
来源:互联网 发布:php是最好的编程语言 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:30



//在主串s中找子串t,若找到返回字串在主串中的索引;若没找到返回-1#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;int Index(string s, string t){    int lens = s.length();//计算串s、t的长度    int lent = t.length();    int i = 0;    int j = 0;    while (i < lens&&j < lent){//如果i、j都各自小于lens和lent        if (t[j] == s[i]){//如果子串的t[j]和主串的s[i]相等            ++i;//各自索引都自增            ++j;        }        else{//否则,主串的索引比刚开始后移一个;子串的索引变为0            i = i - j + 1;            j = 0;        }    }    if (j == lent){//如果最j和lent的大小一样,证明找到了,返回子串在主串中的索引        return i - lent;    }    else{//否则返回-1        return -1;    }}int main(){    string s = "goodgoogle";    string t = "google";    int pos = Index(s, t);    if (pos != -1){        cout << "find " << t << " at the index " << pos << " of " << s << endl;    }    else{        cout << "can't find " << t << " in " << s << endl;    }    return 0;}



//在主串s中找子串t,若找到返回字串在主串中的索引;若没找到返回-1#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;void get_next(string t, int *next);int Index_KMP(string s, string t);int main(){    string s = "ababadeababaaabadf";    string t = "ababaaaba";    int pos = Index_KMP(s, t);    if (pos != -1){        cout << "find " << t << " at the index " << pos << " of " << s << endl;    }    else{        cout << "can't find " << t << " in " << s << endl;    }    return 0;}int Index_KMP(string s, string t){    int lens = s.length();    int lent = t.length();    int *next = new int[lent];    get_next(t, next); //对子串t作分析,得到next数组    //cout << "next: ";    //输出next测试而已    //for (int i = 0; i < lent; ++i){    //  cout << next[i];    //}    //cout << endl;    int i = 0;    int j = 0;    while (i < lens&&j < lent){//两字母相等则继续,与朴素算法增加了j==0的判断        if (j == 0 || t[j] == s[i]){            ++i;            ++j;        }        else{            j = next[j-1];//j退回合适位置,i值不变        }    }    if (j == lent){//如果最j和lent的大小一样,证明找到了,返回子串在主串中的索引        return i - lent;    }    else{//否则返回-1        return -1;    }}void get_next(string t, int *next){    int lent = t.length();    int i = 0;    int j = 0;    next[0] = 0;    while (i < lent){//i小于t的长度        if (j == 0 || t[i] == t[j - 1]){//t[i]表示后缀的单个字符            ++i;                      //t[j]表示前缀的单个字符            ++j;            next[i] = j;        }        else{            j = next[j - 1];   //若字符不相同,则j值回溯        }    }}
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