
来源:互联网 发布:中电41所 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 23:57

    • __init__ and __new__
    • Class Attribute
      • Access to Class Attributes
    • Binding and Method Invocation
    • Static Methods and Class Methods

__init__() and __new__()

When the class is invoked, the first step in the instantiation process is to create the instance object. Once the object is available, Python checks if an __init__() method has been implemented. By default, no special actions are enacted on the instance without the definition of (or overriding) of the special method __init__(). Any special action desired requires the programmer to implement __init__(), overriding its default behavior. If __init__() has not been implemented, the object is then returned and the instantiation process is complete.
However, if __init__() has been implemented, then that special method is invoked and the instance object passed in as the first argument (self), just like a standard method call. Any arguments passed to the class invocation call are passed on to __init__().
The __new__() special method bears a much closer resemblance to a real constructor than __init__(). The interpreter calls __new__(), a static method, with the class and passing in the arguments made in the class instantiation call. It is the responsibility of __new__() to call a superclass __new__() to create the object (delegating upward). __new__() has to return a valid instance so that the interpreter can then call __init__() with that instance as self. Calling a super class __new__() to create the object is just like using a new keyword to create an object in other languages.
Use __new__() when you need to control the creation of a new instance. Use __init__() when you need to control initialization of a new instance.
__new__() is the first step of instance creation. It’s called first, and is responsible for returning a new instance of your class. In contrast, __init__() doesn’t return anything; it’s only responsible for initializing the instance after it’s been created.
In general, you shouldn’t need to override __new__() unless you’re subclassing an immutable type like str, int, unicode or tuple.

Class Attribute

Instance have only data attributes (methods are strictly class attributes). Being able to create an instance attribute “on-the-fly” is one of the great features of Python classes.

Access to Class Attributes

Class attributes are simply data values associated with a class and not any particular instances. Class attributes can be accessed via a class or an instance.

>>> class C(object):...     version = 1.2... >>> c = C() # create a instance of class "C".>>> C.version # access to the class attribute via class.1.2>>> c.version # access to the class attribute via instance.1.2>>> C.version += 0.1 # change class attribute via class>>> C.version1.3>>> c.version # the "version" attribute of instance "c" is also changed.1.3


>>> class C(object):...     version = 1.2... >>> c = C()>>> c.version += 1 # change "version" attribute via instance "c".>>> c.version2.2>>> C.version # access class attribute "version" and find it is not changed.1.2>>> C.version += 0.1 # change class attribute "version".>>> C.version1.3>>> c.version # this time, the attribute "version" of instance "c" does not change with the class attribute.2.2


>>> c = C()>>> c.version1.2>>> C.version1.2>>> C.version += 0.1>>> C.version1.3>>> c.version # at this moment, the instance and the class still seem binding together.1.3>>> c.version += 1 # now, change the instance attribute.>>> c.version2.3>>> C.version # here, the class and the instance are unbound anymore.1.3>>> c_2 = C()>>> c_2.version1.3>>> C.version += 0.1>>> C.version1.4>>> c_2.version1.4


Binding and Method Invocation

Methods can be called only when there is an instance of the class upon which the method was invoked. When there is an instance present, the method is considered bound (to that instance). Without an instance, a method is considered unbound. The first argument in any method definition is the variable self, which represents the instance object invoking the method. The main use case for calling a method belonging to a class that you do not have an instance for is the case where you are deriving a child class and overriding a parent method where you need to call the parent’s constructor you are overriding.

Static Methods and Class Methods

@classmethod means: when this method is called, we pass the class as the first argument instead of the instance of that class (as we normally do with methods). This means you can use the class and its properties inside that method rather than a particular instance.
@staticmethod means: when this method is called, we don’t pass an instance of the class to it (as we normally do with methods). This means you can put a function inside a class but you can’t access the instance of that class (this is useful when your method does not use the instance).
For class methods, instead of the instance, the class is required as the first argument, and it is passed in to the method by the interpreter. The class does not need to be specially named like self, but most people use cls as the variable name.

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