mCursor != null) || (mAdapter != null)) {                createListView(dialog);            }            if (mView != null) {                if (mViewSpacingSpecified) {                    dialog.setView(mView, mViewSpacingLeft, mViewSpacingTop, mViewSpacingRight,                            mViewSpacingBottom);                } else {                    dialog.setView(mView);                }            } else if (mViewLayoutResId != 0) {                dialog.setView(mViewLayoutResId);            }            /*            dialog.setCancelable(mCancelable);            dialog.setOnCancelListener(mOnCancelListener);            if (mOnKeyListener != null) {                dialog.setOnKeyListener(mOnKeyListener);            }            */        }    }}


new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("标题").setIcon(R.mipmap.ic_launcher).setMessage("测试").create().show(); 
public class Dialog implements DialogInterface.... {    public void create() {        if (!mCreated) {            dispatchOnCreate(null);        }    }    /**     * show()主要作用:     * (1)通过dispatchOnCreate函数来调用AlertDialog的onCreate函数;     * (2)然后调用AlertDialog的onStart函数     * (3)最后将Dialog的DecorView添加到WindowManaget中。     */    public void show() {        if (mShowing) {            if (mDecor != null) {                if (mWindow.hasFeature(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR)) {                    mWindow.invalidatePanelMenu(Window.FEATURE_ACTION_BAR);                }                mDecor.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);            }            return;        }        mCanceled = false;        // 1.onCreate调用        if (!mCreated) {            dispatchOnCreate(null);// dispatchOnCreate        }        // 2.onStart        onStart();        // 3.获取DecorView        mDecor = mWindow.getDecorView();           // 代码省略        // 4.获取布局参数        WindowManager.LayoutParams l = mWindow.getAttributes();        if ((l.softInputMode                & WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION) == 0) {            WindowManager.LayoutParams nl = new WindowManager.LayoutParams();            nl.copyFrom(l);            nl.softInputMode |=                    WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_IS_FORWARD_NAVIGATION;            l = nl;        }        try {            // 5.将mDecor添加到WindowManager中            mWindowManager.addView(mDecor, l);            mShowing = true;            // 发送一个显示Dialog的消息            sendShowMessage();        } finally {        }    }    // dispatchOnCreate()    void dispatchOnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {            if (!mCreated) {                onCreate(savedInstanceState);// 接着看AlertDialog的onCreate函数                mCreated = true;            }        }    }


public class AlertDialog extends AppCompatDialog implements DialogInterface {    private final AlertController mAlert;    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);// Dialog的onCreate空实现        mAlert.installContent();// 调用了AlertController的installContent()方法    }}


class AlertController {    private int mAlertDialogLayout;    // 构造函数    public AlertController(Context context, AppCompatDialog di, Window window) {        mContext = context;        mDialog = di;        mWindow = window;        mHandler = new ButtonHandler(di);        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(null, R.styleable.AlertDialog,R.attr.alertDialogStyle, 0);        // AlertDialog的布局id,也就是AlertDialog_android_layout.xml的布局        mAlertDialogLayout = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.AlertDialog_android_layout, 0);        mButtonPanelSideLayout = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.AlertDialog_buttonPanelSideLayout, 0);        mListLayout = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.AlertDialog_listLayout, 0);        mMultiChoiceItemLayout = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.AlertDialog_multiChoiceItemLayout, 0);        mSingleChoiceItemLayout = a               .getResourceId(R.styleable.AlertDialog_singleChoiceItemLayout, 0);        mListItemLayout = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.AlertDialog_listItemLayout, 0);        a.recycle();        /* We use a custom title so never request a window title */        di.supportRequestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);    }    /**     * installContent(),极为重要,它调用了Window对象的setContentView,这个setContentView与Activity中一样,实际上Activity最终也是调用Window对象的setContentView函数。     */    public void installContent() {        // 设置窗口        final int contentView = selectContentView();        // 设置窗口的内容视图布局        mDialog.setContentView(contentView);        // 初始化AlertDialog其他子视图的内容        setupView();// setupView    }  private int selectContentView() {        if (mButtonPanelSideLayout == 0) {            return mAlertDialogLayout;        }        if (mButtonPanelLayoutHint == AlertDialog.LAYOUT_HINT_SIDE) {            return mButtonPanelSideLayout;        }        return mAlertDialogLayout;// AlertDialog的布局id    }    /**     * setupView()     */     private void setupView() {        // 获取并初始化内容区域        final View parentPanel = mWindow.findViewById(R.id.parentPanel);        final View defaultTopPanel = parentPanel.findViewById(R.id.topPanel);        final View defaultContentPanel = parentPanel.findViewById(R.id.contentPanel);        final View defaultButtonPanel = parentPanel.findViewById(R.id.buttonPanel);        final ViewGroup customPanel = (ViewGroup) parentPanel.findViewById(R.id.customPanel);        setupCustomContent(customPanel);        // 自定义内容视图区域        final View customTopPanel = customPanel.findViewById(R.id.topPanel);        final View customContentPanel = customPanel.findViewById(R.id.contentPanel);        final View customButtonPanel = customPanel.findViewById(R.id.buttonPanel);        final ViewGroup topPanel = resolvePanel(customTopPanel, defaultTopPanel);        final ViewGroup contentPanel = resolvePanel(customContentPanel, defaultContentPanel);        final ViewGroup buttonPanel = resolvePanel(customButtonPanel, defaultButtonPanel);        setupContent(contentPanel);        setupButtons(buttonPanel);        setupTitle(topPanel);        final boolean hasCustomPanel = customPanel != null                && customPanel.getVisibility() != View.GONE;        final boolean hasTopPanel = topPanel != null                && topPanel.getVisibility() != View.GONE;        final boolean hasButtonPanel = buttonPanel != null                && buttonPanel.getVisibility() != View.GONE;        // Only display the text spacer if we don't have buttons.        if (!hasButtonPanel) {            if (contentPanel != null) {                final View spacer = contentPanel.findViewById(R.id.textSpacerNoButtons);                if (spacer != null) {                    spacer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);                }            }        }        if (hasTopPanel) {            if (mScrollView != null) {                mScrollView.setClipToPadding(true);            }        }        // Update scroll indicators as needed.        if (!hasCustomPanel) {            final View content = mListView != null ? mListView : mScrollView;            if (content != null) {                final int indicators = (hasTopPanel ? ViewCompat.SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP : 0)                        | (hasButtonPanel ? ViewCompat.SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM : 0);                setScrollIndicators(contentPanel, content, indicators,                        ViewCompat.SCROLL_INDICATOR_TOP | ViewCompat.SCROLL_INDICATOR_BOTTOM);            }        }        final ListView listView = mListView;        if (listView != null && mAdapter != null) {            listView.setAdapter(mAdapter);            final int checkedItem = mCheckedItem;            if (checkedItem > -1) {                listView.setItemChecked(checkedItem, true);                listView.setSelection(checkedItem);            }        }    }}



7 总结


7.1 优点

(1)良好的封装性, 使用建造者模式可以使客户端不必知道产品内部组成的细节;

7.2 缺点


8 参考文章与链接






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